

单词 mallory's triple stain

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Mallory's triple stain
b. Used with reference to a staining technique using acid fuchsin, aniline blue, orange G, and phosphotungstic (originally phosphomolybdic) acid to produce differential staining of collagen and ground substance (blue), nuclei, fibrin and neuroglia (red), elastin (yellow or pink), etc.; now esp. in Mallory's trichrome stain, Mallory's triple stain.
1905 I. W. Hall & G. Herxheimer Methods in Morbid Histol. xi. 83 Mallory's Aniline Blue Method.
1910 E. A. S. Schaefer Essent. Histol. (ed. 8) App. 557 (heading) Mallory's stain for connective tissue.
1928 J. B. Gatenby & E. V. Cowdry Lee's Microtomist's Vade-mecum (ed. 9) 435 Mallory's triple stain is useful for differentiating tissues containing parasites.
1939 T. L. Green Pract. Animal Biol. iii. 242 The section should be stained with Mallory's Triple Stain.
1968 B. H. McConnaughey in M. Florkin & B. T. Scheer Chem. Zool. II. iii. viii. 567 During early development of the infusoriform the material of which these refractile bodies are composed stains blue with Mallory triple stain for connective tissue.
1985 C. R. Leeson et al. Textbk. Histol. (ed. 5) 11/2 Trichrome methods, such as Mallory's connective tissue stain and the Mallory-Azan method, possess the advantage that they differentiate between cytoplasmic structures and intercellular materials.
1991 Circulation 83 237 The area at risk was defined in vivo with Monastral blue, and infarct size was measured histologically with Mallory's trichrome stain.
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