

单词 maintenance


Brit. /ˈmeɪnt(ᵻ)nəns/, /ˈmeɪntn̩əns/, U.S. /ˈmeɪnt(ə)nəns/, /ˈmeɪntn̩əns/
Forms: Middle English mantenans, Middle English mayntenanse, Middle English mayntenavnce, Middle English mayntnance, Middle English mayntnaunce, Middle English meigntenance, Middle English meigtenance (transmission error), Middle English meintenance, Middle English meintenaunce, Middle English mentenaunce, Middle English menteynaunce, Middle English meynteinance, Middle English meyntenance, Middle English meyntenaunce, Middle English meyntenauns, Middle English meyntnance, Middle English meyntonawnse, Middle English meyntynaunce, Middle English–1500s maintenaunce, Middle English–1500s maynetenaunce, Middle English–1500s mayntenaunce, Middle English–1600s mayntenance, Middle English– maintenance, 1500s maintaynance, 1500s maintenans, 1500s maintennance, 1500s maintennence, 1500s manteignance, 1500s manteinance, 1500s mayntenans, 1500s mayntenaunts, 1500s mayntennance, 1500s mayntennence, 1500s mayntenuance (probably transmission error), 1500s–1600s mantenance, 1500s– maintainance; Scottish pre-1700 maintanance, pre-1700 mainteinance, pre-1700 mainteineance, pre-1700 maintenanc, pre-1700 maintinance, pre-1700 maneteinance, pre-1700 manetenance, pre-1700 manetenaunce, pre-1700 mantainans, pre-1700 manteanance, pre-1700 manteanaunce, pre-1700 manteinance, pre-1700 manteinans, pre-1700 mantemans, pre-1700 mantenance, pre-1700 mantenans, pre-1700 mantinance, pre-1700 mantinence, pre-1700 maynteynance, pre-1700 mentainence, pre-1700 mentanence, pre-1700 menteinance, pre-1700 mentemans, pre-1700 mentemence, pre-1700 mentenance, pre-1700 menteynance, pre-1700 mentinance, pre-1700 mentinenc, pre-1700 meyntenance, pre-1700 1700s– maintenance.
Origin: A borrowing from French. Etymon: French maintenance.
Etymology: < Anglo-Norman maintenance, mainteignance upkeep, preservation, protection, force, maintenance (in legal use in sense 1), and Old French, Middle French maintenance protection, support (mid 12th cent.), action of protecting or preserving (1474) < maintenir (see maintain v.) + -ance -ance suffix. Compare post-classical Latin manutenentia protection, support (1145; from 14th cent. in British sources), Old Occitan mantenensa, Spanish mantenencia, Portuguese mantença, Italian mantenenza.The spelling maintainance has never been standard, but is recorded sporadically from the 16th cent. onwards.
I. Senses relating to support or assistance.
1. Law. The action of wrongfully aiding and abetting litigation; spec. support of a suit or suitor at law by a party who has no legally recognized interest in the proceedings. Cf. maintain v. 1c, 8c; also barratry n. 4, champerty n. 2.In the United Kingdom, criminal and tortious liability for maintenance were abolished by the Criminal Law Act 1967, but the common rule has survived, that rights of action cannot be assigned where the assignment savours of maintenance, and the courts may still strike down contracts to maintain another's suit as void.
society > law > rule of law > lawlessness > specific offences > [noun] > illegal involvement in a suit
c1350 (a1333) William of Shoreham Poems (1902) 96 Alas! onneþe eny man Þat pyse heste healde; Alle hy beþ y-torned to lesynge..Þer-to hys mentenaunce great Þat makeþ hy wel bealde.
1389 in J. T. Smith & L. T. Smith Eng. Gilds (1870) 39 Þei shullen makyn no meyntenaunce ne confideracie ageyn þe kyngis right ne þe comoun lawe.
1399 Rolls of Parl. III. 452/2 Some men..have taken mych more by extorsion..and by mayntenance of quereles.
?a1425 in D. Knoop & G. P. Jones Mediæval Mason (1933) 265 No fals mantenans he take hym apon.
1447 Rolls of Parl. V. 130/1 By grete might, mayntenaunce, and other undue meones.
1460–1 Rolls of Parl.: Henry VI (Electronic ed.) Parl. Oct. 1460 374/2 In an action of mayntenaunce.
1467 in J. T. Smith & L. T. Smith Eng. Gilds (1870) 400 Alle the attorners..truly to execute ther office as the lawe requirith wtout mayntenaunce, or champertye, or conseilynge ther cliauntors to vse eny fals accyons.
c1500 (?a1475) Assembly of Gods (1896) 659 Hoordam, Bawdry, False Mayntenaunce.
a1601 W. Lambarde Archion (1635) 137 That he shal not by himselfe, or by any other commit maintenance, or other thing which may disturbe the course of the Common Law.
1628 E. Coke 1st Pt. Inst. Lawes Eng. 368 b Maintenance..signifieth in Law, a taking in hand, bearing vp or vpholding of quarrels and sides, to the disturbance or hindrance of common right.
a1754 T. Carte Gen. Hist. Eng. (1755) IV. 86 (note) Sir E. Coke who being in danger of a prosecution..for champarty and maintenance being a judge.
1787 J. Bentham Def. Usury xii. 118 Champerty is but a particular modification of this sin of Maintenance.
1836 P. Bingham New Cases Court Common Pleas 2 639 If the Defendant was not privy to the publication of the libel, he was a stranger to the action brought against the Plaintiff, and in undertaking to indemnify the Plaintiff against the costs was guilty of maintenance.
1875 E. Poste tr. Gaius Institutionum Iuris Civilis (ed. 2) iv. 611 Unless the assignment savour of Maintenance, i.e. be made with the design of fomenting litigation.
1883 Law Rep.: Queen's Bench Div. 11 1 Bradlaugh v. Newdegate... The action was for maintenance.
1886 Law Rep.: Queen's Bench Div. 17 504 The action was brought to recover damages occasioned to the plaintiff by reason of the defendant's ‘maintenance’ of one Nailer in an action which he had brought against the plaintiff.
1901 F. Pollock Law of Torts 321 The wrong of maintenance, or aiding a party in litigation without either interest in the suit, or lawful cause of kindred, affection, or charity for aiding him, is..akin to malicious prosecution and other abuses of legal process... Actions for maintenance are in modern times rare though possible.
1940 T. H. White Ill-made Knight xlv. 286 The lawyers were as busy as bees, issuing writs for attainder,..distraint, distress,..maintenance,..and oyer and terminer.
1994 A. G. Guest Chitty on Contracts (ed. 27) I. 800 In principle a contract of maintenance should be held to be unenforceable between parties to it.
2. The action of giving aid, countenance, or support to a person in a course of action. Obsolete.
the world > action or operation > easiness > aid, help, or assistance > support > [noun]
1384 in R. W. Chambers & M. Daunt Bk. London Eng. (1931) 24 Al the ordinances..sholden haue be meigtened euer more afterward with strength of meigntenance of the poeple a-yeins any mayr.
c1400 (?c1380) Cleanness (1920) 186 For..mayntnaunce of schrewez.
c1400 (c1378) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Laud 581) (1869) B. v. 253 Lentestow euere lordes for loue of her mayntenaunce?
1422 in H. Rose & L. Shaw Geneal. Deduction Family Rose of Kilravock (1848) 125 With our help, suppouel and manetenance in al your lachful..erandis.
a1500 Eng. Conquest Ireland (Rawl.) (1896) 21 That the harme whych he hadde no Powere to don vs hym-selfe, throgh helpe of them & mayntenavnce, the better myght bryng to ende.
1592 R. Greene Quip for Vpstart Courtier sig. E Sildom was there any pleas put in before that proud vpstart veluet breeches, for his maintaynance inuented strange controuersies.
a1610 A. Montgomerie Poems (1887) 168 And I sall be thy seruand, in sik sort To merit thy mantenance, if I may.
1638 National Covenant in Facsimiles National MSS Scotl. (1871) III. xcvii A generall band for maintenance of..the Kings person.
a. The action of providing oneself, one's family, etc., with the means of subsistence or necessaries of life; the fact or state of being so provided. Also: that which is sufficient to support life; means of subsistence; the amount provided for a person's livelihood.
the mind > possession > supply > [noun] > provision of means of support or livelihood
life support1852
the world > life > source or principle of life > [noun] > as dependent on sustenance > means of life
the mind > possession > supply > [noun] > provision of means of support or livelihood > instance or amount of
1389 in R. W. Chambers & M. Daunt Bk. London Eng. (1931) 45 Eche broþer..schal ȝeue somwhat in maintenance of þe bretherhede.
?c1430 (c1383) J. Wyclif Eng. Wks. (1880) 15 Ȝif þei ben faste aboute to haue riche men biried in here housis for wynnynge and offrynge and worldly meyntenaunce.
c1450 (?a1400) Wars Alexander (Ashm.) 1179 Rathere to thole Þe mayntenance of þe Messedoyns..Þan þaiem of Persy to pay.
1540 Act 32 Hen. VIII c. 14 The nauy..is..the maintenaunce of many masters mariners and sea men.
1581 R. Mulcaster Positions xxxvii. 148 Will ye haue the multitude waxe, where the maintenance waines?
1589 H. Hawks in R. Hakluyt Princ. Navigations iii. 550 This Maiz is the greatest maintenance which the Indian hath.
1596 G. Babington Comf. Notes: Gen. (new ed.) i. 12 The pryde of some, who can not abide to haue any..come neere them, in any circumstance of life or maintenance.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Two Gentlemen of Verona (1623) i. iii. 68 What maintenance he from his friends receiues, Like exhibition thou shalt haue from me. View more context for this quotation
1639 J. Woodall Surgeons Mate (rev. ed.) Ep. Salut. 3 I was forced for my maintenance to follow the practice of the cure of the Plague.
1645 D. Featley Καταβάπτισται Κατάπτυστοι: Dippers Dipt (ed. 3) 214 Some lands, profits, and emoluments..assigned for the maintenance of the Ministery.
1701 C. Cibber Love makes Man ii. 12 Enough to give him Books, and a moderate Maintainance.
1709 J. Swift Project Advancem. Relig. 28 They are not under a Necessity of making Learning their Maintenance.
1729 W. Law Serious Call viii. 114 The parish allowance to such people, is very seldom a comfortable maintenance.
?1753 in B. Franklin Papers (1961) IV. 481 Scarce hope for any thing better than a Parish Maintainance.
1818 W. Cruise Digest Laws Eng. Real Prop. (ed. 2) VI. 117 In case he should have any children by her, to provide for their maintenance.
1843 T. B. Macaulay Ld. Clive in Crit. & Hist. Ess. III. 184 The civil servants were clearly entitled to a maintenance out of the revenue.
1863 M. Howitt tr. F. Bremer Greece & Greeks II. xxi. 297 The Greek convent-houses are chiefly houses of maintenance for poor men and women.
1909 L. M. Montgomery Anne of Avonlea xxii. 259 The sum of two thousand dollars was left..in trust for David and Dora Keith until they came of age or married. In the meantime the interest was to be used for their maintenance.
1969 H. A. R. Gibb Mohammedanism (rev. ed.) viii. 98 Towards the end of the fifth century a movement began in Persia..for the establishment and endowment of..institutions for theological instruction, with an official status, salaried teachers, and..provision for the maintenance of students as well.
1991 Which? June 314/2 The guardians will then have to apply to the trustees if they want to use the children's inheritance to pay for their maintenance, education and so on.
b. Law. In full separate maintenance. An allowance made to a woman (occasionally to a man) by a (former) spouse after divorce or legal separation or during proceedings for these. Cf. alimony n. 1.
society > trade and finance > fees and taxes > grants and allowances > [noun] > separation allowance
separate maintenance1693
1693 W. Congreve Old Batchelour iv. iv. 42 No, no, for that matter—when she and I part, she'll carry her separate-maintenance about her.
1723 D. Defoe Hist. Col. Jack (ed. 2) 250 She demanding a separate Maintenance.
1780 R. B. Sheridan School for Scandal i. i. 1 She has been the cause of six matches being broken off,..nine separate maintenances, and two divorces.
1803 G. Colman John Bull iv. i. 42 I'll settle a separate maintenance upon ould mother Brulgruddery [sc. his wife].
1866 Act 29 & 30 Vict. c. 32 §1 It shall be lawful for the Court to make an order on the husband for payment to the wife during their joint lives of such monthly or weekly sums for her maintenance..as the Court may think reasonable.
1907 Act 7 Edward VII c. 12 §1 The court may..make an order on the husband for payment to the wife..for her maintenance.
1940 Supreme Court Reporter (U.S.) 60 428/1 The so-called alimony trust in question was created..in settlement of a suit brought by her for separate maintenance.
1956 R. Macaulay Towers of Trebizond ii. 17 All those poor young unmarried fathers, ruined by maintenance.
1991 Which? Tax Saving Guide 27/2 Suppose you are a divorced man paying your ex-wife £2,500 a year maintenance.
c. Biology. The process or action of maintaining physiological stability, esp. stable body mass. Also attributive: designating the energy or nutrients required to keep an organism in such a state (as distinct from energy used for growth or reproduction).
1922 Sci. Amer. July 42/3 Certain of the amino acids, of which about 19 have been found in proteins, are absolutely essential for growth and maintenance, among which are lysine, cystine and tryptophane.
1959 A. C. Hardy Open Sea II. xiii. 250 Young fish put more food to growth than older fish; old fish put more food to maintenance.
1974 Nature 19 Apr. 649/2 Maintenance feeding involves supplying..the total dietary intake.
1992 Internat. Jrnl. Food Sci. & Nutrition 43 33/2 The same basal diet was used..supplying 1.9 times the daily maintenance energy requirement.
d. The action of maintaining an individual with a chronic illness or addiction on a drug or other therapeutic regimen designed to provide relief of symptoms, sustain a remission, or otherwise preserve the benefit of earlier treatment (often using lower doses of the same drug(s) used in the initial treatment). Frequently attributive.
the world > health and disease > healing > medical treatment > treatment by medicine or drug > [noun] > in doses > maintenance
1936 T. L. Stedman Pract. Med. Dict. (ed. 13) 319/2 Maintenance dose, the dose given in a protracted case of illness, to keep the patient under the influence of the drug after this has been attained by the initial dosage.
1963 Brit. Pharmaceut. Codex 683 Dose [of propylthiouracil]. Controlling dose, 200 to 600 milligrams daily; maintenance dose, 50 to 200 milligrams daily.
1965 Jrnl. Amer. Med. Assoc. 23 Aug. 648/1 Addicts coming to a maintenance program usually fear that physicians will not prescribe enough medication.
1971 Nature 29 Jan. 290/2 The committee believes that the British system of maintenance, in which an addict is supplied with daily doses of heroin, and the methadone maintenance treatment,..both have their advantages and drawbacks.
1990 Q. Jrnl. Med. 77 1165 The dose of maintenance prednisolone given..to renal allograft patients to prevent graft rejection.
4. The action of upholding or keeping in being a cause, right, state of things, government, etc.; the state or fact of being upheld or sustained; †that which upholds, means of sustentation (obsolete).
the world > time > change > absence of change, changelessness > maintaining state or condition > [noun]
the world > time > change > absence of change, changelessness > maintaining state or condition > [noun] > means of
holding operation1962
c1390 in C. Brown Relig. Lyrics 14th Cent. (1924) 170 Falshed may wel regne a while Þorw Meyntenaunce of couetise.
c1425 J. Lydgate Troyyes Bk. (Augustus A.iv) v. 3559 (MED) Fals mayntenaunce of avoutrye Many worþi causyng for to dye.
c1475 Wisdom (Folger) (1969) 634 (MED) Men sew to my frendeschyppe For meyntnance of her schendeschyppe.
1529 T. More Dialogue Heresyes i, in Wks. 109/1 For the maintenaunce of theyr authorite.
a1538 T. Starkey Dial. Pole & Lupset (1989) 17 To apply & indevur my selfe, to the mayntenuance & settyng forward of the true commyn wele.
1549 Bk. Common Prayer (STC 16267) Svpper of the Lorde f. cxxvii The maintenaunce of Goddes true religion and vertue.
1570 Homilies (1640) ii. Agst. Rebellion iv. 302 So hath a frantick Religion need of such furious maintenances as is Rebellion.
1578 J. Lyly Euphues f. 41 Idlenes is..the sole maintenance of youthfull affection.
1591 E. Spenser Teares of Muses in Complaints 338 So every where they rule and tyrannize, For their usurped kingdomes maintenaunce.
1638 National Covenant in Facsimiles National MSS Scotl. (1871) III. xcvii A generall band for maintenance of the true religion.
1681 Addr. from Helstone in London Gaz. No. 1629/7 Whatever we can do for and towards the Support, Preservation, and maintainance of the just Rights and Prerogative of Your Majesty.
1740 D. Hume Treat. Human Nature III. ii. 134 Men so often act in contradiction to their known interest; and..prefer any trivial advantage, that is present, to the maintenance of order in society.
1791 T. Paine Rights of Man i. 110 The future claims of the citizens, being directed by simple and incontestible principles, may always tend to the maintenance of the Constitution.
1847 C. Brontë Jane Eyre III. iv. 112 It is not of that description which promises the maintenance of an even tenor in life.
1871 J. Earle Philol. Eng. Tongue Introd. 95 Where there is a central literature, there is a constant provision for the maintenance of uniformity, even though words are changing their sense.
1916 F. von Hügel German Soul 92 How impossible in practice is the maintenance of international obligations of any articulable kind.
1957 P. Worsley Trumpet shall Sound vii. 126 These ‘Australians’ were remarkable for their friendly..attitudes to the natives, the ‘English’ for their maintenance of colour-discrimination.
1987 A. Pryce-Jones Bonus of Laughter iii. 37 The maintenance of such conventions as church on Sunday, temperance is all things, and good manners, was never questioned.
5. The action of supporting or upholding in speech or argument; assertion of the truth or validity of an opinion, plea, tenet, etc. Obsolete.
the mind > language > statement > maintaining or upholding as true > [noun]
c1450 J. Capgrave Solace of Pilgrims (Bodl. 423) (1911) 36 Wheþir þis be treuth or nout I make no meyntenaunce.
1533 T. More Debellacyon Salem & Bizance ii. xv. f. lxii Nor herin see I none other shyfte for this good man, but for the mayntenaunce of hys mater to saye, that in the comen law [etc.].
1560 J. Daus tr. J. Sleidane Commentaries f. xxijv The Duke..aunswereth, that it was neuer his intent to defende Luthers Doctrine by his maintenaunce.
1562 in F. J. Furnivall Child-marriages, Divorces, & Ratifications Diocese Chester (1897) 195 This deponent did colourably declare (for the maintenaunce of his matter) that he had sondry witnesses.
1691 T. Hale Acct. New Inventions 29 What has been severally offered and asserted..in Maintenance of their different Conceptions touching the Evil now enquired into.
1821 T. Jefferson Autobiogr. in Writings (1984) 35 We prevailed so far only as to repeal the laws which rendered criminal the maintenance of any religious opinions.
1875 H. R. Reynolds in Expositor 1 308 He could never have appealed, as he did, to the authority of Paul in maintenance of his own peculiar opinions.
a. cap (also †hat) of maintenance, a cap or hat worn as a symbol of official dignity or high rank, or carried before a sovereign or a high dignitary on ceremonial occasions.The sense of maintenance here is obscure. Cf. the apparently equivalent cap of estate, cap of dignity (see cap n.1 4g). In quot. c1475 at sense 4 the hat of maintenance is worn by the members of the Holborn Quest probably as an indication of their patron's livery. Perhaps the earliest mention of the cap of maintenance as a symbol of royal authority is in quot. a1600 with reference to Edward IV; the cap is mentioned by contemporaries as having been given by the Pope three times to Henry VII and once to Henry VIII; in quot. 1551 it is referred to as one of the insignia of a prince. In the 16th cent. and later it appears chiefly as borne, together with the sword, before the Lord Mayor, and before the Sovereign at his or her coronation. It is still used at coronations and as part of the regalia for the ceremonial state opening of Parliament. A kind of cap, with two points like horns behind, borne in the arms of certain families either as a charge or in the place of a wreath, is described by heralds as a ‘cap of maintenance’, cf. quot. 1700.
society > authority > office > symbol of office or authority > [noun] > garment or dress > headgear
cap (also hat) of maintenancec1475
cocked hat1673
the world > textiles and clothing > clothing > types or styles of clothing > headgear > [noun] > hat > other
cap (also hat) of maintenancec1475
cockle hat1603
meat safe1782
balloon hat1784
gypsy hat1785
gypsy bonnet1803
Wellington hat1809
umbrella hat1817
squash hat1860
Dolly Varden1872
kiss-me-quick hat1963
tinfoil hat1982
the world > textiles and clothing > clothing > types or styles of clothing > headgear > [noun] > cap > types of > denoting office or profession > other
cap (also hat) of maintenancec1475
Sister Dora1893
c1475 Wisdom (Folger) (1969) 138 Here entrethe 6 jorours..wyth hodys abowt her nekys, hattys of meyntenance þervpon.
1551 R. Robinson tr. T. More Vtopia ii. sig. Oiv Nor the prince hymselfe is not knowen from the other..by a crown or diademe or cappe of maintenaunce.
1577 R. Holinshed Chron. II. 1759/2 They had two Cappes of maintenance likewise borne before them: wherof the Earle of Arundell bare the one, and the Earle of Shrewesburie the other.
a1600 ( Rec. Bluemantle Pursuivant in C. L. Kingsford Eng. Hist. Lit. 15th Cent. (1913) 382 The King come into the parlement chamber in his parlement robes, and on his hed a cap of mayntenaunce.
c1600 Wriothesley's Chron. Eng. (1875) I. 2 A capp of mayntenance brought from Rome to the Kinge.
1614 R. Tailor Hogge hath lost Pearle iii. E 3 b As if a females fauour could not be obteyn'd by any, but he that weares the Cap of maintenance.
1622 J. Taylor Very Merry Wherry-Ferry Voy. in Wks. (1630) ii. 13/2 A Sword, a Cap of maintenance, a Mace..Are borne before the Maior, and Aldermen.
1639 J. Mayne Citye Match i. iii Think, man, how it may In time..raise thee To the sword and cap of maintenance.
a1640 P. Massinger City-Madam (1658) iv. i. 71 I see Lord Major written on his forehead; The Cap of Maintenance, and Citie Sword Born up in state before him.
1656 in L. F. W. Jewitt & W. H. St.J. Hope Corporation Plate (1895) I. p. lxxviii [Cromwell granted to Salisbury that the Sword~bearer should bear a sword and] weare a Cap of Mayntenance before the Maior of the said Citie for the tyme being.
1698 J. Fryer New Acct. E.-India & Persia 358 A high Red Velvet Cap, plaited at Top like a Cap of Maintenance.
1700 W. Congreve Way of World iii. i. 49 They [sc. a pair of horns] may prove a Cap of Maintenance to you still.
1714 B. Mandeville Fable Bees i. 136 If my Lord Mayor had nothing to defend himself but his great two handed Sword, the huge Cap of Maintenance, and his guilded Mace.
1736 F. Drake Eboracum i. vi. 223 The sword-bearer hath a hat of maintenance, which he wears only on Christmas day,..and on the high days of solemnity.
1808 W. Scott Marmion iv. vii. 192 His cap of maintenance was graced With the proud heron-plume.
1875 W. Stubbs Constit. Hist. III. xx. 434 It became the rule for a duke to be created by the girding on of the sword, the bestowal of a golden rod, and the imposition of a cap of maintenance and circlet of gold. [Under Edward III; but the document cited has per impositionem cappæ.]
1894 Dict. National Biogr. XIV. 278/2 He supported Mary on Edward VI's death, and bore the second sword and the cap of maintenance at her coronation.
1972 N. Wilding & P. Laundy Encycl. Parl. (ed. 4) 508 Two peers [at the state opening of Parliament], one holding aloft the Sword of State, the other the red velvet Cap of Maintenance trimmed with ermine.
1998 R. Seitz Over Here iv. 245 The Leader of the House of Lords..carries the Cap of Maintenance at the tip of a long upright stick.
b. humorous (with allusion to sense 3). Obsolete.
c1600 Return: 1st Pt. i. i, in Three Parnassus Plays (1949) i.154 Take vs with thee, or wee muste prouide vs a poore capp of mantenance.
II. Senses relating to continuance, preservation, etc.
a. The action of keeping something in working order, in repair, etc.; the keeping up of a building, institution, body of troops, etc., by providing means for equipment, etc.; the state or fact of being so kept up; means or provision for upkeep. Frequently attributive.
society > trade and finance > payment > [noun] > bearing of expenses or charges > of maintenance or upkeep
the world > action or operation > safety > protection or defence > preservation from injury or destruction > [noun] > preservation in being or maintenance > preserving in proper condition
preventive maintenance1937
the world > action or operation > safety > protection or defence > preservation from injury or destruction > [adjective] > preserving in being or maintaining > preserving in proper condition
1389 in J. T. Smith & L. T. Smith Eng. Gilds (1870) 74 (MED) What man or woman so faille, shale pay..di. pounde of wax to þe mayntenance of þe liȝt.
a1475 J. Fortescue Governance of Eng. (Laud) (1885) 120 (MED) It is necessarie that the kynge..haue revenues sufficiant for the yerely mayntenance of his estate.
c1482 in J. P. Collier Househ. Bks. John Duke of Norfolk & Thomas Earl of Surrey (1844) 149 For the mayntenanse of the lampe..spent xiiij. quartes of oyle iij.d. ob.
1546 in J. T. Fowler Memorials Church SS. Peter & Wilfrid, Ripon (1888) III. 23 Certen landes belongynge..to the Maynetenaunce of divers and syndrye Chauntriez in the same Churche.
1587 A. Fleming et al. Holinshed's Chron. (new ed.) III. Contin. 1537/1 That which was doone..made an excellent rode or harborough for the time it continued, and had maintenance.
1600 R. Surflet tr. C. Estienne & J. Liébault Maison Rustique i. iv. 14 Your House..will be..of greatest maintenance, preseruation, and safetie, if you inuiron it round about with water.
1611 M. Smith in Bible (King James) Transl. Pref. sig. ⁋2 Against Church-maintenance and allowance, in such sort, as the Embassadors and messengers of the great King of Kings should be furnished.
1665 J. Bunyan Holy Citie 250 Having thus shewed us this City..he now comes to shew us her Provision and Maintenance, wherewith she is kept in safety, life, peace and comfort.
1775 E. Burke Speech Resol. for Concil. Colonies 46 Secondly, that they had acted legally and laudably in their grants of money, and their maintenance of troops.
1848 H. H. Wilson Hist. Brit. India 1805–35 III. viii. 407 A further sequestration was subsequently authorised, in order to ensure the maintenance of the contingent horse, which the Gaekwar was bound by treaty to keep up for the service of the British Government.
1861 M. Pattison in Westm. Rev. Apr. 415 The maintenance and repair of the northern gate, Bishopsgate, was assigned to them.
1884 List of Subscribers (London & Globe Telephone Co.) In case of unsatisfactory service..send complaint in writing..to London and Globe Telephone and Maintenance Company, Limited.
1887 N.E.D. at Beaconage Toll paid for the maintainance of beacons.
1917 Advt. (in O.E.D. files) Messrs. Thole & Newman will advise on all matters important to the maintainance of Property.
1942 Aeronautics May 40/1 The public does not hear very much about the Maintenance Command of the Royal Air Force.
1974 Times 7 Mar. 1/1 Maintenance workers will be allowed into the pits during the weekend.
1988 Flight Internat. 17 Dec. 36/3 Routine maintenance of the F.27s' Dart engines is also conducted at Reykjavik.
1990 Jrnl. Exper. Bot. 41 778/1 The maintainance of biomass.
b. Railways. maintenance of way n. the upkeep of tracks, bridges, etc. Frequently attributive.
1832 Rep. Liverpool & Manch. Railway in S. C. Brees Railways Pract. App. (1839) 27 Sundry Disbursements..comprising Maintenance of Way, Police Establishment, General Office Establishment, &c.
1891 Q. Jrnl. Econ. 5 445 The operating expenses of a railway are usually divided..into five parts: (1) ; (2) motive power; (3) maintenance of car equipment; (4) conducting transportation; (5) general expenses and taxes.
1994 Coal Week 1 Aug. 4/2 BN, UP and C&NW also will continue their capital improvement programs despite the moratorium on maintenance of way work.
8. The waging of a war by providing supplies. Obsolete.
society > armed hostility > military organization > logistics > [noun] > provision or procurement of supplies > carrying on of war by
1496–7 Act 12 Hen. VII c. 12 §6 The seid xvme..shalbe..levyed and paied for mayntenance of the same Werre.
1543–4 Act 35 Hen. VIII c. 12 Inestimable costes charges and expences..for the maintenaunce of his warres.
a1599 E. Spenser View State Ireland 96 in J. Ware Two Hist. Ireland (1633) All the townes of the Low-Countryes, doe cut upon themselves an excise of all things towards the maintenance of the warre.
1814 T. Jefferson Let. 28 Nov. in Writings (1984) 1357 Our resources are competent to the maintenance of the war.
III. Senses relating to conduct.
9. Bearing, deportment, demeanour, behaviour. Obsolete.
the world > action or operation > behaviour > [noun] > demeanour or bearing
c1436 Duke Burgundy (Rome) 70 in R. H. Robbins Hist. Poems 14th & 15th Cent. (1959) 89 (MED) Wite thin owne falsnes and grete maintenance..Thy falsnes is begynnyng of al thy myschance.
c1450 ( G. Chaucer Bk. Duchess 834 She had..So noble port and meyntenaunce.
1579 E. Spenser Shepheardes Cal. Sept. 169 For all their craft is in their countenaunce, They bene so graue and full of mayntenaunce.
1598 W. Shakespeare Henry IV, Pt. 1 v. iv. 21 I saw him hold Lord Percy at the poynt, With lustier maintenance then I did looke for Of such an vngrowne warrior. View more context for this quotation


maintenance agreement n. Law (chiefly British) a written agreement between husband and wife detailing arrangements effective in the event of a separation or divorce, esp. assuring the financial support of dependants.
society > law > legal obligation > contract > [noun] > written contract or text of
maintenance agreement1951
1943 Federal Reporter 2nd Ser. 134 584/2 The appellant.., a resident of New Jersey, sued her former husband, a resident of Oklahoma, to recover arrearages and the liquidated value of an alleged separate maintenance agreement between the parties, alleging the requisite amount in controversy.]
1951 All Eng. Law Rep. 1 771 In Scott v Scott..a maintenance agreement was made during divorce proceedings.
1973 Matrimonial Causes Act c. 18 §34(2)Maintenance agreement’ means any agreement in writing..between the parties to a marriage, being (a) an agreement containing financial arrangements..or (b) a separation agreement.
1993 J. Lowe Which? Guide to Pensions (ed. 2) xii. 194 ‘Clean-break’ settlements..aim to resolve the financial affairs of the couple in a single step with no on-going maintenance agreements or other financial ties.
maintenance contract n. (a) a contract given to a firm to carry out maintenance work; (b) a form of insurance or guarantee which covers repairs, servicing, etc., for a fixed term, at no extra cost to the customer, typically bought for a flat fee or offered free with the purchase of a product.
society > law > legal obligation > contract > [noun] > matter agreed upon
maintenance contract1915
society > trade and finance > financial dealings > insurance > [noun] > insurance policy > specific types of policy
fire policy1737
valued policy1737
life policy1751
wagering policy1766
wager policy1766
time policy1808
voyage policy1848
maintenance contract1915
death futures1993
1915 Amer. Econ. Rev. 5 41 Under Sec. 10 common carriers are forbidden after two years..to make or to have construction or maintenance contracts to the amount of more than $50,000 in the aggregate in any one year with another organization [etc.].
1973 N.Y. Times 9 Sept. i. 32/1 Relocation and Management Associates received the urban-renewal maintenance contract on June 18 in a joint venture with Environmental Spectrum Inc.
1988 Which? Feb. 68/3 An extended guarantee doesn't look like a good bet; maintenance contracts look even less worthwhile.
1996 Introd. to Official List (Centrica plc) 32 The main competitive threat in the provision of service and maintenance contracts comes from independent installers, nationwide servicing and ‘home emergency’ organisations.
maintenance dialysis n. Medicine = maintenance haemodialysis n.; (also) long-term periodic peritoneal dialysis.
the world > health and disease > healing > medical treatment > treatments removing or dispersing matter > [noun] > dialysis
peritoneal dialysis1946
renal dialysis1960
maintenance dialysis1966
maintenance haemodialysis1968
1966 Brit. Jrnl. Urol. 38 321 (heading) Dublin experience in maintenance dialysis—with a comment on bilateral nephrectomy.
1977 Ann. Internal Med. 86 655/1 Two-year follow-up revealed three additional deaths: two from myocardial infarctions in maintenance dialysis patients with severe three-vessel coronary artery disease.
1998 Surg. Today 28 811 Successful renal transplantation can significantly improve the cardiovascular function of renal patients on maintenance dialysis.
maintenance dose n. see sense 3d.
maintenance-free adj. needing little or no maintenance or servicing.
1968 Med. Res. Engin. 7 39 The system is designed and fabricated to be airtight, easily dismantled and cleaned, mobile and maintenance free.
1980 D. K. Cameron Willie Gavin v. 50 Discarding the old clay thacking for the maintenance-free convenience of corrugated sheet-iron.
1997 Indianapolis Star 20 July h12/2 The newest material is maintenance-free, pultruded fiberglass. It is the ultimate material for window and door frames.
maintenance grant n. a sum of money allowed by an authority or person towards living costs or upkeep, esp. an allowance provided to higher education students.
1914 R. E. Reiss in Women's Industr. News Oct. 287 The subject of Maintenance Grants under Separation Orders has..been engaging the attention of the Legal Committee of the Women's Industrial Council. According to the law, when a man and a wife ‘separate’, the wife can apply for an Order for a Maintenance Grant.
1930 Times Educ. Suppl. 2 Aug. 337/3 The question of the provision of maintenance grants, even the burning question of dual control, are but elements in a much larger question.
1988 D. Lodge Nice Work i. ii. 41 Marion does not qualify for a maintenance grant because her parents are well off.
1997 Herald (Glasgow) (Nexis) 7 June 9 The council refuses maintenance grants to any club that does not give women—or any group of people—full membership rights.
maintenance haemodialysis n. Medicine haemodialysis carried out at regular intervals to treat chronic renal failure.
the world > health and disease > healing > medical treatment > treatments removing or dispersing matter > [noun] > dialysis
peritoneal dialysis1946
renal dialysis1960
maintenance dialysis1966
maintenance haemodialysis1968
1968 Amer. Jrnl. Surg. 115 747 (heading) Major surgery in patients on maintenance hemodialysis.
1998 Renal Failure 20 621 The mean fingernail creatinine concentration was significantly higher in patients with chronic renal failure (93.7 +/− 83.7 micrograms/g) and end-stage renal disease on maintenance hemodialysis.
maintenance order n. an order by which the High Court, or a county or magistrates' court, requires financial support to be paid to a spouse or ex-spouse, to a civil partner or ex-civil partner, or by a parent to a child.See also affiliation order n. at affiliation n. Compounds, which the maintenance order has replaced.
society > law > administration of justice > court proceedings or procedure > judging > [noun] > judgement or decision of court > decision in writing or court order > in family cases
bastardy order1796
affiliation order1832
maintenance order1920
care order1969
1920 Act 10 & 11 George V c. 33 §10 The expression ‘maintenance order’ means an order other than an order of affiliation for the periodical payment of sums of money towards the maintenance of the wife or other dependants of the person against whom the order is made.
1960 M. Spark Bachelors vi. 88 But there's usually a question of maintenance orders. I distinctly recall his being described as a bachelor.
maintenance pending suit n. Law a court order, directing that temporary maintenance payments be made by one spouse or another during the hearing of a petition for divorce or separation.
society > law > administration of justice > process, writ, warrant, or order > [noun]
court order1650
maintenance pending suit1952
1952 All Eng. Law Rep. 1 396 The proper way to deal with the situation, if the wife chose not to apply for an increase in the amount of maintenance,..was to go to the Divorce Court and apply for maintenance pending suit.
1970 Internat. & Company Law Q. 4th Ser. 19 163 All payments are to be called ‘financial provision’ except ‘maintenance pending suit’.
1975 Halsbury's Laws Eng. XIII. 376 On petition for divorce, nullity of marriage or judicial separation, the court may make an order for maintenance pending suit, that is to say, an order requiring either party to the marriage to make the other such periodical payments for his or her maintenance and for such term,..ending with the date of the determination of the suit, as the court thinks reasonable.
1994 G. Davis et al. Simple Quarrels vii. 151 On our evidence we would say that applications for maintenance pending suit are of real utility only in exceptional cases.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2000; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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