

单词 mainland


Brit. /ˈmeɪnlənd/, /ˈmeɪnland/, U.S. /ˈmeɪnˌlænd/, /ˈmeɪnlənd/
Forms: see main adj.2 and land n.1; also Middle English man lond, Middle English maylaunde; Scottish (in sense 2a) pre-1700 madinland (transmission error), pre-1700 maganland.
Origin: Of multiple origins. Partly formed within English, by compounding. Partly a borrowing from early Scandinavian. Etymons: main adj.2, land n.1
Etymology: Partly < main adj.2 + land n.1, and partly (in the regional usage of Orkney and Shetland, and perhaps in other cases) < early Scandinavian (compare Old Icelandic meginland mainland, continent, in the Orkneyinga saga (c1200) and other sources).
a. A large continuous extent of land, including the greater part of a country or territory and excluding outlying islands, peninsulas, etc. Formerly also: †land as opposed to sea, terra firma; (poetic) great extent of country, wide territory (obsolete).
the world > the earth > land > land mass > mainland > [noun]
sure land1525
steadfast land1530
firm land1553
terra firma1665
c1440 (?a1400) Morte Arthure 427 And merke sythen ouer the mounttez into his mayne londez.
c1440 (?a1400) Morte Arthure 4071 (MED) This was a mache vnmete..To melle with þat multitude in þase man londis.
1478 W. Worcester Itineraries 136 Insula Prestholm..distat a le maynlond circa spacium duorum arcuum.
1488 (c1478) Hary Actis & Deidis Schir William Wallace (Adv.) (1968–9) xi. l. 1029 Na man was left all this mayn land [sc. Scotland] within.
1489 (a1380) J. Barbour Bruce (Adv.) iii. 389 And then he thocht, but mar delay, In-to the manland till arywe.
1511 Pylgrymage Richarde Guylforde (Pynson) f. vijv There be .ij. stronge Castelles stondynge vpon two Rokkes..and the Turkes mayne Lande lyeth within .ij. or .iij. myle of theym.
a1527 R. Thorne in R. Hakluyt Divers Voy. (1582) sig. C v It appeareth the sayde lande that wee founde and the Indies to bee all one mayne lande.
1530 J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 242/1 Mayne-land, terre ferme.
a1600 ( W. Stewart tr. H. Boece Bk. Cron. Scotl. (1858) 3388 Befoir wes medow and mane land, Quhair now is nocht bot salt water and sand.
1600 E. Blount tr. G. F. di Conestaggio Hist. Uniting Portugall to Castill 2 It contains in circuit 850 miles, whereof 400 run along the Sea shore, the rest is maine land.
1604 E. Grimeston tr. J. de Acosta Nat. & Morall Hist. Indies i. vi. 20 The Isles of Acores, Cape Verd and others,..are not above three hundred leagues or five hundred from the Mayne land.
1631 in J. D. Marwick Rec. Convent. Royal Burghs Scotl. (1880) IV. 528 Anent the lochs in the mayne land lyand betwixt..Strathnaver and the Mull of Kintyre.
1719 D. Defoe Life Robinson Crusoe 265 Friday, the Weather being very serene, looks very earnestly towards the Main Land.
1774 J. R. Forster Resol. Jrnl. 1 Nov. (1982) IV. 678 The Capt. intends to try to get the boar & set him with a pregnant Sow, somewhere on the Mainland ashore.
1810 W. Scott Lady of Lake iii. 113 When it [sc. the boat] had neared the mainland hill.
1838 C. Thirlwall Hist. Greece (new ed.) II. xii. 83 The ancient Æolian cities on the main-land..amounted to eleven.
1878 T. H. Huxley Physiography (ed. 2) 168 Pillars of chalk have thus been separated from the mainland.
1895 Westm. Gaz. 24 Oct. 4/2 The possible recognition by mainland Powers of the Cubans as belligerents.
1914 E. R. Burroughs Tarzan of Apes ii. 21 Land was sighted by the lookout. Whether island or mainland, Black Michael did not know.
1947 Sci. Monthly Mar. 235/2 At one time Okinawan sailing vessels carried on widespread commerce with the Asiatic mainland and the islands of the Western and Southwestern Pacific.
1984 A. C. Duxbury & A. Duxbury Introd. World's Oceans x. 326 Headlands still connected to the mainland may be undercut to produce sea caves.
b. figurative.
1673 R. Head Floating Island 24 The safest way of Sally, is that through the Walks, from whence the Red-Lyon in Graies-Inn-lane receives them with good quartering, and passes them through the back way into the Main Land.
1845 P. J. Bailey Festus (ed. 2) Proem p. xv Thirst of secret lore, joy, love..power, celestial happiness.., The restoration of angels lost, And one salvation universal given To all create,—all these, related, form..the body of the work;—The islands, seas, and mainland of its orb.
1987 J. Agoos Above Land 64 Each image breaks clean from the mainland, until there are many Bright, independent, no-man's nations Studding the flesh of his back and shoulders.
2. Any such large continuous extent of land viewed from the perspective of the inhabitants of the outlying islands, peninsulas, etc., esp. when part of the same political entity; spec.
a. The largest island of Shetland ( Mainland); the largest island of Orkney (Pomona).
the world > the earth > named regions of earth > Europe > British Isles > Scotland > [noun] > islands
west islesc1400
Western Islands1577
Western Isles1577
1503 in A. Peterkin Rentals Earldom & Bishoprick of Orkney (1820) i. 33 This ile [sc. Graemsay] is a pendicle of the maneland.
1596 J. Dalrymple tr. J. Leslie Hist. Scotl. (1888) I. 63 Pomonia, quhilke is of sik a boundes that the inhabitouris calles it the mayne land.
1821 W. Scott Pirate I. i. 3 That long, narrow, and irregular island, usually called the Main-Land of Zetland.
1837 J. R. McCulloch Statist. Acct. Brit. Empire I. i. ii. 323 There are about a dozen principal islands; Pomona, or the mainland, being decidedly the largest.
1915 G. E. H. Barrett-Hamilton Hist. Brit. Mammals xvii. 542 The Fair Isle Field Mouse... Distribution: Fair Isle and Shetland Islands, where it occurs on Yell, and possibly on Mainland.
1975 A. Deyell My Shetland 21 One evening when we were on the Mainland and ready to go back, we were disturbed..to see the huge back fin and tail fluke of a basking shark.
1990 B. Sandison Tales of Loch (BNC) 9 The wilderness of Hoy belies the fertile, gentle nature of the other Orkney islands. Mainland is famous for the quality of its agricultural land.
b. The continent of Australia, as opposed to Tasmania.
the world > the earth > named regions of earth > Australasia > [noun] > Australia
Ma State1906
wide brown land1908
1829 Macquarie Harbour Commandant's Letter-bk. 20 Aug. One of the gangs sent to the mainland opposite the Settlt to cut Timber.
1896 F. G. Aflalo Sketches Nat. Hist. Austral. i. 43 The Nail-tailed (Onychogalea) and Hare (Lagorchestes) Wallabies are wanting in Tasmania, though three species of each are found on the mainland.
1910 Huon Times (Franklin, Tasmania) 19 Feb. 2/6 They only had to look at the experience of the Mainland States in that regard.
1934 T. Wood Cobbers xiii. 164 They are tied to Australia—‘the mainland’, they call it... ‘The mainland’ is an object of suspicion, envy, and dislike.
1968 G. Dutton Andy 200 Soon as I blew from the boob, I headed down for the Old Tassy... I'll get over on the Mainland soon, or up the islands.
1990 Financial Rev. (Sydney) 10 May 30/5 (headline) Tables whet the mainland palate.
c. The continent of Europe, esp. as distinguished from the British Isles. See also mainland Europe n., mainland European n. and adj. at Compounds.In quot. 1852 the reference is specifically to the central European land mass, as distinct from the Iberian peninsula.
the world > the earth > named regions of earth > Europe > [noun] > continental Europe
1852 De Bow's Rev. Oct. 372 Spain is the most southern part of Europe, occupying nearly four-fifths of the Pyrenean peninsula, which is connected with the mainland of Europe by an isthmus about one hundred miles in breadth.
a1902 F. Norris Pit (1903) ix. 335 He knew nothing of the world. England he supposed to be part of the mainland of Europe.
1935 Amer. Jrnl. Internat. Law 29 557 He points out that Great Britain's status as an island separated by a very small strip of water from the mainland of Europe, with necessary connections with a wide-flung empire, dictates the basic principles of British foreign policy.
1993 Mod. Railways July 409/1 RfD's preferred mode of operation in the long term will be block trains running direct between one UK terminal and one location on the European mainland.
d. That part of British Columbia on the mainland of Canada, as opposed to Vancouver Island; (also) the mainland of Canada as opposed to Newfoundland, Cape Breton, and Prince Edward Island.
the world > the earth > named regions of earth > America > North America > [noun] > Canada > parts of
down east1817
Atlantic provinces1855
prairie province1873
prairie provinces1878
Palliser triangle1934
Near North1952
1901 Daily Colonist (Victoria, Brit. Columbia) 16 Oct. 5/3 Mr. Carry, who conducted the survey from the summit westward, returned from the Mainland on Monday night.
1921 Daily Colonist (Victoria, Brit. Columbia) 26 Mar. 5/4 Vancouver Island has done a great deal to support the Mainland in the past, and is doing so at present. The Mainland is no good to us.
1992 Canad. Fiction Mag. 47 I was born on a fruit farm on Vancouver Island... My parents sold it for a dairy farm on the lower mainland.
e. New Zealand colloquial. The South Island.
the world > the earth > named regions of earth > Australasia > [noun] > New Zealand > parts of
1949 Journeys 34 56 I'm sure South Islanders are right in claiming that they live on the ‘mainland’.
1965 Weekly News (Auckland) 10 Feb. 3/1 Greater numbers of adventurous North Islanders than ever before have crossed the seas this summer to the ‘mainland’.
1990 L. S. Leland Personal Kiwi-Yankee Dict. (ed. 2) at Mainland If you're from the North Island,..South Islanders..will tell you that they live on the mainland.
f. The People's Republic of China, as opposed to Taiwan. Frequently attributive, in mainland China.
the world > the earth > named regions of earth > Far East > [noun] > China > Republic of
mainland China1953
1953 Manch. Guardian Weekly 5 Feb. 3 The much touted Nationalist ‘offensive’ on the Chinese mainland.
1961 National Rev. 30 Dec. 462/3 The Free Chinese know that the situation on the Mainland is in flux.
1966 C. E. Israel Hostages 38 World War III won't begin..until everyone has a chance to see what happens when the Mainland Chinese take their seat in the General Assembly.
1967 Guardian 14 July 5/3 She lived in Hongkong and..visited Japan, Korea, and what is known as ‘Mainland China’.
1975 Times 3 Mar. 14/5 Mainland China is about to fight back against..the degenerate Hong Kong cult of violence, Kung fu.
1989 Fortune (U.S.) Fall 76/1 The political gulf between mainland China and small, mountainous, tobacco-leaf-shaped Taiwan remains large.
g. Great Britain, as distinguished from (esp. Northern) Ireland.
the world > the earth > named regions of earth > Europe > British Isles > [noun] > Britain
old country1751
Old Dart1863
old home1869
cool Britannia1967
1980 K. Lindsay Brit. Intelligence Services in Action (BNC) 137 Parliament are incredibly ignorant of the region and have been well content if the English politicians and Whitehall civil servants who administer it from the Northern Ireland Office at Stormont Castle succeed in preventing its problems from impinging on the affairs of the mainland.
1985 W. Farleigh Rice Decisions in Geogr. (BNC) 82 Since the start of the Industrial Revolution, about 200 years ago, the way most people in Northern Ireland make their living has depended on the links that business managers and factory owners have made with the mainland.
1994 D. Healy Goat's Song xxxi. 378 How is life on the mainland? Wait till you hear this job that I've got here.
3. regional. Highly prized agricultural land. Obsolete.
the world > food and drink > farming > farm > farmland > land suitable for cultivation > [noun] > ground as suitable for cultivation
red land1459
1686 R. Plot Nat. Hist. Staffs. ix. 341 A mixt sort of land, either of Clay and Gravel, or Clay and Sand..this..they call in the Moorelands their Main-land, which is indeed the best they have.


mainland China n. see sense 2f.
mainland Europe n. the continent of Europe, esp. as distinguished from the British Isles.
1969 Polit. Sci. Q. 84 573 For generations ‘the Continent’ has meant mainland Europe, and to be ‘continental’ has been to display cultiral mannerisms common to Europe.
1980 Jrnl. Ecol. 68 338 F. Gessner's Hydrobotanik is still the only book with extensive sections..on rivers in mainland Europe... River Plants deals mainly with British rivers.
1992 Leisure Opportunities 17 Feb. 12/2 Hotels dominate, with valuation work during the last year undertaken not only in the UK, but also in mainland Europe.
mainland European n. and adj. (a) n. a native or inhabitant of continental Europe; (b) adj. of or relating to continental Europe or its citizens.
the world > people > nations > native or inhabitant of Europe > [noun]
mainland European1975
1975 Times 15 July 14/1 Mainland Europeans speak of the pragmatic as opposed to the doctrinaire.
1981 Christian Sci. Monitor (Nexis) 5 May 20 In the early '70s there were only about 100,000 mainland European visitors to Ireland.
1991 Billboard (Nexis) 1 June 1 The mainland European affiliates of Sony Music (formerly CBS) have long reported to regional management.
1996 W. Hutton State we're In (rev. ed.) ii. 31 The older Tory viewpoint..is prepared to arrive at an accommodation with whatever economic and political construction the mainland Europeans propose.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2000; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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