

单词 main-tackle

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C1. Nautical. With the sense ‘relating to, connected with, or near the mainmast or mainsail’ (see main n.1 6), as main-bonnet, main-boom, main-bowlines, main-bridles, main-capstan, main-chains, †main-drynge, main-gears, main-hatch, main-hatchway, main-hold, main-jeers, †main-knight, main-lifts, main-parrel (also main-parrels), main-pendant, main-rigging, main-royal, main-royal-mast, main-shrouds, main-spencer, main standard, main studdingsail, main-tack, main-tackle, main-ties, main-truck, main-truss.
society > travel > travel by water > vessel, ship, or boat > equipment of vessel > masts, rigging, or sails > spar > [adjective] > of or relating to mainmast
society > travel > travel by water > vessel, ship, or boat > equipment of vessel > masts, rigging, or sails > sail > [adjective] > main
society > travel > travel by water > vessel, ship, or boat > equipment of vessel > masts, rigging, or sails > rigging > [noun] > running rigging > rope for securing windward edge or corner
society > travel > travel by water > vessel, ship, or boat > equipment of vessel > masts, rigging, or sails > rigging > [noun] > fixed rigging > rigging supporting mast laterally > shrouds of mainmast
1466 Naval Acct. in B. Sandahl Middle Eng. Sea Terms (1958) II. 70 Item, for ij systers for the mayn pareylle, ij.d.
1485 in B. Sandahl Middle Eng. Sea Terms (1958) II. 68 Mayne trusses ij Mayne drynges ij Mayne takkes ij..Mayne lyfts ij.
1485 in B. Sandahl Middle Eng. Sea Terms (1958) II. 68 Mayne Stayes j Mayne tyes ij.
1485 in B. Sandahl Middle Eng. Sea Terms (1958) II. 69 Mayne shrowdes.
1485 in B. Sandahl Middle Eng. Sea Terms (1958) II. 70 Maine perells.
1485 in M. Oppenheim Naval Accts. & Inventories Henry VII (1896) 48 Mayne Bowlynes.
1495 in M. Oppenheim Naval Accts. & Inventories Henry VII (1896) 198 Mayne Jeres.
1495 Naval Acct. in B. Sandahl Middle Eng. Sea Terms (1982) III. 61 Jeres for the Mayne takell.
1513 in J. B. Paul Accts. Treasurer Scotl. (1902) IV. 477 To the greit schip mayn standert. In the first, ij ½ steik quhit say [etc.].
1590 J. Robinson Inventory 20 Jan. in K. R. Andrews Eng. Privateering Voy. to W. Indies (1959) 76 A mayne bonnit a fore bonnit.
1600 Court Rec. 26 Sept. in H. Stevens Dawn Brit. Trade E. Indies (1886) 16/2 Missonne..mayne bonnet, fore bonnet, [etc.].
c1620 Treat. Shipbuilding (Admiralty Libr. MS 9) in R. Magowan tr. P. Kirsch Galleon (1990) (modernized text) App. 169/2 The main knights and fore knights, so called because they are commonly carved with a head and a helmet, are two short pieces of straight timber bolted to the beams of the upper deck.
1626 J. Smith Accidence Young Sea-men 14 The maine shroudes and chaines.
1626 J. Smith Accidence Young Sea-men 15 The maine bowling and bridles.
1659 Mercurius Politicus No. 552. 195 This Thunder-bolt, or the noise of the report, struck a man on board the Bristol out of the main Chains into the Sea.
a1661 W. Brereton Trav. (1844) 125 The Sailors did in all haste take down the lower part of the main-sail and the foresail, which they call the main-bowline or main bonnet.
1683 W. Hacke Coll. Orig. Voy. (1699) I. 37 We took out our Water Cask from out of the Main Hatch to the Floor.
1685 N. Boteler Six Dialogues Sea-services iv. 236 When the Main~capstan is not able to purchase in the Cable [etc.].
1712 W. Rogers Cruising Voy. 34 He was lash'd to the Main-Gears and drub'd.
1724 J. Kelly Mod. Navigator's Compl. Tutor App. 43 Main-pendant.
1724 J. Kelly Mod. Navigator's Compl. Tutor App. 44 Main lifts.
1745 P. Thomas True Jrnl. Voy. South-Seas 137 On the Larboard Side, a-breast the main Hatch-way.
1748 B. Robins & R. Walter Voy. round World by Anson i. viii. 80 Two of our main-shrouds..broke.
1748 B. Robins & R. Walter Voy. round World by Anson i. x. 99 We..lost a main studding-sail-boom.
1769 W. Falconer Universal Dict. Marine sig. *Hv The main-boom of a brig, sloop, or schooner.
1791 in Catal. Prints: Polit. & Personal Satires (Brit. Mus.) (1938) VI. 832 I wish I had them lashd fast to the main rigging.
1798 E. Berry in Ld. Nelson Dispatches & Lett. (1845) iii. 52 A port fire from L'Orient fell into the main royal of the Alexander.
1834 F. Marryat Peter Simple I. xv. 231 The second lieutenant went up the main-rigging.
1840 R. H. Dana Two Years before Mast xxv. 277 The captain ordered the fore and main spencer gaffs to be lowered down.
1850 H. Melville White-jacket xxxvii. 183 An order now came from the quarter-deck to ‘strike the strangers down into the main-hold!’
1851 R. Kipping Sailmaking (ed. 2) 5 There are the fore-trysail, main-trysail, and mizen-trysail, or as they are sometimes called the fore-spencer, Duke of York or main-spencer, and storm-mizen.
1858 P. L. Simmonds Dict. Trade Products Chain-plates..take their name from the mast and are hence called fore-chains, main-chains, or mizen-chains.
1861 Sat. Rev. 22 June 635 Entire freedom from dizziness..is possessed by every sailor who mounts to the maintruck of a man-of-war.
1867 W. H. Smyth & E. Belcher Sailor's Word-bk. Main-tackle, a large and strong tackle, hooked occasionally upon the main pendant.
1897 R. Kipling Captains Courageous iii. 62 Uncle Salters..sat stiffly on the main-hatch.
1912 J. Conrad Secret Sharer i, in 'Twixt Land & Sea 111 I..saw the naked man from the sea sitting on the main-hatch.
1924 R. Clements Gipsy of Horn 84 If this ship was a ‘down-easter’ she'd be flauntin' a main-royal.
1935 Encycl. Sports, Games & Pastimes 760/2 Provided that the overtaking yacht makes her overlap on the side opposite to that on which the overtaken yacht then carries her main boom [etc.].
1955 C. N. Longridge Anat. Nelson's Ships i. iv. 64 The second capstan, which was called the main jeers capstan..was used for heavy work in connection with the main mast.
extracted from mainadj.2
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