

单词 machiavel


Brit. /ˈmakjəˌvɛl/, U.S. /ˈˌmɑkiəˈvɛl/
Forms: 1500s Machauill, 1500s Machiauelle, 1500s (Scottish) Machiouill, 1500s Machivel, 1500s Matchevell (Scottish), 1500s Matchewell (Scottish), 1500s 1600s–1700s Machiavell, 1500s–1600s Machiauel, 1500s–1600s Machivell, 1500s–1700s Machiavelle, 1600s Machiauell, 1600s Machievile, 1600s Machiuell, 1600s Matchauil, 1600s Matchavil, 1600s Matcheyvell, 1600s Matchiaveile, 1600s Matchivell, 1600s Matchivil, 1600s–1700s Machiavil, 1600s–1700s Machiavill, 1600s–1800s Macchiavel, 1600s– Machiavel, 1700s Matchiavile. Also with lower-case initial.
Origin: From a proper name. Etymon: proper name Machiavel.
Etymology: < Machiavel, English form of the name of Niccolò Machiavelli (1469–1527), Florentine statesman and civic humanist, whose argument in his treatise on statecraft Il Principe (1513) that it is necessary to take prudent account of circumstances when formulating plans of action has frequently been interpreted as advocating the immoral or amoral pursuit of political power.In 17th- and early 18th-cent. English texts the statesman's surname Machiavel appears in a wide variety of spellings. The sequence of characters between the initial syllable Ma- and the final syllable -vel is especially variable, the consonants appearing as -cc-, -cch-, or -tch-, and the following vowel or vowels as a, e, i, ia, ie, or ey. The spellings with -tch- strongly suggest that the English pronunciation had // as the second consonant, and those with a single vowel for the -ia- of the Italian make it likely that the English pronunciation was trisyllabic (approximately /ˈmatʃɪvəl/). The opportunity this pronunciation gave for punning is illustrated by quots. 1606, 1611 at mache- comb. form . The first printing of Machiavelli's works in England was in 1584.
A person who acts on principles recommended, or supposed to have been recommended, by Machiavelli in his treatise on statecraft; an intriguer or schemer. In early use also appositively. Usually derogatory.
the world > action or operation > ability > skill or skilfulness > cunning > [noun] > contrivance or machination > one who
1571 G. Buchanan Admonitioun Trew Lordis sig. A.5 Proude contempners or Machiouill mockeris of all Religioun & vertew.
1572 Treat. Treasons against Q. Elizabeth ii. f. 129 Many other prouisions might be here remembred, made by these Machiauelles for their owne assurance.
1597 J. Payne Royall Exchange 11 I wyshe you bannishe from your tables suche Atheists and machivells.
1602 W. Shakespeare Merry Wives of Windsor iii. i. 93 Am I polliticke? am I Matchauil [1623 Machiuell]?
1619 in W. Foster Eng. Factories India 1618–21 (1906) 123 Wee knowe this machivell divell, Isake Beage.
a1637 B. Jonson Magnetick Lady i. vii. 31 in Wks. (1640) III The very Agat Of State, and Politie: cut from the Quar of Macchiavel.
1691 J. Norris Pract. Disc. Divine Subj. 20 Intreaguers and Projectors, the very Machiavels of their Age.
1712 J. Addison Spectator No. 305. ¶15 These young Machiavils will, in a little time, turn their College upside-down with Plots and Stratagems.
1794 R. B. Sheridan Duenna (new ed.) ii. 48 O, this little cunning head! I'm a Machiavel, a very Machieval [sic].
1863 C. Reade Hard Cash xxix This artful man, who had now become a very Machiavel.
1960 J. Barth Sot-weed Factor iii. xix. 760 Henry? I' Christ, a fit name for a codless Machiavel.
1993 Sunday Tel. 28 Nov. (Review section) 6/2 Francis Urquart [sic]..was a machiavel who climbed on top of the greasy pole by means of blackmail and murder.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2000; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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