

单词 map projection

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map projection
map projection n. a geometrical or cartographic method of representing on a flat surface all or part of the earth's surface.
1890 Cent. Dict. at Projection A map-projection in which the space between two meridians and two parallels is represented by a trapezoid.
1905 C. F. Close Text Bk. Topogr. & Geogr. Surv. xi. 92 The term projection, though sanctioned by long usage, is an unfortunate one. The great majority of useful map projections are not obtained in any geometrical way. A map projection is to be treated as the representation on a plane, by any law, of the terrestrial meridians and parallels.
1995 Wired Jan. 40/2 For this atlas, Feigenbaum created a new map projection.
extracted from mapn.1
map projection
a. The drawing, esp. on mathematical principles, of a map or plan of a surface, or of a two-dimensional diagram of a three-dimensional object; esp. (more fully map projection) the representation on a plane surface of (part of) a spherical surface, esp. that of the earth or the celestial sphere; any of the geometrical or cartographic methods by which this may be done. Also: a drawing, plan, or map so made.Such representations were originally made geometrically, the sense being thus identical with sense 2b (but with a physical representation denoted or implied, of a physical rather than a geometrical object). In later use the name has been extended to representations made by computers using complex geometrical or topological algorithms.conical, cylindrical, gnomonic, Mercator's, Mollweide, orthogonal, perspective projection, etc.: see the first element.
society > communication > representation > a plastic or graphic representation > graphic representation > drawing plans or diagrams > [noun]
the world > the earth > earth sciences > geography > map-making > map > [noun] > projection
1551 R. Record (title) The pathway to knowledg containing the first principles of geometrie, as they may moste aptly be applied vnto practise, bothe for vse of instrumentes geometricall, and astronomicall and also for proiection of plattes in euerye kinde.
1570 J. Dee in H. Billingsley tr. Euclid Elements Geom. Math. Præf. sig. aiiijv Of making due proiection of a Sphere in plaine.
1625 N. Carpenter Geogr. Delineated i. vii. 182 (Polar projection) This kinde of proiection, though more vnusuall,..wants not his speciall vse in describing the parts of the earth neare the Pole.
1669 S. Sturmy Mariners Mag. ii. viii. 73 Charts, according to Mercator's or Wright's Projection.
1706 Phillips's New World of Words (new ed.) (at cited word) Astrolabes, Quadrants, Sun-dials, Maps, &c., are Projections of the Sphere; which are of three sorts, viz. Gnomonick, Orthographick and Stereographick.
1796 J. Morse Amer. Universal Geogr. (new ed.) I. 56 General maps..are projected upon the plane of some great circle..and from this circle the projection is said to be meridional, equatorial, or horizontal.
1814 J. Playfair Outl. Nat. Philos. II. i. iv. 67 In the construction of maps..by the projection of the spherical surface on a plane, such as it would be seen to the eye situated in a particular point; or by the developement, that is, the spreading out of a spherical on a plane surface.
1866 R. A. Proctor Handbk. Stars 12 The term projection has come to be applied in mapping to any mode of construction founded on some definite geometrical principle.
1869 J. Tyndall Notes 9 Lect. on Light 30 Take two drawings—projections, as they are called—of the frustum of a cone; the one as it is seen by the right eye, the other as it is seen by the left.
1912 A. R. Hinks Map Projections i. 6 There is a class of projections sometimes named azimuthal, from the fact that the azimuths, or true bearings, from the centre of the map, of all points, are shown correctly.
1981 P. Davies Edge of Infinity (1983) iv. 76 The map-maker therefore has to cut the projection somewhere, usually through the Arctic and Antarctic.
1995 Wired Jan. 40/2 A new map projection, now known as Hammond's Optimal Conformal, which the publishers claim is ‘the most distortion-free conformal map possible and the most accurate projections that have ever been made’.
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