

单词 lozenge in point

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lozenge in point
a. A plane rectilineal figure, having four equal sides and two acute and two obtuse angles; a rhomb, ‘diamond’. In Heraldry, such a figure used as a bearing, less elongated than the fusil n.1, and placed with its longer axis vertical. †in lozenge = lozengy adj. grand lozenge, †lozenge in point: a lozenge the angles of which touch the sides of the shield. lozenges in cross: four or more lozenges disposed so as to form a cross.Guillim's definition (quot. 1632) would require that the acute angles should be of 60°; but the rule is not strictly followed by heraldic draughtsmen.
the world > space > shape > angularity > specific angular shape > [noun] > quadrilateral > lozenge, diamond, or rhomb
society > communication > indication > insignia > heraldic devices collective > charge: device on shield > [noun] > less honourable charge > diamond-shaped charge
society > communication > indication > insignia > heraldic devices collective > charge: device on shield > [phrase] > manner or type of charge
in point1562
in orle1572
in pale1572
in bend1598
in lozengea1695
in triangle1766
in pile1864
a1327 in Parker Gloss. Her. (at cited word) Sire Gerard de Braybrok, de argent a vij lozenges de goules.]
?a1366 Romaunt Rose 893 A [robe] with losenges [Fr. losenges] and scochouns,..wrought ful wel.
c1384 G. Chaucer Hous of Fame iii. 227 Somme crouned were as kinges, With crounes wroght ful of losenges.
1452 in R. Willis & J. W. Clark Archit. Hist. Univ. Cambr. (1886) I. 282 The Bemes shalbe. xij. inche imbowed with lozinggys.
1486 Bk. St. Albans, Her. F iv b Off losyngys how and what maner of wyse they be made.
1519 W. Horman Vulgaria xxix. f. 242 Paper, or lyn clothe, straked a crosse, with losynges: make fenestrals in stede of glasen wyndowes.
1587 A. Fleming et al. Holinshed's Chron. (new ed.) III. 802/2 The walles..coloured white & gréene losengis, and in euerie losing either a rose or a pomegranat.
1632 Guillim's Display of Heraldrie (ed. 2) iv. xix. 354 A Losenge differeth from a Fusill in that the space between its two collaterall or middle Angles, equals the length of any of the four Geometricall lines whereof it is composed.
1658 Sir T. Browne Garden of Cyrus iii, in Hydriotaphia: Urne-buriall 144 Their mutual intersections make three Lozenges at the bottome of every Cell.
1688 R. Holme Acad. Armory i. 95/1 He beareth Or, a Losenge in point, (or extending to all sides of the Escochion) Gules.
a1695 A. Wood Surv. Antiq. City of Oxf. (1899) III. 129 Over his head are his armes engraven... Over hers in lozenge, parted per fess, a lozenge counterchanged [etc.].
1718 Lady M. W. Montagu Let. 10 Mar. (1965) I. 382 Her shift [was] fasten'd at the bosom with a great Diamond shap'd like a Lozenge.
1818–20 E. Thompson Cullen's Nosologia (ed. 3) 323 Scales have at first the figure and extent of the cuticular lozenges.
1855 R. Browning Cleon 84 See, in the chequered pavement opposite, Suppose the artist made..a lozenge, then a trapezoid.
1870 F. R. Wilson Archit. Surv. Churches Lindisfarne 73 The font is panelled in lozenges.
extracted from lozengen.
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