

单词 male


Forms: Middle English maal, Middle English male, Middle English malo.
Origin: A borrowing from Latin. Etymons: Latin mālus, mālum.
Etymology: < classical Latin mālus apple tree or its etymon mālum apple tree, apple < ancient Greek (Doric) μᾶλον (Attic μῆλον), of uncertain origin.In quot. c1384, the sense is affected by confusion with classical Latin mālus mast.
An apple; an apple tree. Also attributive in male-apple, male-apple-tree. Cf. mele n.1
the world > plants > particular plants > cultivated or valued plants > particular food plant or plant product > particular types of fruit > [noun] > apple
maiden's blush1803
the world > plants > particular plants > cultivated or valued plants > particular food plant or plant product > particular fruit-tree or -plant > [noun] > apple tree
apple treeOE
paradise stock1706
c1384 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(2)) Joel i. 12 Poumgarnet and palme tree and maal tree, or fir, of whom mastis ben maad [L. malum].
a1400 Bk. to Mother (Egerton) in T. Wright & J. O. Halliwell Reliquiæ Antiquæ (1845) I. 40 As the male is plentiuouse of apples..so is my derlyng among sones.
tr. Palladius De re Rustica (Duke Humfrey) (1896) Tab. 255 (MED) Male, applis, to counfit in October.
tr. Palladius De re Rustica (Duke Humfrey) (1896) xi. 259–60 (MED) This mone also the male [L. mali] is sett to sprynge. This male is sette in londis hoot & drie.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2000; most recently modified version published online December 2021).


Brit. /meɪl/, U.S. /meɪl/
Forms: Middle English maal, Middle English madle, Middle English mal, Middle English maule, Middle English mawl, Middle English–1600s masle, Middle English– male, 1500s malle; Scottish pre-1700 maell, pre-1700 mail, pre-1700 maile, pre-1700 maill, pre-1700 maille, pre-1700 malȝe, pre-1700 malle, pre-1700 meale, pre-1700 meall, pre-1700 mele, pre-1700 1700s– male. See also mascle adj. and n.3
Origin: A borrowing from French. Etymon: French male.
Etymology: < Anglo-Norman and Middle French male, masle, mascle (12th cent. in Old French; French mâle ; compare further Anglo-Norman and Old French forms listed s.v. mallard n.) < classical Latin masculus < mās male (further etymology unknown) + -culus -culus suffix. Compare Occitan mascle (13th cent.), Spanish macho (1251 as adjective: see macho adj.), Portuguese macho (1258 as noun, 16th cent. as adjective), Italian maschio (late 13th cent. as adjective, early 14th cent. as noun), Catalan mascle (14th cent.). Compare mascle adj. and n.3 and masculine adj.All three branches of adjectival senses below are paralleled by earlier French and/or Latin uses. The senses ‘designating or belonging to a male person or male animal’ are found in Old French and classical Latin, as are the corresponding noun senses ‘male person’ and ‘male animal’. Sense A. 1d is taken directly < post-classical Latin (where it is a calque on Hellenistic Greek ἄρσην ), only appearing in French in the 16th cent.; classical Latin had already the use designating larger and coarser varieties of plants (again paralleled by Hellenistic Greek ἄρσην ) and of other natural products. Sense A. 3a originated in post-classical Latin again probably as a calque on Greek (compare arsenick n.); A. 3b translates Pliny's sabulum masculum (hence Middle French sablon masle , Italian sabbione maschio ). Sense A. 6 is first recorded in classical Latin (Vitruvius), and appears in French and Italian as well as English in the 17th cent. With early examples of sense A. 2a compare use in classical Latin and in Middle French, French (from 16th cent.) in sense ‘manly, virile’. The spelling masle had become rare by the early 17th cent. John Selden's use of it is influenced by Law French; that of Sir Thomas Browne (who uses it occasionally alongside more frequent male) is probably carried over from French botanical works (perhaps specifically a French commentary on Mattioli).
A. adj.
I. That belongs to the sex which can produce offspring only by fertilization of the opposite sex (contrasted with female); characteristic of or relating to this sex.
a. Designating the sex or (formerly) kind which can beget, but not bear, offspring.
the world > life > sex and gender > male > [adjective]
a1382 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Bodl. 959) (1959) Gen. vi. 19 Two þou schalt brynge in to þe ark, þat male sex & female.
a1382 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Bodl. 959) (1959) Exod. xiii. 15 I offer to þe lord all þat opniþ wombe of male kynde.
?a1425 (c1380) G. Chaucer tr. Boethius De Consol. Philos. iv. pr. vi. 167 Thilke same ordre neweth ayein alle thinges growynge and fallynge adoun, by semblable progressions of sedes and of sexes, that is to seyn, male and female.
1530 J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 318/1 Male of the male kynde, masle.
1598 E. Guilpin Skialetheia iv. sig. D3 A male-kind sparrow once mistooke his nest, And fled for harbour to faire Liuias breast.
1611 R. Cotgrave Dict. French & Eng. Tongues Masculeyté, Manhood, or the male kind.
1681 R. Knox Hist. Relation Ceylon 41 The Malekind may come and see him, but no Women are admitted.
a1682 Sir T. Browne Certain Misc. Tracts (1683) v. 119 A smaller bird Tercellene or Tassel of the Masle Sex.
1728 E. Chambers Cycl. Penis, one of the principal Organs of Generation in the Male Kind.
1785 T. Jefferson Notes Virginia vi. 132 Whatever be the cause of the disease in the skin.., it seems more incident to the female than male sex.
1859 C. Darwin Origin of Species iv. 88 But in many cases, victory will depend not on general vigour, but on having special weapons, confined to the male sex.
1891 W. Morris News from Nowhere xxvi. 193 Dick..asked them how it was that there was nobody of the male kind to go with them across the water.
1926 C. Gray in C. Gray & P. Heseltine Carlo Gesualdo i. 46 This musical education and culture was by no means confined to the male sex.
1992 Times 12 Sept. 12/6 Newborn male rats deprived of the male sex hormone testosterone navigate like females.
b. Of human beings, as persons (cf. sense A. 1c). (In early use often as postmodifier, with plural males.)
the world > people > person > man > [adjective]
a1382 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(1)) (1850) Isa. lxvi. 7 Sche bar a male child.
c1400 (c1378) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Laud 581) (1869) B. xvi. 236 And alle þat male were Bledden blode for þat lordes loue.
a1425 (a1382) Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Corpus Oxf.) Gen. i. 27 God made of nouȝt man to the ymage and his lickenes..maal and femaal he made hem of nouȝt.
c1450 J. Capgrave Life St. Augustine (1910) 26 (MED) O child was bor be-twix hem too..a mal child, a child ful of witte and of vertu.
c1500 Melusine (1895) 18 He begate on her many children males.
1563 N. Winȝet Certain Tractates (1888) I. 82 The maill barne nocht circumcidit the auchtin day.
a1616 W. Shakespeare King John (1623) iii. iv. 79 Caine, the first male -childe. View more context for this quotation
1623 W. Shakespeare & J. Fletcher Henry VIII ii. iv. 186 My Ladies wombe..conceiu'd a male-child by me. View more context for this quotation
1647 C. Cotterell & W. Aylesbury tr. E. C. Davila Hist. Civill Warres France i. 13 In the male line of their Predecessors.
1716–20 Lett. from Mist's Jrnl. (1722) I. 231 There runs through the Male Line an odd Ungentleness of Temper.
1752 D. Hume Polit. Disc. x. 166 All masters discourage the marrying of their male servants.
1832 F. Marryat Newton Forster II. vii. 83 Entailment of property..upon the male heir.
1847 Ld. Tennyson Princess Prol. 8 I would make it death For any male thing but to peep at us.
1893 Burke's Peerage 1481 He was advanced to a viscounty 1885, with remainder, in default of his male issue, to his daughter with remainder to her male issue.
1918 F. S. Philbrick tr. R. Huebner Hist. Germanic Private Law I. iii. 114 Sibs that based their kinship solely upon descent from a common male ancestor.
1940 Ann. Reg. 1939 397 The National Service (Armed Forces) Act, which rendered liable for service in the forces all male persons between eighteen and forty-one.
1978 F. Weldon Praxis xii. 91 Men visitors were only allowed in the hostel if they described themselves as close male relatives.
1992 Cultural Survival Q. Fall 25/2 Patrilineal groups..place great emphasis on male children.
c. Of animals, including the human animal (cf. sense A. 1b).
the world > animals > family unit > [adjective] > male
a1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomaeus Anglicus De Proprietatibus Rerum (BL Add.) f. 160v Þe femel fysshe is more longe þan þe male fysshe.
c1425 Edward, Duke of York Master of Game (Vesp. B.xii) (1904) 103 (MED) Þe hare is oþer while male and oþerwhile female.
Promptorium Parvulorum (Harl. 221) 323/1 Male, best or fowle, no femel, masculus.
1530 J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 242/1 Male gote, bovc.
1568 (a1500) Colkelbie Sow iii. 97 in W. T. Ritchie Bannatyne MS (1930) IV. 307 Twentyfour chikkynis of thame scho hes Twelf maill And twell famell be croniculis cleir.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Coriolanus (1623) v. iv. 29 There is no more mercy in him, then there is milke in a male -Tyger. View more context for this quotation
1694 Acct. Several Late Voy. (1711) ii. 12 On the 9th we got another male whale, being the eighth.
1797 Encycl. Brit. VII. 258/1 This operation [sc. castration] may be performed both on male and female fish.
1855 W. S. Dallas Syst. Nat. Hist. I. 348 In the autumn, male and female insects are found, furnished with perfect generative organs.
1902 Oxf. Times 22 Feb. 2/1 For sale..3 hens and 1 male bird.
1938 Times 28 May 7/7 The name liger is given to the offspring of a male lion and tigress.
1967 Arch. Neurol. (Chicago) 17 10/2 Adult male Sherman rats were used.
1989 B. Alberts et al. Molecular Biol. Cell (ed. 2) xv. 845 A diploid nucleus contains two closely similar versions of each chromosome, one from the male and one from the female parent.
d. Of plants: designating individuals of dioecious species whose flowers bear stamens but lack functional pistils. Later also: designating such a flower.
the world > plants > part of plant > reproductive part(s) > flower or part containing reproductive organs > [adjective] > having or relating to parts > of or having stamens or pistils > of or having stamens or male
the world > plants > part of plant > reproductive part(s) > flower or part containing reproductive organs > flower or flowering plant > [adjective] > characterized by parts or form > characterized by sex of flowers
a1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomaeus Anglicus De Proprietatibus Rerum (BL Add. 27944) (1975) II. xvii. ii. 892 If..þe rynde of a male palme is ydo to þe leues of þe femele..þe fruyt..schal be þe raþer ripe.
?c1450 Stockh. Medical MS ii. 715 in Anglia (1896) 18 324 In a vessell..Putte hem, & þou schalt sene Wyche is femel & wyche is male.
1600 J. Pory tr. J. Leo Africanus Geogr. Hist. Afr. vi. 268 Of date-trees some are male and some are female.
1731 P. Miller Gardeners Dict. I. at Alnus The male flowers (or Katkins) are produc'd at remote distances from the Fruit.
1789 G. White Nat. Hist. Selborne 324 This is a male tree, which in the spring sheds clouds of dust, and fills the atmosphere around with it's farina.
1796 W. Withering Arrangem. Brit. Plants (ed. 3) I. 188 In the Ribes alpinum, the male and female flowers are sometimes found on different plants.
1871 C. Kingsley At Last I. i. 36 In the midst of the yard grew, side by side,..a male and female Papaw.
1875 A. W. Bennett & W. T. T. Dyer tr. J. von Sachs Text-bk. Bot. 448 The resemblance of the male flowers to the inflorescence of Equisetum is as striking [etc.].
1933 A. W. Boyd Country Diary Cheshire Man (1946) i. 19 The golden male catkins of the sallow..were visited by many hive-bees and humble-bees.
1976 S. M. Gault Dict. Shrubs in Colour 196/2 ‘Sekka’, a male clone of Japanese origin, becoming a large shrub if left unpruned.
1980 J. A. Samson Trop. Fruits iii. 30 A plant bearing male and female flowers is monoecious.
e. Of the reproductive organs of an animal or plant: characteristic of the males of a species; producing gametes (such as spermatozoa) that can fertilize female gametes (ova). Also: designating such gametes, which are usually smaller and more motile than the corresponding female gametes.
1607 E. Topsell Hist. Foure-footed Beastes 324 They tooke from them [sc. horses] their male-parts.
1760 J. Lee Introd. Bot. i. iv. 10 The Stamina are the Male Part of the Flower.
1836–9 Todd's Cycl. Anat. & Physiol. II. 140/1 The male-duct..terminates at the anterior extremity of the body.
1861 J. R. Greene Man. Animal Kingdom II. 45 When male and female gonophores differ externally in form, the special terms ‘androphore’ and ‘gynophore’ are employed to distinguish them.
1881 St. G. Mivart Cat 318 The male pro~nucleus is a spermatozoon, which is a part of the nucleus of the original sperm cell.
1924 E. W. Macbride Introd. Study of Heredity ii. 46 In the case of the male cell each secondary spermatocyte divides into two precisely equal cells called spermatids.
1932 C. D. Darlington Rec. Adv. in Cytol. iii. 63 The reunion, after separation, of nuclei in the male germinal cells at the last divisions before meiosis.
1959 A. S. Foster & E. M. Gifford Compar. Morphol. Vascular Plants xix. 515 The participation of each of the two male gametes in a fusion process is uniquely characteristic of angiosperms.
1987 M. S. Laverack & J. Dando Lect. Notes Invertebr. Zool. (ed. 3) xxiii. 133 (table) Paired ducts unite to give a median uterus or median male organ with a single ventral opening.
1992 Sci. Amer. Sept. 120/2 Testosterone causes masculinization by promoting the male, or Wolffian, set of ducts.
a. Of or relating to a man or men, or to male animals; peculiar to or characteristic of men or male animals.
the world > life > sex and gender > male > [adjective] > relating to
1598 J. Marston Scourge of Villanie i. iii. sig. C6v O now yee male stewes, I can giue pretence For your luxurious incontinence.
1616 B. Jonson Epicœne ii. iii, in Wks. I. 545 Nor, i'st a tale, That female vice should be a vertue male . View more context for this quotation
a1631 J. Donne Poems (1633) 2 By thy male force, is all wee have, begot.
1684 T. Burnet Theory of Earth ii. 198 The ancients..have suppos'd that there was something of an æthereal element in the male-geniture.
1766 J. Fordyce Serm. Young Women I. ii. 53 The male heart is a study.
1785 W. Cowper Task vi. 233 Profaned,..under various names, Female and male.
a1807 W. Wordsworth Prelude (1959) iii. 72 Trinity's loquacious Clock..told the hours Twice over with a male and female voice.
1871 C. Darwin Descent of Man (1888) 393 The common drake..after the breeding season is well known to lose his male plumage for a period of three months.
1900 Daily News 18 Sept. 4/6 A case filled with moths whose right wings belong to the male coloration.
1903 Westm. Gaz. 3 Feb. 9/1 It is intended to form a male voice choir.
1931 V. Woolf Waves 184 The heavy male tread of responsible feet down the corridors.
1988 Bella 4 Apr. 7/1 Because work has traditionally been a male domain, some men feel their territory is being intruded upon.
1993 Tatler July 106/1 Arousal and orgasm is orchestrated..by small amounts of the male hormone, testosterone, which a woman produces.
b. Appropriate or adapted to the use of a man.
1677 S. Fell Househ. Acct. Bk. 24 Mar. (1920) 371 By mo pd for a male pillion for Bro: Lower..000 00 04.
1788 J. Ware in Mem. Med. Soc. II. 336 Strictures on the Use of the Male Catheter.
1828 A. Halliday Pres. State Lunatics 98 1 Matron for Male Hospital.
1898 T. C. Allbutt et al. Syst. Med. V. 986 A large soft rubber male catheter.
1934 W. Lewis Let. 15 Dec. 230 Would you expect Milton to be correctly quoted in an advertisement for Massage or Male-corsets.
1988 Daily Tel. 18 May 15/2 Old Spice and Insignia—called ‘male fragrance’ nowadays, not aftershave.
c. Composed or consisting of men.
1682 N. Crouch Admirable Curiosities (1684) 67 It was after altered into a Male-Nunnery.
1711 J. Swift Jrnl. to Stella 26 Feb. (1948) I. 202 They keep as good female company as I do male.
1792 M. Wollstonecraft Vindic. Rights Woman iv. 114 Every thing conspires to render the cultivation of the understanding more difficult in the female than the male world.
1871 ‘G. Eliot’ Middlemarch (1872) I. x. 151 The dinner-party was large and rather more miscellaneous as to the male portion than any which had been held at the Grange since Mr Brooke's nieces had resided with him.
1913 W. Cather O Pioneers! iv. iii. 238 He belonged to some kind of a musical society, a male chorus, in Stockholm.
1989 Bella 29 Apr. 28/3 I clam up when in male company, feel very uneasy and I'm actually aware of myself shaking.
II. Of minerals, plants, and other material or immaterial things: having a colour, shape, strength, or other property associated with maleness, esp. as being superior to a corresponding property deemed female. Now rare except in certain compounds (see below).
a. Designating precious stones on account of depth or brilliance of colour; also designating other stones, with reference to hardness or other valued qualities. Obsolete.
society > occupation and work > materials > raw material > gem or precious stone > [adjective] > quality
of the old (also new) rock1598
a1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomaeus Anglicus De Proprietatibus Rerum (BL Add.) f. 199v Echites is a stoon of ynde..And it is double..male and female.
?a1425 (c1400) Mandeville's Trav. (Titus C.xvi) (1919) 105 (MED) Dyamandes in ynde..growen togedre male & femele.
1681 N. Grew Musæum Regalis Societatis 290 The Sardius or Cornelian,..The best, by some called The Male.
1681 N. Grew Musæum Regalis Societatis 297 The Florid Male Eagle-Stone.
1726 G. Leoni tr. L. B. Alberti Architecture I. 58/2 The Stones found in Rivers, which are call'd Male ones,..grow dry immediately when..taken out of the water.
1728 J. Woodward Fossils All Kinds 23 The Common-Carnelion..has its Name from its Flesh-Colour..which is, in some of these Stones, paler, when call'd the female Carnelion; in others deeper, call'd the Male.
1855 R. Browning Saul viii Lordly male-sapphires.
1890 O. Wilde Critic as Artist in Wks. 274 Said with the lordly male-sapphires gleaming in his turban.
b. Designating a hard and compact kind of sand or gravel. Obsolete.
the world > the earth > structure of the earth > constituent materials > stone > stony material > [adjective] > sand > type of
1601 P. Holland tr. Pliny Hist. World II. xxxi. iii. 409 The hard and compact gravell called the Male gravell.
1610 W. Folkingham Feudigraphia iv. Concl. 87 A faire Pond..springing from the West forth of a male grauell.
1726 G. Leoni tr. L. B. Alberti Architecture II. 105/2 The male-sand [It. sabbione maschio] and the hard grit are sure to afford the best of water.
1808 C. Vancouver Gen. View Agric. Devon i. 65 The male or bastard tin stone is found..on Dartmoor.
4. Designating something to which maleness is ascribed on the basis of some feature, esp. one which is deemed to contrast with a female counterpart. In later use only, of a rhyme: = masculine rhyme at masculine adj. 2. Obsolete.
a1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomaeus Anglicus De Proprietatibus Rerum (BL Add.) f. 111v Venus is female, a nyzt planete, mene bitwene hoot & coold & moisture, & mercurius is of temperat kynde, a day planete, now male, now female.
a1586 Sir P. Sidney Apol. Poetrie (1595) sig. L2v The French..hath both the Male [rhyme], as Bon, Son, and the Female, as Plaise, Taise.
1598 W. Phillip tr. J. H. van Linschoten Disc. Voy. E. & W. Indies i. lxxii. 119/2 (note of Paludanus) Frankinsence is of two sorts, one white, that is round and like vnto drops, which is the best, and called the masle: the other blacke.
1647 J. Howell New Vol. of Lett. 142 As in France so in all other wine countries the white is called the female, and the claret or red wine is called the male, because commonly it hath more sulphur, body and heat in't.
1652 W. Blith Eng. Improver Improved ix. 48 I shall provoke unto the best Improvement, and where there can be a Male-Improvement offer not to the Common-Wealth a Female.
1667 J. Milton Paradise Lost viii. 150 Other Suns perhaps With thir attendant Moons thou wilt descrie Communicating Male and Femal Light. View more context for this quotation
1841 Penny Cycl. XIX. 486/1 These mono-syllable or last-syllable rhymes are called male rhymes.
1896 S. W. Barnum Vocab. Eng. Rhymes (ed. 2) Introd. 16 Part I consists of single or male rhymes.
a. Designating certain plants to which sex was formerly attributed on account of some distinctive feature, such as shape, colour, size, or robustness; esp. in male fern n. at Compounds 1c.
the world > plants > part of plant > reproductive part(s) > flower or part containing reproductive organs > flower or flowering plant > [adjective] > characterized by parts or form > characterized by sex of flowers > on the basis of habit, colour, etc.
1562 W. Turner 2nd Pt. Herball f. 3 The vertues of the male ferne.
1578 H. Lyte tr. R. Dodoens Niewe Herball ii. lix. 219 The second kinde of Orchios..is of twoo sortes Male and Female.
1597 J. Gerard Herball ii. 629 The male Mullein or Higtaper, hath broade leaues.
1639 T. de Gray Compl. Horseman ii. xviii. 319 Take the root of Male-Brake or Fearne.
1718 J. Quincy Pharmacopœia Officinalis 133 Paul's Betony or Male Speedwell.
1785 T. Martyn tr. J.-J. Rousseau Lett. Elements Bot. xxvii. 416 Two of the most common sorts with double bulbs, are foolishly called Male and Female Orchis, because there is no distinction of sexes.
1838 J. Lindley Flora Medica 512 Purga Macho, or Male Jalap.
1853 A. B. Strong Amer. Flora I. 34 Paeonia corallina, coralline or Male-Paeony.
1925 B. Beetham in E. F. Norton et al. Fight for Everest: 1924 156 As he rode he carried a male bamboo.
b. [After German männlich.] Designating the external layer of bark on a tree. Obsolete.
the world > plants > part of plant > part of tree or woody plant > wood > [adjective] > of or relating to bark
1884 F. O. Bower & D. H. Scott tr. H. A. de Bary Compar. Anat. Phanerogams & Ferns 557 This periderm grows quicker than the external male cork.
III. Extended uses.
6. Of an instrument, mechanical device, or connector: having a convex or projecting end, in contrast to a similar type with a hollow or concavity at the end (designated female); (in later use esp.) adapted to fit into or fill a corresponding female part. Cf. male screw n. at Compounds 1c.
society > occupation and work > equipment > tool > parts of tools generally > [adjective] > other types of part
1585 J. Banister Wecker's Compend. Chyrurg. ii. 273 If it haue a sharpe point (which you shall finde by searching with your probe) then you must vse the female propulsorie instrument, but if it haue a hollowe or socket, the male propulsorie.
1588 J. Read tr. F. Arcaeus Compend. Method i. iii. f. 9v The Trepan is of two sortes, one male, and the other female.
1688 R. Holme Acad. Armory iii. xii. 433/1 There is no difference between the male and female Trepan, but for the pin in the middle which the female wants.
1776 J. Bentham Let. 24 Feb. (1968) I. 299 The female parts of the work may no longer admitt the male.
a1856 H. Miller Foot-prints of Creator (1861) 342 The male half of the hinge belongs to the head, and the female half to the jaw.
1884 F. J. Britten Watch & Clockmakers' Handbk. (new ed.) 274 Steel runners with male centres are handy when turning bouchons.
1889 W. W. Wagstaffe Mayne's Med. Vocab. (ed. 6) at Female The part of a double-limbed instrument which receives the male or corresponding part.
1907 Sears, Roebuck Catal. 204/2 Telephone mouthpieces. Male or female thread.
1969 E. P. Anderson Home Appliance Servicing (ed. 2) xiv. 229 This test-lamp set may be used as a point-to-point tester by connecting a male plug.
1987 Making Music July 19/1 RLR leads are the most tangle free, since we can plug the male and female ends together.
B. n.1
a. A male person; a boy or man. Chiefly in expressed or implied antithesis with female, but also (esp. in Medicine) simply as a synonym for man.
the world > people > person > man > [noun]
mother bairnc1225
mother sona1250
mister mana1325
man of mouldc1330
mother's sona1470
son of a bitch1697
son of a gun1708
prairie dog1897
rye mush1936
a1382 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Bodl. 959) (1961) Lev. vi. 18 The maalys oonleche of þe lynage of aaron sholen ete hit.
c1400 (?c1380) Cleanness (1920) 695 Uch male matȝ his mach a man as hymselven.
a1450 (c1412) T. Hoccleve De Regimine Principum (Harl. 4866) (1897) 565 (MED) The ende is deþ of male & of femele.
1489 (a1380) J. Barbour Bruce (Adv.) i. 60 For thar mycht succed na female, Quhill foundyn mycht be ony male.
1609 J. Skene tr. Regiam Majestatem 36 Sic heires being mailes, the perfite age is twentie ane zeares.
1614 J. Selden Titles of Honor 73 That [crown] of Pharaoh was only for masles, not for feminin capacitie.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Henry VI, Pt. 3 (1623) ii. i. 42 You loue the Breeder better then the Male . View more context for this quotation
1667 J. Milton Paradise Lost xii. 168 Whence of guests he makes them slaves Inhospitably, and kills thir infant Males . View more context for this quotation
1726 J. Swift Gulliver I. i. vi. 104 In the Female Nurseries, the young Girls of Quality are educated much like the Males.
1792 M. Wollstonecraft Vindic. Rights Woman iv. 153 In the countries where it [sc. polygamy] is established, more females are born than males.
1809 in Earl Malmesbury's Lett. (1870) II. 204 I am the only male here that is not gone hunting.
1855 T. B. Macaulay Hist. Eng. III. xv. 574 Every male in the kingdom who had attained the age of sixteen.
1898 P. Manson Trop. Dis. vii. 599 Ainhum is very rare in women or children, being most common in adult males.
1921 E. M. Forster Let. 9 May in Hill of Devi (1953) 80 She appreciates the din and the mass of males.
1968 New Eng. Jrnl. Med. 28 Mar. 695/2 The abnormal gene or genes are maternally transmitted and..expressed only in chromosomal males.
1982 T. Hillerman Dark Wind (1990) 167 For a Navajo male to dance with a Navajo female of the same maternal clan violated the most stringent of taboos.
1990 Brain 113 480 C2 was a 51-year-old male with a dense right homonymous hemianopia.
1991 Dateline Mag. Feb. 51/3 (advt.) Hertfordshire male, attractive, 6 ft., Sagittarian.
b. A male animal (including the human animal). Also figurative.
the world > animals > family unit > [noun] > male
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) iv. 1301 (MED) Sche sih the bestes in her kinde..The madle go with the femele.
c1400 (?c1380) Cleanness (1920) 337 (MED) Ay þou meng wyth þe malez þe mete ho-bestez.
tr. Palladius De re Rustica (Duke Humfrey) (1896) iv. 852 (MED) Impacient yf that females be And wol no male, her naturalite With stamped swille embawme.
1596 T. Nashe Haue with you to Saffron-Walden Ep. Ded. sig. A2 Musing Dick, that studied a whole yeare to know which was the male and female of red herrings.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Comedy of Errors (1623) ii. i. 19 The beasts, the fishes, and the winged fowles Are their males subiects. View more context for this quotation
1688 R. Holme Acad. Armory ii. 236/1 A Boccaret [Hawk] is the Male of a Boccarell.
1697 J. Dryden tr. Virgil Georgics iii, in tr. Virgil Wks. 108 The furious Mare, Barr'd from the Male, is frantick with despair. View more context for this quotation
1774 O. Goldsmith Hist. Earth III. 314 There are some of the males who attach themselves to the female.
1802 W. Paley Nat. Theol. xix. 363 The glow-worm is a female caterpillar; the male of which is a fly.
1857 Househ. Words 19 Dec. 16 No less than sixteen of these little animals (all males).
1871 J. Morley Carlyle in Crit. Misc. (1878) 175 Carlylism is the male of Byronism.
1902 Encycl. Brit. XXVII. 149/2 Mimetic resemblance is far commoner in the female than in the male.
1931 Discovery Apr. 106/2 Parasitic pigmy males among the ceratoid angler-fishes.
1953 N. Tinbergen Herring Gull's World xii. 104 Such an aggressive bird is always a male.
1985 R. Keiper Assateague Ponies vi. 46 As a stallion approaches, young males move toward him and champ strongly.
1990 A. Stevens On Jung iv. 54 In virtually all species which procreate by copulation, sperms are introduced into the female, not ova into the male.
c. A male plant or flower (cf. sense A. 1e). Also: a plant or flower to which maleness was formerly attributed (cf. sense A. 4).
the world > plants > part of plant > reproductive part(s) > flower or part containing reproductive organs > flower or flowering plant > [noun] > characterized by parts > characterized by stamens, pistils, or sex of flowers
a1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomaeus Anglicus De Proprietatibus Rerum (BL Add.) f. 210v Also þe leues of male and female beþ dyuers.
?a1450 Agnus Castus (Stockh.) (1950) 196 Þe male hat a qwyt flour.
1548 W. Turner Names of Herbes sig. A.viij The male hath a crimsin floure, & the female hath a blewe floure.
1600 J. Pory tr. J. Leo Africanus Geogr. Hist. Afr. vi. 268 The flowers of the female will not open, vnlesse the boughes and flowers of the male be ioined vnto them.
1646 Sir T. Browne Pseudodoxia Epidemica ii. vi. 94 Herbalists..naming that the masle, whose leaves are lighter. View more context for this quotation
1753 Philos. Trans. 1751–2 (Royal Soc.) 47 178 From this testiculated appearance they called these plants male.
1870 J. D. Hooker Student's Flora Brit. Islands 154 Fertile flowers subsessile, males pedicelled.
1877 C. Darwin Different Forms Flowers i. 13 If there exist plants, the individuals of which consist of hermaphrodites and males, these might be distinguished as andro-dioecious.
1980 J. A. Samson Trop. Fruits ix. 235 Each flower opens twice and is closed in between; the first time it functions as a female, the second time as a male.
1992 Which? Sept. 510/1 A female holly bush turns out to be a non-berrying male.
2. A ‘male’ precious stone. Cf. sense A. 3a. Obsolete.
society > occupation and work > materials > raw material > gem or precious stone > [noun] > superior
a1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomaeus Anglicus De Proprietatibus Rerum (BL Add.) f. 210v Echites is a stoon..þe male þerof is harde.
1728 E. Chambers Cycl. at Sapphire Different Colours constitute different Kinds thereof; the deepest Blues being esteemed Males, and the whitest Females.
1750 tr. C. Leonardus Mirror of Stones 152 A milder flame is assigned to the females, but a yellower and more fervent to the males.
1860 C. W. King Antique Gems i. 6 The Romans..divided gems into males and females, according to the depth or the lightness of their colour.


C1. Compounds of the adjective.
a. Modifying properly female designations and used with reference to men in these roles, as male aunt, male bawd, male ingenue, male mother, male virgin, etc., or conditions, as male climacteric, male greensickness, male widowhood, etc.; similarly used to refer to professions that are usually considered to be predominantly female, as male midwife, male model, male nurse, male prostitute, male stripper, etc.
society > occupation and work > worker > [adjective] > attribute of occupational designation > male (of occupations considered female)
the world > health and disease > healing > healer > nurse > [noun] > other types
probationer nurse1584
parish nurse1716
day nurse1759
school nurse1836
hospital nurse1848
pupil nurse1861
male nurse1874
district nurse1883
relief nurse1884
casualty nurse1885
maid nurse1895
ward nurse1899
health visitor1901
practice nurse1912
community nurse1922
scrub nurse1927
theatre nurse1934
nurse practitioner1967
rehab nurse1977
the world > textiles and clothing > clothing > wearing clothing > modelling or displaying clothing > [noun] > model
trier on1895
model girl1962
male model1975
1600 W. Shakespeare Henry IV, Pt. 2 iv. ii. 90 They fall into a kind of male greene sicknes. View more context for this quotation
1607 T. Middleton Revengers Trag. i. sig. B2v When base-male-Bawds kept Centinell at staire-head.
1681 T. Otway Souldiers Fortune ii. i. 23 Your go between, your Male-Bawd there.
1712 R. Steele Spectator No. 288. ¶1 Which has given me Encouragement to describe a certain Species of Mankind under the Denomination of Male Jilts.
1712 Francham Spectator 27 Oct. 1 I cannot but recommend the Subject of Male Widowhood to you.
1748 S. Richardson Clarissa V. v. 76 That Hickman is a very virtuous, a very innocent fellow—a male-virgin, I warrant!
1755 J. Shebbeare Lydia I. v. 69 When a new Work is advertised, the Male and Female Ladies..immediately conclude it cannot be worth the Reading.
1761 J. Hanway Lett. Customs Foreign Nations Harlots ii. 8 To one female, there are a dozen male prostitutes, who never think at all of accounting for such sins.
1777 Ann. Reg. 1776 37/1 Dr. Rundle was a kind of male coquette.
1781 F. Burney Early Jrnls. & Lett. (2003) IV. 447 He is an actual Male Prude.
1823 C. Lamb My Relations in Elia 162 Male aunts, as somebody calls them, I had none—to remember.
?1839 C. Brontë Let. in M. Lane Brontë Story (1953) viii. 131 I am convinced, Ellen, that he is a thorough male-flirt.
1874 F. S. Lees Handbk. for Hosp. Sisters vi. 71 Infirmiers or male nurses.
1877 Spirit of Times 15 Dec. 530/3 Now he acts as if he thought there might be something nobler in life than a male ingenue.
1885 R. F. Burton Terminal Ess. in tr. Arabian Nights X. 230 The male prostitutes were called Kadesh the holy.
1900 Rep. Special Comm. Assembly to investigate Public Offices & Depts. City of N.Y. V. 5125 Reference has been made in the previous testimony to places that are well known as being resorts for male prostitutes.
1915 M. B. Lowndes Diary 12 Mar. (1971) 58 It is very difficult to get the right type of man to be a male nurse.
1948 A. C. Kinsey et al. Sexual Behavior Human Male vi. 216 Some male prostitutes ejaculate five, six, or more times per day with regularity over long periods of years.
1961 S. Baker Visual Persuasion ii. 47/2 Male model agencies and actors' guilds always have a few personalities on hand.
1966 G. B. Mair Kisses from Satan vii. 78 I've got a male climacteric and I don't like it.
1974 Mother & Baby Feb. 44 (heading) Would you like a male midwife?
1974 H. Waugh Parrish for Defence (1975) xix. 321 He is presently serving as a male prostitute for other males.
1975 ‘G. Black’ Big Wind for Summer vii. 114 He looked like a male model in one of those ads for expensive men's knitwear.
1980 Times 21 Oct. 12/6 (caption) Why should it only be male strippers who are subsidized?
1987 C. Simmons Belles Lettres Papers x. 144 The male nurse arrived with a wheelchair.
1989 M. Moffatt Coming of Age in New Jersey v. 188 Many levels of sexual activity were reported, from self-confessed female and male virgins to maximum performers and ‘scorers’ of both sexes.
1990 R. Bly Iron John ii. 36 A mentor or ‘male mother’ enters the landscape.
b. General attributive.
male supremacist n. and adj.
1964 E. Merrian After Nora slammed Door 209 The old folkways of male supremacist language persist unaltered.
1973 J. Jones Touch of Danger xxviii. 167 You just don't want to understand Jane... She's a threat to all you male supremacists.
1989 W. Moore Schrödinger Life & Thought (1992) 296 Erwin loved and appreciated women, but his attitude towards them was essentially that of a male supremacist.
male supremacy n.
1852 De Bow's Rev. Sept. 278 Physical force..will secure, as it always has secured, male supremacy.
1908 G. K. Chesterton Man who was Thursday i. 12 Most of the women were of the kind vaguely called emancipated, and professed some protest against male supremacy.
1937 Woman's Jrnl. Nov. 62/1 ‘Daddy’ Anerley, sunning his male supremacy as the only man in a household of four women.
1993 Atlantic Oct. 62/1 The war was generally regarded as an allegory of male supremacy.
male-determining adj.
1921 in Proc. Royal Physical Soc. Edinb. (1923) 20 256 The question naturally arises as to whether these individuals are..chromosomally males with an initial deficiency of the male-determining substance.
1990 EMBO Jrnl. 9 3975/1 Mutant animals..developed as females and were then shifted to the restrictive male-determining temperature.
male-spirited adj. Obsolete rare
1605 B. Jonson Sejanus ii. i. 211 That male-spirited Dame, Their Mother. View more context for this quotation
male bonding n. (the formation of) friendship and loyalty between males, esp. between a particular pair of male associates; cf. bonding n. Additions.
the mind > emotion > love > friendliness > [noun] > friendly relation(s) > between men
male bonding1966
the mind > emotion > love > friendliness > [noun] > friendly relation(s) > between men > action of establishing
male bonding1966
1966 L. Tiger & R. Fox in Man New Ser. Mar. 76 When faced with any recognisably universal unit of human social behaviour such as dominance/sub-dominance,..male bonding, greeting, etc., the prime scientific question must be ‘what is the function whose selection pressure caused this particular organisation to evolve?’
1986 N.Z. Listener 15 Feb. 50/2 F F Coppola found a part for him in his beautifully filmed but simple-minded male-bonding advertisement Rumble Fish.
1995 Independent 14 Jan. 14/1 Traditional male pursuits have been relegitimised and recategorised as healthy male bonding rather than merely oppressive to women.
male–female adj. (and n.) (a) combining the characteristics of both sexes, hermaphrodite (also as n.); (b) existing between the sexes.
1587 Sir P. Sidney & A. Golding tr. P. de Mornay Trewnesse Christian Relig. vi. 72 God..who is also Mynd, & Life, and Light, & Malefemale [margin ἀρρενόθηλυς; Fr. masle femelle]; begate or bred Logon the Speech.
1621 J. Taylor Superbiæ Flagellum C6 The Woman-man, Man-woman, chuse you whether, The Female-male, Male-female, both, yet neither.
1774 Westm. Mag. 2 453 You will see behind a Perfumer's counter..a Male-Female Thing of this sort.
1804 W. Blake Milton (1808) i. 17 The Female-male & the Male-female,..stood Before him in their beauty.
1949 M. Mead Male & Female vii. 150 The possible male-female relationships.
1970 Jrnl. Gen. Psychol. 82 154 Generalizations could be made regarding male-female differences in sexual attitudes and experiences.
1991 Lang. in Society 20 400 Nor were female uses of agonistic interethnic Panjabi restricted to male-female interaction.
male fern n. a common fern of woods, etc., Dryopteris filix-mas; spec. this fern in the strict sense, as distinct from any of the segregates of it now commonly recognized (golden-scaled male fern, mountain male fern, scaly male fern: see the first element).
the world > plants > particular plants > ferns > [noun] > spleenworts
finger fern1548
wall rue1548
English maidenhair1562
male fern1562
white maidenhair1597
mule's fern1633
maidenhair spleenwort1837
scaly spleenwort1859
black adiantum1866
1562 W. Turner 2nd Pt. Herball f. 3 The vertues of the male ferne.
1799 M. Underwood Treat. Dis. Children (ed. 4) I. 147 The male-fern, alone, is reckoned a specific [for worms].
1871 C. Kingsley At Last I. v. 153 Here and there a young one [sc. palm] springing up like a gigantic crown of male-fern.
1908 E. Step Wayside & Woodland Ferns 66 The Male-fern's rootstock becomes solid and bulky with age.
1989 Reader's Digest Encycl. Garden Plants & Flowers 239/2 Dryopteris filix-mas (male fern)... A hardy plant with deep green, lanceolate fronds that are almost bipinnate.
male fool-stones n. Obsolete the early purple orchis, Orchis mascula.
1597 J. Gerard Herball i. 159 The male Foole stones hath fiue..long broad and smooth leaues.
1648 J. Bobart Eng. Catal. at Satyrion, in Catalogus Plantarum Horti Medici Oxoniensis Male foolestones. Cynosorchis moriomas.
1766 Compl. Farmer at Weed Perennial weeds in pastures... Male fool-stones. May. Female fool-stones. May [etc.].
male gauge n. now rare (a) a projection or peg designed to fit into a notch or slot and so control the position of a mechanism; (b) a gauge designed to fit into an opening whose size is to be tested or measured (cf. plug gauge n. at plug n. Compounds 2).
society > communication > printing > miscellaneous printers' equipment > [noun] > gauges
male gauge1683
line gauge1948
1683 J. Moxon Mech. Exercises II. 170 So as the Male-Gages may fall into the Female-Gages.
1765 T. H. Croker et al. Compl. Dict. Arts & Sci. II. at Foundery These two parts are exactly fitted into each other, being a male and female gage, to slide backwards and forwards.
1879 C. Knight Mechanician (ed. 2) iv. 228 This simply-formed straight piece is termed the male-gauge, and is smoothly filed to exactly fit the width of the gap to which the piece is being planed.
1988 U.S. Patent 4,743,146 8 The tool is adjusted for making a thread of desired diameter by a male gauge or master screw using a device providing accurate centering of the gauge relative to the outer surface of the shell.
2007 U.S. Patent Applic. 2007/0222215 A1 2/2 Two such orientation gauges are shown in fig. 1, namely a male gauge 1 and a female gauge 2.
male incense n. [the sense originates in Latin; the drops of frankincense were thought to resemble testicles; compare French encens mâle (Cotgrave, 1611)] Obsolete a superior quality of incense, known by the greater size of the drops in which it is collected; frankincense (cf. quot. 1598 at sense A. 4).
society > occupation and work > materials > raw material > other vegetable materials > plant resin > [noun] > gum (resin) > specific
gum arabica1350
dragon's blood1555
gum tragacanth1562
red gum1614
gum ammoniac1627
male incense1647
Jew's frankincense1760
butea gum1832
piney varnish1832
Kuteera gum1838
piney dammar1846
copalm balsam1858
gum benjamin1859
Senegal gum1867
Barbary gum1875
mimosa gum1890
gum accroides1909
1647 R. Herrick Dirge Jephthah's Daughter in Noble Numbers 28 May Virgins, when they come to mourn, Male-Incense burn Upon thine Altar!
1728 E. Chambers Cycl. at Frankincense Male incense, call'd also olibanum.
male menopause n. a stage in a man's life supposedly corresponding to the menopause in a woman's; a crisis of identity, confidence, etc., experienced by a middle-aged man.
the world > people > person > middle-aged person > [noun] > middle age > menopause or change of life > male
male menopause1949
1949 M. Ernst & D. G. Loth Sexual Behaviour & Kinsey Rep. viii. 93 Another reason which has sometimes been given is that many men reach in middle age a climacteric which is dubbed a male menopause.
1980 B. W. Aldiss Life in West iii. 59 I suppose you'll tell me you're undergoing the male menopause next.
male orchis n. Obsolete the early purple orchis, Orchis mascula.
the world > plants > particular plants > cultivated or valued plants > particular cultivated or ornamental plants > particular flower or plant esteemed for flower > [noun] > orchids > early purple orchids
adder's grass1551
cuckoo orchis1578
fool's ballocks1578
Palma Christi1578
fool's stones1597
goat's stones1597
goat stones1597
dead man's finger1604
long purples1604
dead man's thumb1652
man orchis1670
monkey orchisa1678
meadow orchis1753
military orchis1784
male orchis1785
ram's horn1832
lady orchis1846
dead man's hand1853
scorpion plant1866
walking orchid1910
soldier orchid1934
1578 H. Lyte tr. R. Dodoens Niewe Herball ii. lvi. 219 The second kinde of Orchios..is of twoo sortes Male and Female.]
1785 T. Martyn tr. J.-J. Rousseau Lett. Elements Bot. xxvii. 416 Two of the most common sorts with double bulbs, are foolishly called Male and Female Orchis, because there is no distinction of sexes.
1807 J. V. Thompson Catal. Plants Berwick upon Tweed 90 Orchis mascula. Male orchis. April, May. Woods and pastures.
male pattern baldness n. the most common form of baldness in men (occurring occasionally also in women), characterized by a receding hairline at the temples followed by hair loss at the crown, and finally by the meeting of the balding patches at the front and top of the head.
1960 Changing Times Jan. 45/1 A lot of people are working hard to bring a glimmer of hope to that half of the male population (and a few females) who are afflicted with what is called ‘male-pattern baldness’.
1974 Sumter (S. Carolina) Daily Item 22 Apr. 9 a/1 (advt.) If you don't suffer from male pattern baldness, you can now stop your hair loss.
1994 Independent on Sunday 18 Sept. 22/5 While temporary baldness can be caused by stress, or illness, or poor diet, common or garden alopecia androgenetica, or male pattern baldness, is there in your genes.
male pill n. a pill which enables a man to have sexual intercourse with a woman without the risk of making her pregnant.
1966 New Statesman 27 May 767/1 Techniques like the ‘male pill’, tying of the spermatic cords..are in use or under investigation.
1984 New Scientist 23 Feb. 8/1 The drug is given by injection but may one day be developed into a ‘male pill’.
1998 Good Health Mag. Mar. 19/1 The abortion pill mifepristone is currently undergoing trials for use as a daily pill for women, and also as male pill.
male pimpernel n. Obsolete see pimpernel n. 2a.
male rhyme n. see sense A. 4.
male screw n. a screw with a raised helical thread running round the outside (in contrast with a female screw, i.e. a threaded hole).
society > occupation and work > equipment > building and constructing equipment > fastenings > [noun] > screw > other types of screw
needle screw1663
female screw1667
male screw1682
right and left handed screw1738
screw eye1787
screw shaft1818
union joint1819
union screw1820
right-and-left screw1821
coach screw1874
lag bolt1893
Allen screw1910
1682 R. Boyle Contin. New Exper. Physico-mech.: 2nd Pt. 11 A Female Screw, to receive the Male-screw of the Stop-cock.
1822 J. Imison Elem. Sci. & Art I. 48 The first is called the Male or outside screw.
1827 M. Faraday Chem. Manip. xv. 361 Their use is to connect together stop-cocks..terminated by male screws.
1986 Library Mar. 13 A further fine adjustment can easily be achieved by a quarter turn change in the initial position of the male screw.
male-sterile adj. (of a plant or flower) incapable of producing functional pollen.
the world > plants > part of plant > reproductive part(s) > flower or part containing reproductive organs > flower or flowering plant > [adjective] > characterized by parts or form > characterized by sex of flowers > male-sterile
1921 Jrnl. Genetics 11 271 In the breeding work it was not thought necessary to emasculate the male-sterile flowers.
1959 New Biol. 28 75 Certain willow-herb crosses which produce male-sterile progeny.
1974 A. Huxley Plant & Planet xxvii. 309 Part of the success of this particular hybrid was the obtaining of male-sterile plants.
1989 Jrnl. Heredity 80 81/2 The male sterile lines have been used in developing heterotic hybrids.
male-sterility n. the inability to produce functional pollen, caused by a mutation in nuclear or cytoplasmic (mitochondrial) genes controlling its formation.
the world > plants > part of plant > reproductive part(s) > flower or part containing reproductive organs > flower or flowering plant > [noun] > characterized by parts > characterized by stamens, pistils, or sex of flowers > male-sterility
1921 Jrnl. Genetics 11 269 (heading) Male-sterility in flax, subject to two types of segregation.
1946 Nature 21 Sept. 422/2 Further tabulation of male-sterility genes in varieties of the onion is given.
male thread n. the helical thread on the outside of a (male) screw.
1890 Cent. Dict. Pipe-die, a female screw or nut of hardened and tempered steel used for cutting male threads on the ends of metal pipes.
1978 R. P. Singhal Home Plumber's Bible iv. 109 In order to make a perfect joint, the male threads on the pipe and female threads on the fitting should be thoroughly cleaned with a hard brush.
C2. Compounds of the noun.
a. Instrumental.
male-dominated adj.
1958 W. J. H. Sprott Human Groups 65 The home..is in certain important respects male-dominated.
1973 I. Singer Goals of Human Sexuality i. 33 She submits to the relationship as a way of conforming to the demands of a male-dominated society.
1989 Ski Nov. 92/1 Skiing is pretty much a male-dominated sport.
male-bashing n. depreciative feminism, perceived as discrimination against or unfair criticism of men; also as adj.
society > society and the community > social attitudes > [noun] > discrimination or inegalitarianism > by sex
sex discrimination1885
male chauvinism1935
gender discrimination1973
1986 N.Y. Times 4 Oct. 22/6 I am heartily sick of being continually subjected to such pseudosociological male-bashing diatribes.
1987 Washington Post 25 June b5/2 Warren Farrell calls those books further evidence of ‘The New Sexism’—his buzzword for the sexual battlefront of the '80s that, to date, has been characterized by male-bashing.
1992 Time 6 Jan. 47/1 The producers of Thelma & Louise could not have imagined that their cockeyed vision of two women on an ill-fated spree would set off a national debate about misogyny, male bashing and the power of feminine anger ungirdled.
male condom n. a thin rubber sheath designed to be worn on the penis during sexual intercourse as a contraceptive or as a protection against infection; = condom n. 1.In later use often contrasted with female condom n.
the world > physical sensation > sexual relations > contraception or birth control > [noun] > a contraceptive > condom
French letter?1844
French safe1868
male condom1938
internal condom1969
the world > life > biology > biological processes > procreation or reproduction > contraception > [noun] > devices or methods
French tickler1905
Gräfenberg ring1930
male condom1938
internal condom1969
female condom1982
1938 Janus 42 4 There is no instance on record of a primitive group using, as a preventive of conception, any instrument comparable to the modern male condom.
1988 Observer 21 Feb. 63/5 Like the male condom, it [sc. the female condom] is thrown away after use.
2006 A. L. Nelson in A. L. Nelson & J. Woodward Sexually Transmitted Dis. vii. 178 Newer studies and meta-analyses have shown that use of male condoms is associated with a significant reduction in the risk of gonorrhea for both men and women.
male impersonator n. a female who impersonates a male on the stage.
society > leisure > the arts > performance arts > variety, etc. > performers in variety, etc. > [noun] > impersonator
female personator1852
male impersonator1876
1876 N.Y. Clipper 9 Dec. 295/6 Miss Annie Hindle, male impersonator, is at the Royal Cambridge and Sun Music Halls, London.
1895 C. D. Stuart & A. J. Park Variety Stage 222 Serio~comics, sisters, dancers, male impersonators, and ballad and character vocalists.
1930 Bulletin 14 May 5 That popular male impersonator and pantomime principal boy, Miss Nora Delany.
1972 Times 29 Sept. 16/8 To the connoisseurs of the music hall there have been only two great male impersonators, one of whom was Vesta Tilley, the other Hetty King.
1989 Opera Nov. 1347 Brigitte Lafon must regrettably be added to my lengthening list of unpersuasive male impersonators.
male-oriented adj. biased towards, dominated by, or designed for men.
1970 N.Y. Times 15 Sept. 33/2 The ‘male-oriented’ medical profession continues to perform much unnecessary..surgery on women.
1994 Herald (Glasgow) 20 Aug. (Weekender Suppl.) 32/4 Traditionally, men—the crude humour is almost exclusively male-oriented—would gather in lager-swilling gangs to watch the video.
male rape n. the rape of one man by another.
1982 N.Y. Times 18 Jan. a15/1 (heading) Counseling male rape victims.
1992 Independent 13 May 3/1 The chairman of Survivors, a counselling service for male rape victims, said this attack was not the first male rape on the Underground.


ˈmale-like adj.
1885 N.E.D. at Barren a. and sb. Male-like, not producing offspring, sterile.
1990 J. Bishop & M. Waldholz Genome xii. 260 In the other ‘male-like’ families, the alcohol abuse tended to be the moderate-to-severe Type II alcoholism.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2000; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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