

单词 lo


Etymology: Shortened < lord n. and int., as graphic abbreviation.
= lord n.
society > society and the community > social class > nobility > rank > lord or lady > [noun] > lord
1610 True Declar. Virginia (1844) 13 That noble Gouernour, the Lo. Laware.
This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1903; most recently modified version published online June 2018).


Brit. /ləʊ/, U.S. /loʊ/
Etymology: Humorously from Pope's line ‘Lo, the poor Indian’, etc., Essay on Man 1. 99.
An American Indian. Also Mr. (or Mrs.) Lo.
the world > people > ethnicities > division of mankind by physical characteristics > Amerindian > [noun]
Native Americana1628
American Native1648
American Indian1650
Canada Indian1688
red man1740
North American Indian1748
Red Indian1788
North American1825
1871 Republican Rev. (Albuquerque, New Mexico) 2 Sept. 1/4 Cowardly Lo prefers to attack none but very small parties of teamsters, farmers, or lone mail riders.
1873 G. W. Perrie Buckskin Mose vi. 88 This document set forth that the bearer was a good Lo.
1873 G. W. Perrie Buckskin Mose vi. 88 He appeared again at the head of our train, in the company of thirty or forty other Los.
1874 J. G. McCoy Hist. Sketches Cattle Trade 260 Crossing the plains was an undertaking fraught with great danger; especially as Mr. Lo was decidedly fond of horses.
1880 A. A. Hayes New Colorado (1881) iii. 40 Colonel Craig..and his men began, not unsuccessfully, the repression and suppression of Mr. Lo.
1885 Rep. Indian Affairs (U.S.) 33 The changed mode of life..will eventually ‘evolute’ ‘Poor Lo’ to a higher sphere.
1904 Minneapolis Daily Times 12 June 6 The march of civilization has convinced Lo that fighting is not as profitable as it used to be.
1904 N.Y. Evening Post 6 Aug. On Florida's shield stands a placid and buxom Mrs. Lo, with fringed skirt falling to the knee.
1947 R. P. T. Coffin Yankee Coast 220 He..went to join Lo, the Poor Indian on the Happy Hunting Grounds.
This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1933; most recently modified version published online March 2022).


Brit. /ləʊ/, U.S. /loʊ/
Origin: A variant or alteration of another lexical item. Etymon: low adj.
Etymology: Phonetic respelling of low adj. Compare lo-fi n.Compare also earlier use of lo as a spelling for low adj. or low adv. in representations of regional speech:1871 Preston Guardian 4 Mar. 3/1 Give a smart child a pack of kards and a spellin' book, and he will larn tew play a good game of hi lo jak before he kan spell a word of two sillables.1882 News & Observer (Raleigh, N. Carolina) 3 Feb. After hunting for them hi and lo, she found them [sc. spectacles] at last safe on her nose.
1. Chiefly in advertising or commercial contexts: = low adj. Frequently in compounds, as lo-cost, lo-res, lo-tech, etc. Cf. hi adj.lo-fi: see as main entry.
1915 Boys' Life May (front matter) (advt.) The Umpire—convertible in-or-out collar..—The Ostend, hi-or-lo collar.
1937 Life 6 Dec. 5/1 (advt.) Hi-jacs for tall glasses... Lo-jacs for stemware.
1963 N.Y. Times 5 July i. 41/1 (advt.) Lo lo prices! Exquisite dresses!
1989 C. S. Murray Crosstown Traffic 216 Recorded ‘live in the studio’, it is ‘hands-on’ music-making of the most traditional, lo-tech variety.
1998 Observer (Nexis) 9 Aug. (Life section) 54 Identikit hi-style, lo-cost loft packages, produced like pre-fabs.
2006 Wired Apr. 115 Videogames have been demonized since at least 1976, when Death Race encouraged players to run over lo-res pedestrians.
2. spec. With reference to, or in the names of, food products containing a reduced level of an unhealthy substance. Cf. low adj. and n.2 Compounds 1c.
1954 Kiplinger's Personal Finance Jan. 14/2 Less than three years ago the big boom in Sucaryl-sweetened beverages began with the introduction of Lo-Cal.
1962 Chicago Daily Defender 3 Jan. 8/4 (heading) Lo-Calorie Whipped Topping.
1978 Amer. Jrnl. Nursing 78 906/2 Ms. and Dr. Foster dine at home on the lo-calorie, lo-fat, lo-cholesterol, and lo-carbohydrate menus.
1989 Rotarian Sept. 63/3 (advt.) Lo-Cheddar (Lo-Sodium).
1997 L. G. Snetselaar Nutrition Counseling Skills v. 154 Do you use a salt substitute at the table such as Lite, Lo-Salt, or No-Salt?
2002 Evening Standard (Nexis) 11 July Cheesecake, however it's made,..is never going to be a lo-option.
This is a new entry (OED Third Edition, September 2013; most recently modified version published online March 2022).


Brit. /ləʊ/, U.S. /loʊ/
Forms: Old English , Middle English la, Middle English lou, low, Middle English lowe, Middle English–1500s loo, 1500s loa, 1500s–1600s loe, Middle English– lo. Also Middle English (as if imperative plural) los. See also lew int.
Etymology: The evidence of rhymes in Middle English poetry shows that the spelling lo or loo represents two distinct words. (1) Middle English < Old English , an exclamation indicating surprise, grief, or joy, and also used (like O!) with vocatives. (2) Middle English lo with close ō , probably a shortened form of lōke (Old English lóca ), imperative of look v.; compare Middle English and modern dialect ta for take, ma for make, also the modern dialect loo' thee = ‘look you’. The los of the Cursor Mundi, used in addressing a multitude, seems to be imperative plural. The peculiar early Middle English forms lou, low(e may stand for lo we = ‘look we’. The present pronunciation /ləʊ/ would normally represent Old English , but it may be a mere interpretation of the spelling, as the modern lo corresponds functionally to the second of the two words, which should normally have become *loo /luː/ in modern English.
(a) In early use, an interjection of vague meaning, corresponding approximately to the modern O! or Oh! Obsolete. (b) Used to direct attention to the presence or approach of something, or to what is about to be said; = Look! See! Behold! Frequently in lo and behold (usually jocular).
the mind > attention and judgement > attention > attracting attention > call for attention [interjection]
what hoc1405
nota benea1721
the mind > attention and judgement > importance > [interjection] > emphasizing a following statement
if (also and) you pleasec1563
I say1613
please it you1881
the mind > language > malediction > oaths > [interjection] > oaths other than religious or obscene
how mischance——?c1330
with mischance!c1330
by my hoodc1374
by my sheath1532
by the mouse-foot1550
what the (also a) goodyear1570
bread and salt1575
by Jove1575
in (good) truly1576
by these hilts1598
by the Lord Harry1693
by the pody cody1693
by jingo!1694
by jing!1786
I snore1790
by the hokey1825
shiver my timbers1834
by the (great) horn spoon1842
upon my Sam1879
for goodness' sake1885
for the love of Mike1896
by the hokey fiddle1922
OE Beowulf 1700 Þæt, la, mæg secgan se þe soð ond riht fremeð on folce.
c1000 West Saxon Gospels: Matt. (Corpus Cambr.) iii. 7 He cwæð to him; La næddrena cyn [etc.].
c1175 Lamb. Hom. 89 Lahwet scal þis beon?
c1175 Lamb. Hom. 89 La hu ne beað þa þet here specað galileisce?
c1175 Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) l. 17964 Þiss blisse iss min lafuliwiss.
a1225 Leg. Kath. 2454 Low, þe ȝete of eche lif abit te al iopenet!
c1380 J. Wyclif Sel. Wks. I. 77 Lo, þe loomb of God: lo him þat takiþ awey the synnes of þis world.
1393 W. Langland Piers Plowman C. xx. 4 Loo, here þe lettere..in latyn and in ebrew.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 16411 And sua it es, la god it wijt.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 16367 Pilat said, ‘los, her yur king!’
a1400–50 Alexander 399 Lo, maister, slike a myschefe!
c1425 Crafte of Nombryng (E.E.T.S.) 11 Þou schalle do way þe hier figure & write þere a cifer, as lo an Ensampull.
1480 W. Caxton Chron. Eng. ccliii. (1482) 325 Lo what a mariage was this as to the comparison of that other.
a1500 (?c1450) Merlin iv. 77 Open: lo, here the duke.
1532 T. More Confut. Tyndale in Wks. 574/1 When they suffer wrong, they cannot forgeue loe, and when men take away their goodes they be angry, so they be lo.
1562 A. Scott Poems (1896) i. 53 For lymmer lawdis and litle lassis lo [rhymes scho, þrto, do] Will argun bayt wt bischop, preist, and freir.
1590 E. Spenser Faerie Queene i. iv. sig. D6 His dearest loue the faire Fidessa loe Is there possessed of the traytour vile.
1611 Bible (King James) Hag. i. 9 Ye looked for much, and loe it came to litle. View more context for this quotation
1630 W. Prynne Anti-Arminianisme 167 Loe here wee haue expresse mention of seuerall sorts of worlds.
1735 G. Berkeley Def. Free-thinking in Math. §34 Lo! This is what you call ‘so great, so unaccountable’.
1758 C. Wesley & J. Wesley Hymns of Intercession 32 Lo! He comes with clouds descending.
1807 J. Barlow Columbiad iii. 101 The prince drew near; where lo! an altar stood.
1808 Lady Lyttelton Let. June in Corr. (1912) i. 20 Hartington..had just told us how hard he had worked all the morning..when, lo and behold! M. Deshayes himself appeared.
1841 E. Bulwer-Lytton Night & Morning II. iii. v. 144 The fair bride was skipping down the middle..when, lo and behold! the whiskered gentleman..advanced..and cried—‘La voilà!
1849 C. Dickens David Copperfield (1850) xxii. 234 What does he do, but, lo and behold you, he goes into a perfumer's shop.
1854 A. E. Baker Gloss. Northants. Words I. 400 Lo and behold! A frequent exclamation in colloquial narration, expressive of a certain degree of wonder and surprise.
1859 E. FitzGerald tr. Rubáiyát Omar Khayyám vii. 2 The Bird of Time has but a little way To fly—and Lo! the Bird is on the Wing.
1887 Cent. Mag. Jan. 446/2 Lo an' behold, thar was Lawson at the spring a-werryin' Milly.
1930 J. B. Priestley Angel Pavement ii. 60 And then—lo and behold—it was there all the time.
1947 T. Williams Streetcar Named Desire x. 151 You come in here and sprinkle the place with powder and spray perfume and cover the light-bulb with a paper lantern, and lo and behold the place has turned into Egypt and you are the Queen of the Nile!
This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1903; most recently modified version published online June 2022).


Brit. /ləʊ/, U.S. /loʊ/
Forms: also lo.
Etymology: Representing a colloquial pronunciation of hallo int., hello int., or hullo int.
= hello int. 3.
the world > action or operation > behaviour > good behaviour > courtesy > courteous act or expression > courteous expressions [interjection] > expressions of greeting
all haila1393
chin chin1625
good day1857
all right1868
1913 Motion Picture Story Mag. Aug. 30/1'Lo, Jim! Want me!’ inquired the head, casually. ‘What's on.’
1921 J. Dos Passos Three Soldiers i. i. 13'Lo, buddy,’ came a voice beside him... ‘Goin' to the movies?’
1922 J. Joyce Ulysses ii. xii. [Cyclops] 280 Lo, Joe, says I. How are you blowing?
1938 F. D. Sharpe Sharpe of Flying Squad ii. 16'Lo,’ said Moisher. ‘'Lo,’ said Harry.
1968 R. Clapperton No News on Monday viii. 99'Lo, son. You the detective?’ he murmured.
This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1976; most recently modified version published online March 2022).

> as lemmas

LO n. Electronics = local oscillator n. at local adj. and n. Compounds; frequently attributive.
society > communication > telecommunication > radio communications > radio equipment > [adjective] > oscillator
society > communication > telecommunication > radio communications > radio equipment > [noun] > radio set > oscillators
local oscillator1904
master oscillator1928
1946 Radar: Summary Rep. & Harp Project (U.S. National Defense Res. Comm., Div. 14) 142/1 LO, Local oscillator... The LO signal is mixed with the echo to give a ‘beat’ at intermediate frequency.
1982 Giant Bk. Electronics Projects v. 182 To stop this LO feedthrough, the converter output is filtered.
extracted from Ln.
LO n. (also lo) colloquial (oriɡ. and chiefly in electronic communications) little one; a person's child.
2004 Re: Amount to Feed? in misc.kids.breastfeeding (Usenet newsgroups) 22 Mar. You don't say how old your lo is? My dd (20 wks) tends to nurse every 2.5 to 3hrs during the day.
2011 Independent on Sunday (Nexis) 30 Oct. (New Review) 9 What, you don't use the Tommee Tippee ‘closer to nature’ bottle? Do you not realise you could be scarring your precious LO for life?
2015 Birmingham Evening Mail (Nexis) 14 Feb. 17 I would always have someone to watch my lo's in an emergency. Some parents aren't so lucky.
extracted from Ln.
as lemmas




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