

单词 long-travelled

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b. With the sense ‘to or at a great distance’ (in branch II.), as long-destroying, long-stretched (also in form †long-straight), long-travelled, long wandered, long-withdrawing, etc. In earlier use chiefly poetic.
c1330 (?c1300) Guy of Warwick (Auch.) l. 952 Þe douk he met..& of his hors him haþ y-feld Riȝt long streȝt [c1475 Caius all longestreight] in þe feld.
a1413 (c1385) G. Chaucer Troilus & Criseyde (Pierpont Morgan) (1882) iv. l. 1163 She lay as for ded..He rist hym vp and long streyght he hyre leyde.
a1500 (?a1400) Stanzaic Life of Christ (Harl. 3909) (1926) l. 5754 Augustinus: Vna vox..percussit, reppulit, strauit..‘One voice’, sais Austyn, ‘drof al doun, long-straȝt laide.’
?1614 W. Drummond Song: It was the time in Poems The Palme her Loue with long-streatch'd Armes embraces.
1632 W. Lithgow Totall Disc. Trav. vii. 326 Our long reaching Ordonance.
1667 J. Milton Paradise Lost xii. 313 Who shall..bring back Through the worlds wilderness long wanderd man Safe to eternal Paradise of rest. View more context for this quotation
1681 Heraclitus Ridens 30 Aug. 1/1 A sad Experiment I have made Of the long reaching Arms of Kings.
1716 A. Pope tr. Homer Iliad II. viii. 265 They shake the Bands, and threat With long-destroying Flames, the hostile Fleet.
1728 J. Thomson Spring 5 O'er your Hills, and long with-drawing Vales, Let Autumn spread his Treasures.
1856 N. Hawthorne Jrnl. 13 Apr. in Eng. Notebks. (1997) I. iv. 490 He is a..widely and long travelled man.
1864 Tercentenary Celebration Birth Shakspeare (New-Eng. Hist.-Geneal. Soc.) 38 Let there be no contrasts of color, no accidental lights, no long-reaching perspectives.
1961 A. H. Gardiner Egypt of Pharaohs (1964) xi. 345 In the long-stretched Nile Valley works of peace were still possible.
2003 E. Docx Calligrapher vi. 93 I stood..like a bewildered and long-travelled tourist blinking in the summer sun.
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