

单词 matting


Brit. /ˈmatɪŋ/, U.S. /ˈmædɪŋ/
Forms: 1500s– matting, 1600s matten.
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: mat v.1, -ing suffix1; mat n.1, -ing suffix1.
Etymology: Partly < mat v.1 + -ing suffix1, and partly < mat n.1 + -ing suffix1.
A. n.1
a. The action of covering a floor, etc., with mats. Now rare.
1549 in Acts Privy Council (1890) II. 269 To James Rufford for matting of the chambers of Westminster.
1613 H. Wotton Let. 2 July in L. P. Smith Life & Lett. Sir H. Wotton (1907) II. 32 A new play..set forth with many extraordinary circumstances of pomp and majesty, even to the matting of the stage.
b. concrete. A fabric composed of a coarse material (e.g. coir, bast, hemp, or grass), used as a covering for floors, roofs, etc.; a covering of this sort, a mat. Also Nautical: = mat n.1 3.brocade, Canton, coconut, rush, sword-, tatami matting, etc.: see the first element.
society > occupation and work > materials > derived or manufactured material > plant fibre materials > [noun] > matting
the world > textiles and clothing > textiles > textile fabric or an article of textile fabric > textile fabric > textile fabric made from specific material > made from other vegetable fibres > [noun] > matting
society > inhabiting and dwelling > inhabited place > a building > furniture and fittings > floor-covering > [noun] > mat > covering with mat
1618 in J. Imrie & J. G. Dunbar Accts. Masters of Wks. (1982) II. 111 To James Baillie for thrie packis of matting for payment of thrie packis that wer borrowit for Halyruidhous.
1673 J. Ray Observ. Journey Low-countries 22 By the way we observed the Sea-banks to be faced with a kind of matting of Rushes or Flags.
1682 in F. B. Bickley Catal. MSS & Munim. Dulwich (1903) 2nd Ser. 35 Repairinge the old matten in the seates of the Chaple 6d.
1748 B. Robins & R. Walter Voy. round World by Anson iii. v. 341 The sail..is of matting, and the mast..of bamboo.
1812 J. Smyth Pract. of Customs ii. 134 20 Rolls Dutch Matting... Matting is used by the Cabinet-makers for packing of goods.
1843 Mrs. Houstoun Texas & Gulf of Mexico (1844) I. 27 The floors..are spread with a fine matting.
1856 ‘E. S. Delamer’ Flower Garden 31 The cold frame (covered with matting).
1866 ‘G. Eliot’ Felix Holt I. i. 19 The broad stone staircase, with its matting worn into large holes.
1901 P. N. Hasluck Bamboo Work iii. 48 The top [of the table] is of wood covered with Japanese matting.
1969 C. E. C. Tattershall Notes on Carpet-Knotting & Weaving (ed. 2) 7 Perhaps the simpler plan is to regard carpets as floor-coverings woven in the usual textile materials (thus excluding mattings, linoleums, and the like).
1985 J. Morris Last Lett. from Hav iv. 33 The windows are covered with loose matting to keep the sun out.
c. The process or occupation of making mats or material for mats.
the world > textiles and clothing > textiles > textile manufacture > manufacture textile fabric or that which consists of > manufacture of textile fabric > [noun] > manufacture of fabric from specific materials > manufacture of articles made from twigs, etc. > mat-making
1720 London Gaz. No. 5891/4 Tho. Smith..of that Branch called a matted Chair-maker, is in want of Journeymen..for Matting.
1851 Art Jrnl. Sept. 231 Matting and basketry in all their branches.
1871 E. B. Tylor Primitive Culture I. 7 Among the textile arts are to be ranged matting, netting [etc.].
1993 J. Harris 5000 Years Textiles iii. 66 Netting, basketry and matting were much in evidence too.
d. Materials for mats. rare.Apparently only attested in dictionaries or glossaries.
1841 N. Webster Amer. Dict. Eng. Lang. II. 109/1 Matting..Materials for mats.
a. The action or fact of becoming matted or tangled. Also with down, together.
the world > life > the body > hair > types of hair > [noun] > tangled > tangling
the world > textiles and clothing > textiles > wool > [noun] > quality of being woolly > matting or felting
the world > matter > constitution of matter > density or solidity > close texture > [noun] > matted substance > matted condition
1610 W. Folkingham Feudigraphia ii. i. 48 The soile is so apte to fast-matting and swoording.
1682 H. More Contin. Remark. Stories 41 This Magical matting of the Daughter's hair into a Witch-lock.
1707 J. Mortimer Whole Art Husbandry 570 It [sc. the Malt] sinks gradually, distributing its strength to your Liquor equally without matting.
1865 P. H. Gosse Land & Sea 19 The matting of the vegetation, impeding the flow of the water.
1897 T. C. Allbutt et al. Syst. Med. III. 809 Obstruction [of the bowel] by the matting together of several coils of intestine.
1899 T. C. Allbutt et al. Syst. Med. VII. 480 The..matting down of the velum interpositum.
1968 Jrnl. Pediatrics 73 633/1 The peritoneal cavity was partially obliterated by fibrous adhesions which caused considerable kinking and matting of the intestinal loops.
b. concrete. A mass of matted hair, vegetation, etc.; a tangle.
the world > relative properties > order > disorder > confusion or disorder > entanglement or entangled state > [noun] > that which is entangled > tangled mass
?1615 G. Chapman tr. Homer Odysses (new ed.) xiii. 207 I first will render thee vnknowne to men... Thy bright-brown curles imply In hoary mattings.
1857 J. Hector Jrnl. 31 Oct. in Parl. Papers 1863 XXXIX. 441 A gravelly soil supporting a poor growth of grass, but in some parts covered with a dense matting of the smoking weed.
1881 S. Evans Evans's Leicestershire Words (new ed.) 129 Cot,..any confused heap, tangle, or matting of hair, string, cotton, etc.
1942 National Geographic Mag. June 739/2 Through all the matting of vegetation trickles the murmuring water of many rills.
1990 C. Coulter Fire Song (BNC) 86 His manhood lay soft and flaccid in the thick matting of hair.
B. adj. (attributive).
Covered with or made of matting (sense A. 1b).
society > occupation and work > materials > derived or manufactured material > plant fibre materials > [adjective] > composed of or covered with matting
1824 J. C. Loudon Green-house Compan. i. 172 Common matting ties.
1833 J. Bennett Artificer's Compl. Lex. 190 Matting hassocks,..oval or round.
1888 Literary World (Boston) 4 Aug. 246/3 Matting roofs.
1895 ‘C. Holland’ My Japanese Wife 24 The matting floor.
1900 P. F. Warner Cricket in Many Climes 219 An ideal ground as far as a matting wicket ever can be so.
1983 B. Emecheta Rape of Shavi (1985) x. 81 Near the stool was a matting partition.
1996 Pract. Gardening June 48/3 For crocked clay pots, cut small matting ‘wicks’ and insert them in the drainage holes to act as a bridge between compost and matting.


matting line n.
1862 Internat. Exhib.: Illustr. Catal. Industr. Dept. II. xix. §3749 Matting lines, twines, coir yarn and fibre.
matting needle n.
1688 R. Holme Acad. Armory iii. 273/2 Their [sc. Upholsterers'] Pack or Matting Needle.
matting-boat n. = mattress boat n. at mattress n.1 Compounds 2.
1890 Cent. Dict. at Mat-boat A frame of ways resting on scows, on which mat for revetment is made, and from which it is launched into position to prevent scour on a river-bank or elsewhere... Also called matting-boat.
matting loom n. a loom on which matting is made (see also quot. 1875).
1853 in Brit. Patent 1234 (1854) 1 My Invention consists in making mats in a matting loom.
1875 E. H. Knight Amer. Mech. Dict. II. 1411/2 Matting-loom (Weaving), one in which slats are introduced into the shed to form the woof.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2001; most recently modified version published online June 2022).


Brit. /ˈmatɪŋ/, U.S. /ˈmædɪŋ/
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: matt v., -ing suffix1.
Etymology: < matt v. + -ing suffix1.
The action of matt v. 1; the production of a matt surface; the matt surface thus produced.
society > occupation and work > industry > working with specific materials > working with metal > [noun] > other metalworking processes
Bayer process1910
panel beating1953
the world > matter > colour > quality of colour > [noun] > mat surface > making mat
the world > matter > light > darkness or absence of light > dimness or absence of brightness > [noun] > absence, loss, or deprivation of lustre > giving dull or matt appearance
society > leisure > the arts > visual arts > ornamental art and craft > gilding and silvering > [noun] > gilding > methods of
water gilding1703
leaf gilding1746
fire gilding1831
mercury gilding1870
pink gilding1873
honey gilding1954
society > leisure > the arts > visual arts > ornamental art and craft > ornamental glass-work > [noun] > glass-colouring > glass-painting > methods of glass-painting
mirror painting1886
1688 R. Holme Acad. Armory iii. 259/2 Matting or Hatching, is to make a Beast or Lion Hairy, a Bird Feathers, Fish Scales, and Flowers and Leaves, Veins and Threads.
1758 R. Dossie Handmaid to Arts I. 381 The deeper and obscure parts of the carving..are coloured after the gilding; which treatment is called matting.
1854 F. Reinnel Carpenters' Compan. 74 Matting or Dead Gold.
1885 F. Miller Glass-painting 53 If this matting [i.e. antiquing glass with umber or ancient brown] is done to deceive, it is certainly false.
1887 L. L. Haslope Repoussé Work 52 The simplest form of matting is made by dots.
1898 T. B. Wigley Art Goldsm. & Jeweller 146 The term..‘surface chasing’ is generally applied to the feathering of birds,..the matting of foliage, &c.
1974 Gloss. Terms Plastics Industry (B.S.I.) ii. 10 Matting, the process of rendering a polished surface uniformly dull.


General attributive, as matting pattern, matting tool, etc.
1877 G. E. Gee Pract. Gold-worker 133 An effective matting-punch was at once produced. This matting-tool appears to have been greatly used by the mediæval gold~workers.
1898 T. B. Wigley Art Goldsm. & Jeweller 120 Passing the wire through flattening rolls with matting pattern.
1964 H. Hodges Artifacts iv. 78 Tracers could also be used for this purpose; or the punches might have a flat, granulated end, matting tools.
1991 Antiquaries Jrnl. 70 110 Keying was provided by a matting tool and successive layers of silver lead were heated and burnished on.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2001; most recently modified version published online March 2022).


Brit. /ˈmatɪŋ/, U.S. /ˈmædɪŋ/
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: mat n.3, -ing suffix1.
Etymology: < mat n.3 (compare sense 1 at that entry) + -ing suffix1.
An ornamental border or mat surrounding a picture; the action of providing a print, etc., with a mat as a border or backing.
society > leisure > the arts > visual arts > painting and drawing > equipment for painting or drawing > [noun] > mat > furnishing with mat
society > leisure > the arts > visual arts > painting and drawing > equipment for painting or drawing > [noun] > mat > border > in photography
1864 Webster's Amer. Dict. Eng. Lang. Matting, an ornamental border of thin rolled brass, placed between the plate and glass of a daguerreotype picture, to prevent abrasion.
1875 E. H. Knight Amer. Mech. Dict. II. 1411/2 Matting, the passepartout over a picture. A mat.
1889 Internat. Ann. Anthonys Photogr. Bull. 141 The matting and framing of a [photographic] print.
1967 Boston Sunday Globe 23 Apr. b58/7 Oil paintings, on the other hand, do not take glass or matting.
1968 P. Nuttall Picture Framing ii. 24 Different papers can be used to surface the mounting (matting) boards before the window is cut.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2001; most recently modified version published online March 2022).


Brit. /ˈmatɪŋ/, U.S. /ˈmædɪŋ/
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: matte v., -ing suffix1.
Etymology: < matte v. + -ing suffix1.
Film and Television.
The action of matting an image out or in.
society > leisure > the arts > visual arts > painting and drawing > equipment for painting or drawing > [noun] > mat > border > in painting
1954 Jrnl. Soc. Motion Picture & Television Engineers Dec. 217/1 A duplicate negative..may contain a dissolve having the combined images of two pieces of film, multiple matting and superimposures.
1987 I. Konigsberg Compl. Film Dict. (1988) 206/1 Techniques of matting..that allow aerial-image photography to perform much the same function as a bipack camera or optical printer.
1990 Opera Now May 37/2 This realization has been achieved, for the most part, through complex matting techniques; more usually associated with the high-budget advertising and pop promo market.
This is a new entry (OED Third Edition, March 2001; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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