

单词 majesty


Brit. /ˈmadʒᵻsti/, U.S. /ˈmædʒəsti/
Forms: Middle English madgesti, Middle English magastie, Middle English magestee, Middle English magesti, Middle English magiste, Middle English maisstye, Middle English majestee, Middle English–1500s mageste, Middle English–1500s magestie, Middle English–1500s magesty, Middle English–1500s magestye, Middle English–1500s maieste, Middle English–1500s maiestee, Middle English–1500s maiesti, Middle English–1500s majeste, Middle English–1600s maiestie, Middle English–1600s maiesty, Middle English–1600s majestie, 1500s magistie, 1500s maiestye, 1500s majistye, 1500s– majesty, 1600s majiste; Scottish pre-1700 magastie, pre-1700 mageste, pre-1700 magestee, pre-1700 magestye, pre-1700 magistie, pre-1700 maieste, pre-1700 maiestie, pre-1700 maisstye, pre-1700 maistie, pre-1700 majeste, pre-1700 majestie, pre-1700 1700s– majesty.
Origin: A borrowing from French. Etymon: French majesté.
Etymology: < Anglo-Norman majesté, magestee, maisté, Old French, Middle French magesté (earlier maesté , maisté , majeté , majestet ; French majesté ) < classical Latin maiestās (in post-classical Latin frequently also magestas ) < the base of maior major adj. + -tās (see -ty suffix1; compare -ity suffix). Compare Old Occitan magestat , majestat (c1000), Italian maestà (13th cent. as maestate , maiestà ; compare maestoso adv., n., and adj.), Spanish majestad (13th cent.), Portuguese majestade (13th cent. as magestade); also German Majestät (14th cent. in Middle High German), Dutch majesteit (in Middle Dutch also majestaet).The core senses ‘dignity of a god or exalted personage, or of an office’, ‘majesty of the people or state (the harming of which is seen as a crime)’, ‘majesty, grandeur (as reposing in a thing, or its appearance, or in language)’ are all attested in classical Latin, as is the sense ‘treason’ (in which māiestās was short for māiestātis imminuta , māiestātis laesa , etc.) represented in quot. 1591 at sense 1e. The uses at sense 2 are after post-classical Latin tua , vestra maiestas (4th cent. onwards; from c1170 in British sources); compare Old French sa majete (c1180) and similar formulae. The extended use at sense 6 is after post-classical Latin majestas image of Christ (in majesty) (11th cent.; 12th cent. or earlier in British sources) and Middle French, French majesté religious image, especially of the Virgin Mary (12th cent. in Old French); in later use also after Italian maestà image of the Trinity, Christ, or the Virgin in majesty (early 14th cent.).
I. Greatness, dignity, power, etc.
a. Christian Church. The greatness and glory of God.
the world > the supernatural > deity > Christian God > nature or attributes of God > [noun] > glory or greatness
the glory of Godc1384
c1300 St. Edmund Rich (Harl.) 267 in C. D'Evelyn & A. J. Mill S. Eng. Legendary (1956) 501 (MED) Of þe pure stat of Crist & of his mageste, As angel him þoȝte he couþe.
?c1335 in W. Heuser Kildare-Gedichte (1904) 95 (MED) Boþe god and man in mageste, Þe heiȝ king aboue vs alle.
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) i. 1058 (MED) O hihe mageste, Which sest the point of every trowthe.
a1425 (?a1400) G. Chaucer Romaunt Rose (Hunterian) 1339 God, that sittith in mageste.
a1470 T. Malory Morte Darthur (Winch. Coll. 13) (1990) II. 1032 To se the Blyssed Trinite..and the majeste of Oure Lorde Jesu Cryste.
a1500 (c1340) R. Rolle Psalter (Univ. Oxf. 64) (1884) xx. 5 He sall appere in mageste.
1526 W. Bonde Pylgrimage of Perfection i. sig. Fiii He that wyll serche the secrete magestye of god by natural reason.
1578 Psalm lxxvii, in J. G. Dalyell Scotish Poems 16th Cent. (1801) II. 110 Speikand contrair thy godly Majesty.
1611 Bible (King James) Heb. viii. 1 Wee haue such an high Priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Maiestie in the heauens. View more context for this quotation
1645 J. Milton On Christ's Nativity: Hymn ii, in Poems 1 That far-beaming blaze of Majesty.
1695 S. Patrick Comm. Genesis iii. 8 The Voice of the Lord... The Sound of the Divine Majesty's approach.
a1729 S. Clarke Serm. (1730) V. xv. 347 The Supereminent Glory and Majesty of God.
1828 A. Jolly Observ. Sunday Services 156 This mild Majesty of God incarnate..was now about to ascend to heaven.
1881 Bible (R.V.) Luke ix. 43 And they were all astonished at the majesty [Gk. μεγαλειότητι, Tyndale, etc. mighty power] of God.
1892 B. F. Westcott Gospel of Life Pref. 22 The incomprehensible majesty of God and His infinite love.
1969 H. A. R. Gibb Mohammedanism (rev. ed.) iv. 47 However the concrete and literalist minds of the desert-men may have conceived the power and majesty of God, the pleasures of Paradise, and the terrors of Hell, [etc.].
1991 J. Pardoe How Many Times can you say Goodbye? (BNC) 107 We should not limit the power and majesty of God to what we can understand.
b. The dignity or greatness of a monarch; sovereign power, sovereignty. Also: the person or personality of a monarch.
society > authority > [noun] > royal or princely authority
society > society and the community > social class > nobility > rank > royalty > [noun]
society > authority > rule or government > ruler or governor > sovereign ruler or monarch > [noun] > personality of
c1375 G. Chaucer Monk's Tale 3766 What nedeth it of kyng Antiochus To telle his hye roial magestee?
a1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomaeus Anglicus De Proprietatibus Rerum (BL Add.) f. 271v Been haueþ a kyng þat is nought y-armed wiþ strengþe but wiþ lordschipe and mageste.
a1475 J. Fortescue Governance of Eng. (Laud) (1885) 125 He [sc. the king] woll bie..also horses off grete price..as bi sitith is roiall mageste.
1489 W. Caxton tr. C. de Pisan Bk. Fayttes of Armes i. vi. 13 The subget fereth to offende the mageste of his souerayn lorde.
1489 (a1380) J. Barbour Bruce (Adv.) i. 431 [Edward I is speaking] Hys fadyr..wes agayne my maieste.
1523 Ld. Berners tr. J. Froissart Cronycles I. ccxliii. 362 By our ryall magesty and segnory, we commaunde you [etc.].
1528 Rede me & be nott Wrothe sig. a vii Fye apon his maieste and renowne Clayminge on erthe to be in Christis stead.
c1540 (?a1400) Gest Historiale Destr. Troy 2632 A! nobill kyng & nomekowthe!.. Let mene to your maiesty þe mynde of my tale.
a1616 W. Shakespeare King John (1623) ii. i. 481 Why answer not the double Maiesties, This friendly treatie of our threatned Towne. View more context for this quotation
a1616 W. Shakespeare Antony & Cleopatra (1623) iii. iii. 2 Good Maiestie: Herod of Iury dare not looke vpon you. View more context for this quotation
1672 J. Dryden Conquest Granada i. i. 7 Outrage unpunish'd when a Prince is by, Forfeits to scorn the rights of Majesty.
1726–31 N. Tindal tr. P. Rapin de Thoyras Hist. Eng. (1743) II. xvii. 126 She was a sovereign queen and would do nothing prejudicial to Royal Majesty.
1782 Wolcot in J. J. Rogers Opie & Works (1878) 22 The King came in after, with a skip; (not a very proper pace I think for Majesty).
1849 T. B. Macaulay Hist. Eng. I. iv. 508 A man who was daily seen at the palace, and who was known to have free access to majesty.
1883 Ld. Rosebery Speech at Edinb. 21 July The buried paraphernalia of dead majesty.
1904 L. F. Baum Marvelous Land of Oz 72 The crown alone betokened majesty; in all else the Scarecrow King was but a simple scarecrow.
1992 N.Y. Times 8 Nov. v. 14/5 The ‘Lions of Castille’ on either side of its communion rail..represent the majesty of the Spanish monarchs.
c. gen. Dignity, greatness, grandeur; supreme power, authority.
society > authority > power > [noun] > great or supreme power
power of life and death1553
c1375 G. Chaucer Monk's Tale 3505 They conquered manye regnes grete..Appertenant vn to the magestee Of Rome.
1531 T. Elyot Bk. named Gouernour i. xii. sig. F4v By the gouernance of that noble emperour, nat only the publik weale florisshed, but..the maiesty of the empire hugely increased.
a1540 (c1460) G. Hay tr. Bk. King Alexander 2573 Rome was nocht than in gret maiestie.
c1580 ( tr. Bk. Alexander (1921) II. ii. 2486 Of lufe and of his maieste.
1581 J. Bell tr. W. Haddon & J. Foxe Against Jerome Osorius f. 187v That the majestie of Freewill may not by any meanes bee endamaged.
1596 J. Dalrymple tr. J. Leslie Hist. Scotl. (1895) II. 382 To contemne the Maiestie, diminise the authoritie of the Kirk.
1602 W. Watson Decacordon Ten Quodlibeticall Questions 53 Thus haue all lawes and legifers with great maiesty, ordained a distinction of place, regard, and esteeme to be had of euery person.
1663 W. Charleton Chorea Gigantum 13 So great devotion and reverence toward the majesty of Truth.
1668 N. Culpeper & A. Cole tr. T. Bartholin Anat. (new ed.) ii. vi. 106 It were contrary to the Majesty of the principal Part, to be moved by another whether it will or no.
1712 J. Addison Spectator No. 327. ¶14 The natural Majesty of Adam.
1797 Encycl. Brit. XV. 793/1 He [sc. James Ramsay] stood, in opinion, a rebel against the interest and majesty of plantership.
1849 J. Harris Primitive Man i. iv. ¶6. 83 This latent amenableness of the imagination to the majesty of law.
1863 T. Woolner My Beautiful Lady 135 The worth and majesty of England's name.
a1917 A. Seeger Poems (1917) 133 After sweet Love, the majesty of Strife.
c1941 J. Pudney ‘Combat Report’ in Coll. Poems (1957) 54 Did Michael Angelo aspire, Painting the laughing cumulus, to ride The majesty of air.
1970 M. Angelou I know why Caged Bird Sings vii. 47 It proved the worth and majesty of my grandmother.
1978 F. Muir in F. Muir & D. Norden Take my Word for It 103 I have no recourse but to face the full majesty of the law.
d. Christian Church. Eternal glory. Obsolete.
c1384 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(2)) (1850) Luke ix. 31 And loo! tweye men spaken with him; forsothe Moyses and Elye weren seyn in mageste.
a1450 York Plays (1885) 495 (MED) Off all women þou beris þe floure, Nowe schalle þou, lady, belde with me..Full high on highte in mageste.
1567 Compend. Bk. Godly Songs (1897) 78 Christ come full humill and full low, Us to exalt in Maiestie.
e. Roman History. The sovereign power and dignity of the Roman people, esp. considered with reference to offences against it. Cf. lèse-majesté n. Obsolete.
society > authority > [noun] > supreme authority > in communities not under monarch > specifically of the Roman people
1533 J. Bellenden tr. Livy Hist. Rome (1903) II. 51 The consullis exhortit the senate to remember quhat maieste thai haue gottin fra thare progenitouris, and quhat maieste thai suld leif to thare barnis.
1565 T. Cooper Thesaurus Actio maiestatis, an action for the breakyng of the honour and maiestie of any great or heade officer.
1591 H. Savile tr. Tacitus Ende of Nero: Fower Bks. Hist. i. 43 Crime of Majesty and treason.
1614 W. Raleigh Hist. World i. v. ii. §8 Vnderstanding the Majestie of Rome to be indeede wholly in the people, and no otherwise in the Senate, than by way of Delegacie, or grand Commission.
1692 tr. C. de Saint-Évremond Misc. Ess. 81 Never were they more careful of hindring the Majesty of the Roman People from being violated.
1856 C. Merivale Hist. Romans under Empire V. xliv. 145 Under the empire the law of majesty was the legal protection thrown round the person of the chief of the state.
2. Preceded by a possessive (your, his, her, the king's, the queen's); sometimes with a modifying adjective, as (most) sacred, gracious, †royal, etc.: an honorific title given to a king, queen, emperor, or empress.In this use Your Majesty is a formal substitute for the pronoun you, and His (also Her) Majesty (abbreviated H.M.) may be either prefixed to such designations as the King, the Queen, Queen Elizabeth II, etc., or substituted for them; so, in later use, Their Majesties, when more than one royal person is meant. Also, with distinguishing adjective: His (also Her) Imperial Majesty (now historical) (abbreviated H.I.M.): said of an emperor or empress; His (also Her) Britannic Majesty (abbreviated H.B.M.) (see Britannic adj.); His Catholic Majesty (now historical): the King of Spain; His Most Christian Majesty (now historical): the King of France; His Satanic Majesty: the Devil, Satan (also ironic); also his sable majesty (see sable adj.).It was not until the 17th cent. that Your Majesty entirely superseded the other customary forms of address to the sovereign in English. Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I were often addressed as ‘Your Grace’ and ‘Your Highness’, and the latter alternates with ‘Your Majesty’ in the dedication of the Bible of 1611 to James I.Honorific forms of address such as Your Majesty (cf. also excellency n., grace n., highness n., lordship n.) generally agree grammatically with 3rd-person verbs but 2nd-person pronouns: see quots. 1761, c1777. This is not the case in French, German, etc.
society > society and the community > social class > nobility > title > title or form of address for persons of rank > [noun] > titles applied to royalty
His (also Her) Majestya1387
Royal Highness1555
1171 Addr. King's Clerks to Henry II in J. C. Robinson Materials Hist. T. Becket (1885) VII. 471 Noverit vestra Majestas, quod (etc.).]
a1387 J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John's Cambr.) (1872) IV. 9 (MED) Whanne Alisaundre..wente toward his owne contray, þe messangers..of Affrica, of Spayne, and of Italy come in to Babilon to ȝilde hem to his lordschipe and mageste [L. ejus ditioni].
c1425 J. Lydgate Troyyes Bk. (Augustus A.iv) ii. 3163 (MED) Displese it nat, nor to ȝour worþines, In presence of ȝour maieste Þat I schal seyn.
1433 Rolls of Parl. IV. 444/2 Plese it to your Rial Mageste.
1536 in J. Speed Hist. Great Brit. (1611) ix. xxi. 778/1 The Kings most roiall Magesty.
1585 J. Whitgift Let. in T. Fuller Church-hist. Brit. (1655) ix. 174 To the Queens most excellent Majesty. May it please your Majesty to be advertised, that notwithstanding the charge of late given by your Highness to the lower house of Parliament [etc.].
a1599 E. Spenser View State Ireland 83 in J. Ware Two Hist. Ireland (1633) The great good which should growe to her Majesty, should..readily drawe on her Highnesse to the undertaking of the enterprise.
1624 in Archaeologia (1884) 48 211 Given by the King's Matie..to one Bonner.
1647 T. Fuller Good Thoughts in Worse Times iii. xii. 125 His gracious Majesty hath been suspected to be Popishly inclined.
1660 T. Blount (title) Boscobel, or the History of His Sacred Majesties most miraculous preservation after the Battle of Worcester.
1678 J. Bunyan Pilgrim's Progress 143 One of his Majesties Judges. View more context for this quotation
1704 London Gaz. No. 3987/3 To wait upon his Catholick Majesty.
1729 T. Consett in tr. Present State Church Russia Pref. p. lxiv A true Oukauze or Edict sign'd with her Imperial Majesty's own Hand.
1751 S. Richardson Clarissa (ed. 3) IV. lii. 323 To be sure, Jack, she means to do great despight to his Satanic Majesty in her hopes of reforming me.
1761 A. Cruden Compl. Concordance Holy Script. (ed. 2) Ded. to King I doubt not but your Majesty will pardon my forbearing to enter upon your valuable personal Accomplishments.
c1777 E. Burke Addr. to King in Wks. (1818) IX. 183 Your Majesty was touched with a sense of so great a disaster.
1804 M. Cutler Jrnl. 7 Nov. in W. P. Cutler & J. P. Cutler Life, Jrnls. & Corr. M. Cutler (1888) II. 171 This morning, paid the high homage of my respects to his Democratic Majesty, the President.
1823 J. Marshall Writings upon Federal Constit. (1839) 269 His most Christian Majesty ceded to the Queen of Great Britain, all Nova Scotia, etc.
1881 J. Grant Cameronians I. ii. 23 Before summoning his sable majesty.
1884 ‘G. Fleming’ Vestigia I. iv. 131 His Majesty, King Humbert, will hold a grand review of his troops.
1888 J. H. Mapleson Mem. (ed. 2) I. 295 His Majesty the King of Hawaii.
1922 J. Joyce Ulysses ii. xii. [Cyclops] 317 The priests and bishops of Ireland doing up his room in Maynooth in his Satanic Majesty's racing colours.
1945 W. S. Churchill Victory (1946) 139 We, Your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects.
1967 (title of record) The Rolling Stones: Their Satanic Majesties Request.
1991 S. Winchester Pacific (1992) (BNC) 6 The lone British diplomat who gloried in the title of Her Britannic Majesty's High Commissioner in Tonga.
3. The external magnificence befitting a monarch. Obsolete.
the mind > emotion > pride > ostentation > splendour, magnificence, or pomp > [noun]
1481 W. Caxton tr. Siege & Conqueste Jerusalem (1893) xxxix. 77 Themperour satte in his mageste, and the barons aboute hym.
a1530 (c1425) Andrew of Wyntoun Oryg. Cron. Scotl. (Royal) iv. 2448 Regnand in gret reawte, Honor state and majesté.
1541 T. Elyot Image of Gouernance xxvii. f. 60 A haulte pase..at the ende of the Theatre, where the emperour shoulde sytte in his maiestie.
1588 R. Greene Pandosto sig. C4v The goodman seeing his wife in her maiestie with her mace in her hand, thought it was time to bowe for feare of blowes.
1667 J. Milton Paradise Lost ii. 266 Heav'ns all-ruling Sire..with the Majesty of darkness round Covers his Throne.
a. Kingly or queenly dignity of look, bearing, or appearance; impressive stateliness of aspect or demeanour. Also figurative.
the mind > emotion > pride > proper pride or self-respect > [noun] > dignity
1531 T. Elyot Gouernour ii. ii. sig. Nviii The fountaine of all excellent maners is Maiestie, whiche..is proprelie a beautie or comelynesse in his countenance, langage, & gesture apt to his dignite, and accomodate to time, place, & company.
1549 M. Coverdale et al. tr. Erasmus Paraphr. Newe Test. II. 2 Cor. x. f. lviii A weake bodye, wherin there is no maiestye.
c1580 ( tr. Bk. Alexander (1927) III. ii. 7088 Thow sall se..The ferly fare maieste Of Ideas that is sa fre.
1610 R. Knolles Gen. Hist. Turkes (ed. 2) 1161 With a faire countenance, and a majestie full of mildnesse.
1667 J. Milton Paradise Lost xi. 232 I descrie..One of the heav'nly Host, and by his Gate..some great Potentate..such Majestie Invests him coming. View more context for this quotation
1710 R. Steele Tatler No. 115. ⁋1 [Nicolini] commanded the Attention of the Audience with the Majesty of his Appearance.
1760 L. Sterne Life Tristram Shandy II. x. 64 He stood like Hamlet's ghost, motionless and speechless..at the parlour door,..with all the majesty of mud.
1836 C. Kingsley Lett. (1878) I. 34 His looks were majesty, and his tongue justice.
1847 C. Dickens Dombey & Son (1848) xxx. 304 Edith was there in all her majesty of brow and figure.
1914 E. R. Burroughs Tarzan of Apes xx. 269 She noted the graceful majesty of his carriage, the perfect symmetry of his magnificent figure.
1950 D. Cusack Morning Sacrifice in 3 Austral. Three-Act Plays i. 199 She moves out with the majesty of a queen leaving a levee.
1993 Warhammer Armies: Empire (BNC) 74 Her aloof majesty and inscrutable disposition.
b. Of natural objects, buildings, etc.
1555 R. Eden in tr. Peter Martyr of Angleria Decades of Newe Worlde Pref. sig. aiij The contemplation of goddes workes and maiestie of nature.
1565 T. Cooper Thesaurus (at cited word) Maiestas, the maiestie and goodly sight of a place.
1576 W. Lambarde Perambulation of Kent 248 A shryne of golde, and of great Maiestie.
1667 J. Milton Paradise Lost iv. 607 The Moon Rising in clouded Majestie . View more context for this quotation
1796 H. Hunter tr. J.-H. B. de Saint-Pierre Stud. Nature (1799) II. 421 Thus it is that you are clothed with majesty, venerable ruins of Greece and Rome!
1822 Ld. Byron Heaven & Earth i. iii, in Liberal 1 175 Your rugged majesty of rocks And toppling trees.
1830 J. G. Strutt Sylva Brit. (rev. ed.) 6 The funereal majesty of the cedar or the yew.
1879 H. I. Jenkinson Guide Eng. Lake Distr. (ed. 6) 159 At the foot of Skiddaw, which stands forth in all its majesty.
1911 F. H. Burnett Secret Garden xxi. 217 One's heart stands still at the strange unchanging majesty of the rising of the sun.
1968 N. S. Momaday House made of Dawn 16 Of all places that he knew, this valley alone could reflect the great spatial majesty of the sky.
1987 R. Guy And I heard Bird Sing ii. 23 The size of the place, its spacious lawn..impressed with its majesty.
5. Impressive stateliness of character, expression, or action.
1559 J. Heywood in tr. Seneca Troas Pref. sig. A3 How farre aboue my powre, to keepe that grace, and maiestye of style, that Seneca doth.
1597 T. Morley Plaine & Easie Introd. Musicke 114 Those per arsin & thesin, which of all other Canons carie both most difficultie, and most maiestie.
1662 E. Stillingfleet Origines Sacræ iii. i. §2 Hence it is that Moses with so much Majesty and Authority begins the History of the Creation, with, In the beginning [etc.].
1713 H. Felton Diss. Reading Classics 22 The Romans have left no Tragedies behind them, that may compare with the Majesty of the Grecian Stage.
c1786 T. Jefferson Thoughts on Eng. Prosody in Writings (1903) XVIII. 447 There are but two regular pauses in this whole passage of seven verses. They are constantly drowned by the majesty of the rhythm and sense.
1809 S. T. Coleridge Friend 19 Oct. 150 Imposing only by the Majesty of Plain Dealing.
1871 H. Macmillan True Vine (1872) vi. 260 Every thing in nature partakes of the majesty of measured progressiveness and slowness.
1990 Planet 82 Aug. 72 It is what has inspired the Petrarchan majesty of his love poems.
II. Extended uses applied to things.
6. A representation of the Virgin or of Jesus, occasionally of God the Father or of the Holy Trinity, enthroned in glory.Quot. 1872 reflects a specifically Anglo-Catholic sense.
society > leisure > the arts > visual arts > painting and drawing > painting > painting according to subject > [noun] > religious painting > picture by subject
the Visitation (of our Lady)1498
Our Lady Piety1533
noli me tangerea1684
Mater Dolorosa1800
hortus conclusus1852
c1450 (?a1422) J. Lydgate Life Our Lady (Durh.) iii. 1335 (MED) This grete ymage called sholde be Goddes of Rome, and like a maieste, In hir Right hande sholde also holde A large worlde.
1485 W. Caxton tr. Paris & Vienne (1957) 23 A lytel chambre whyche..was an oratorye, where as was the mageste [Fr. la maiesté] of our Lord Ihesu Cryst vpon a lytel aulter.
1847 C. L. Eastlake Materials Hist. Oil Painting I. 171 (note) The only existing document relating to Cimabue shows that he was employed in 1301..on a mosaic ‘Majesty’ in the tribune of the Duomo at Pisa.
1847 C. L. Eastlake Materials Hist. Oil Painting I. 480 The central picture..generally represented a ‘Majesty’, or enthroned Madonna.
1872 O. Shipley Gloss. Eccl. Terms Majesty, a picture of God the Father enthroned as a pope, with a tiara on His head, and with the other persons of the Blessed Trinity portrayed or symbolized.
1883 J. G. Waller in Archaeologia (1885) 49 200 ‘The Majesty’, a term of ancient use, is given to the figure of Our Lord seated within an aureole, holding up the right hand in act of benediction, in the other a book or orb.
1936 A. W. Clapham Romanesque Archit. W. Europe iv. 102 Here the tympanum is carved with a Majesty between two angels.
7. A canopy supported on a framework (a hearse) over a bier or coffin in a church. Obsolete.
the world > life > death > obsequies > funeral equipment > [noun] > canopy
1483 Funeral of Edw. IV in Lett. Rich. III (Rolls) I. 7 A blacke magestie, clothe of sarsenet drawen with vj coursers traped with blacke velvet.
a1500 in J. H. Parker Gloss. Terms Archit. (1850) I. 504 If he be an Earle he must have a majeste and valence fringed.
1546 in J. Strype Eccl. Memorials (1721) II. ii. App. A. 6 [A] stately herse of nine principals with double stories and a costly Majesty.
1555 H. Machyn Diary (1848) 90 All the prensepalles covered with blake velvett, and the mageste of taffata and the frynge [gold].
1849 D. Rock Church our Fathers II. vii. 498 This tester-like covering [of the hearse] was known as the ‘majesty’.
1850 Gloss. Terms Archit. I. 250 These posts were covered with velvet or ornamented with wax-work, and they carried a canopy or ceiling termed the Majesty.
8. Heraldry. eagle in her majesty n. a representation of a crowned eagle holding in its talons a symbol of sovereign power, esp. a sceptre or orb. Obsolete.
society > communication > indication > insignia > heraldic devices collective > heraldic representations of creatures > [noun] > heraldic birds
spread eagle1550
spread eaglet1602
eagle in her majesty?1828
double eagle1861
pelican in her piety1885
?1828 W. Berry Encycl. Heraldica I. sig. Ccc4v/1 Majesty. This term is applied to the eagle when crowned, and holding a sceptre. It is then blazoned an eagle in her Majesty.


majesty escutcheon n. Heraldry (now historical) an escutcheon bearing the royal arms.
1658 Mercurius Politicus No. 438. 927 All these three large Rooms are compleatly furnished with Escucheons of his Highness Armes,..and upon the head of each cloth of Estate is fixed a large Majesty-Escocheon fairly painted, and gilt upon Taffity.
1737 Hist. Reg. 1736 21 71 To the left another Bannerol with..Majesty Escutcheon being fixed over the Chair.
1871 W. McC. Thomson Land & Bk. (rev. ed.) I. 387 Certainly the fierce-looking monster on her majesty's escutcheon was never copied from these sluggish and disgusting friends of the marsh and the mud.
1992 Antiquaries Jrnl. 72 161 Three stalls were put up, one for the Sovereign of the Order with the Majesty Escutcheon of the Sovereign's Arms [etc.].
majesty scutcheon n. Heraldry (now historical) = majesty escutcheon n..
1672 E. Ashmole Inst. Order of Garter vii. 207 Under the Joysts was a Majesty Scutcheon of Black Taffaty, of this Kings Arms within a Garter, crowned with an Imperial Grown.
1759 W. H. Dilworth Life John Churchill 152 At the Head of the Bed a Majesty-Scutcheon.
2001 S. Schama Hist. Britain 244 Not before little Robert Uvedale,..had made his way through the chaotically exiting crowd and stolen away with a souvenir, the ‘Majesty Scutcheon’.


majestyship n. Obsolete = sense 2.Apparently an isolated use.
1594 T. Lodge & R. Greene Looking Glasse sig. E3v Nay and please your Maiesti-ship, for proofe he was my childe, search the parish booke.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2000; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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