

单词 madrepore


Brit. /ˈmadrᵻpɔː/, U.S. /ˈmædrəˌpɔr/
Forms: 1700s– madrepore, 1800s madrapore (irregular).
Origin: A borrowing from French. Etymon: French madrépore.
Etymology: < French madrépore (1671) < post-classical Latin madrepora < Italian madrepora (see below).The Italian naturalist Ferrante Imperato ( Hist. nat., 1599) used poro as a name for ‘a kind of vegetable the substance of which resembles that of coral, but differs in being porous’. He evidently regarded this word as identical with the ordinary Italian poro ( < classical Latin porus pore n.1); but perhaps it really represented post-classical Latin porus < ancient Greek πῶρος calcareous stone, stalactite (see pore n.2). Among the species of poro he enumerates millepora, frondipora, and ‘those plants by some called madrepores [here madripore, but elsewhere madrepora occurs], which are tubular growths, issuing from a common stem, and attached together at their roots, so that they resemble a honeycomb’. The word madrepora was probably formed by Imperato on the model of madreperla ‘mother-of-pearl’ from madre mother + poro; the other words, millepora, frondipora, etc., being formed later in imitation of madrepora. A comparison of Imperato's woodcut of the ‘madrepores’ with those of the other species of poro seems to suggest that the prefix ‘mother’ may refer to the appearance of prolific growth characteristic of this ‘plant’.
1. Zoology.
a. Any of various corals (which, however, were not originally classed as corals) having a hard, perforated structure; a madreporarian coral, esp. one of the genus Madrepora.
the world > animals > invertebrates > subkingdom Metazoa > grade Diploblastica > phylum Coelenterata > [noun] > class Anthozoa Actinozoa > order Zoantharia > suborder Madreporaria > member of
pore coral1708
madrepore coral1869
the world > animals > invertebrates > subkingdom Metazoa > grade Diploblastica > phylum Coelenterata > [noun] > class Anthozoa Actinozoa > order Zoantharia > division Perforata > member of
1738 T. Shaw Trav. Barbary & Levant iv. iv. 384 A Diversity of Madrepores..and other marine Vegetables.
1753 Philos. Trans. 1751–2 (Royal Soc.) 47 460 They have denominated pora that class of them, which seem'd pierc'd with holes. Of these they found some, the holes of which were large; and these they call'd madrepora.
1753 W. Watson tr. J. A. de Peysonnel Philos. Trans. 1751–2 (Royal Soc.) 47 449 The several species of vermicular tubes found in the sea, the madrepores, millepores, lithophytons, corallines, sponges.
1803 W. Bingley Animal Biogr. III. 558 Zoophytes are usually considered under two divisions: the stony branches of the first, which has the general appellation of Coral..consist of the Tubipores, Madrepores, Millipores, and Cellepores.
1832 C. Lyell Princ. Geol. (ed. 2) II. 111 The madrepores or lamelliferous polyparia, are found in their fullest development only in the tropical seas of Polynesia and the East and West Indies.
1840 E. Blyth et al. Cuvier's Animal Kingdom 658 Madrepora, or Madrepores properly so called, have the whole surface roughened by little stars.
1875 T. H. Huxley in Encycl. Brit. I. 130/2 In some madrepores the whole skeleton is reduced to a mere network of dense calcareous substance.
1882 Cassell's Nat. Hist. VI. 297 The common so-called Madrepore of the Devonshire coast, and those which are dredged up out of moderately deep water in the North Atlantic, are common examples of the genus Caryophyllia.
1940 T. J. Parker & W. A. Haswell Text-bk. Zool. (ed. 6) I. iv. 193 It is by this last-named method, the cœnosarc attaining great dimensions and the individual corallites being small and very numerous, that the most complex of all Corals, the Madrepores (Madrepora..) are produced.
1977 Time (Atlantic ed.) 19 Sept. 54/3 He dived off the reefs and never forgot the colors of the madrepores.
1993 W. Weaver tr. U. Eco Misreadings 102 The universal human community will be..a bank of madrepores in which each individual will be inserted and catalogued.
b. The polyp of a madreporarian coral. Obsolete. rare.Quot. 1875 may be a use in sense 1a.
the world > animals > invertebrates > subkingdom Metazoa > grade Diploblastica > phylum Coelenterata > [noun] > class Anthozoa Actinozoa > order Zoantharia > suborder Madreporaria > member of > animal producing
1841 R. W. Emerson Method of Nature 12 Nature turns off new firmaments..as fast as the madrepores make coral.
1875 C. Merivale Gen. Hist. Rome xxiii. 160 The..instinct with which the madrepore extends his empire over the bottom of the ocean.
2. = madrepore marble n. at Compounds 2. Now chiefly historical.
the world > the earth > structure of the earth > constituent materials > rock > sedimentary rock > [noun] > limestone > type of
madrepore marble1839
post rock1958
1809 Visct. Valentia Voy. III. 309 The houses in Jidda are far superior to those at Mocha. They are built of large blocks of very fine madrapore [sic].
1896 Littell's Living Age 21 Nov. 526/1 All around is a sea of mounds covered with sand, where the houses stood, mostly built of madrepore and laid out in streets.
2001 sciencetreasures.com 14 Dec. (O.E.D. Archive) 8 Fine Victorian Geological Slides by Edmund Wheeler 1870... 5. Madrepore from Torquay (Acervularia pentagona).
3. Zoology. = madreporite n. 3.
1955 L. H. Hyman Invertebrates IV. vii. 153 Often..support by the dorsal mesentery is also lost, so that the stone canal and madrepore hang freely into the coelom.
1962 Jrnl. Paleontol. 36 933 In the interradius to the right of the madrepore, a low pyramid of triangular plates is interpreted as the anus.
2000 C. Tudge Variety of Life ii. xii. 328 The fluid within the system is different in composition from the surrounding sea water..although it usually connects to the sea via the madrepore, which in starfish and brittle stars at least is on the aboral surface.


C1. General attributive.
1846 J. D. Dana in N. Amer. Rev. July 221 Madrepore shrubs and trees, and the sea-fan and other Gorgoniæ, from the West and East Indies, are common in collections.
1866 D. Livingstone 28 July in Last Jrnls. (1874) I. iv. 85 The elevated plains..look like yellow hæmatite with madrepore holes in it.
1869 tr. F. A. Pouchet Universe (1871) 76 Twenty-six madrepore islands.
1950 Columbia Encycl. (ed. 2) 1221/2 The north islands are composed of volcanic rock; the south, of madrepore limestone covering a volcanic base.
madrepore coral n. = sense 1a.
the world > animals > invertebrates > subkingdom Metazoa > grade Diploblastica > phylum Coelenterata > [noun] > class Anthozoa Actinozoa > order Zoantharia > suborder Madreporaria > member of
pore coral1708
madrepore coral1869
1869 tr. V. Hugo Man Who Laughs vii. ix, in Appletons' Jrnl. 22 May 225/1 Royal palaces are extremely penetrable; the madrepore corals have an inner passage-way easily guessed at,..scooped out by the gnawing insect termed a courtier.
1876 D. Page Adv. Text-bk. Geol. (ed. 6) iii. 67 A branch of the common madrepore coral.
a1933 J. A. Thomson Biol. for Everyman (1934) I. v. 103 Whereas many of the sea-anemone and madrepore coral group are single individuals, all the members of the dead men's fingers group are colonies, except two or three.
1986 Zoologische Mededelingen 60 263 Six species of Pontoniinae from Oman are dealt with;..two are commensals on madrepore corals.
madrepore marble n. limestone composed of fossil madrepores.
the world > the earth > structure of the earth > constituent materials > rock > sedimentary rock > [noun] > limestone > type of
madrepore marble1839
post rock1958
1839 H. T. De la Beche Rep. Geol. Cornwall xv. 498 Many blocks are composed almost entirely of fossil-corals variously mingled in the mass, and are then commonly known as madrepore marbles.
1877 Cassell's Techn. Educator I. 87 Many blocks are almost entirely formed of fossil corals, and known as madrepore marbles.
1999 Encycl. Brit. Online (Version 99.1) at Marble The Paleozoic rocks (from 225,000,000 to 570,000,000 years in age) of Great Britain..include ‘madrepore marbles’ rich in fossil corals.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2000; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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