

单词 living his father

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living his father (also his mother, etc.)
2. living his father (also his mother, etc.) : ‘in the lifetime of his father (his mother, etc.)’, 'while his father (his mother, etc.) was alive'. Obsolete.
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) ii. l. 1723 He tok upon him alle thing..In contempt of the Regalie, Livende his fader.
1528–30 tr. T. Littleton Tenures (new ed.) iii. f. xxxviii.v He had no ryght in the lande lyuynge his fader, but the ryght dyscended unto hym by dyscent after the release made by the deth of his father.
a1641 R. Montagu Acts & Monuments (1642) 267 Living his mother Alexandra, he had been with the High Priesthood nine yeares.
1681 W. Lawrence Right of Primogeniture i. 3 If the Eldest dyed living his Father, the Nephew should succeed instead of his Son who dyed.
a1691 P. Ventris Rep. (1696) i. 381 If the Husband dye, living his Wife, before the Estate Tail is granted to them, the Feoffee ought to make the Estate as near the Condition, and as near the intent of the Condition as may be.
1750 Case T. Drummond 4 John Drummond..was attainted on the 18th of April, living his Brother; and therefore his Brother died without Heir.
1788 J. J. Powell Ess. Learning of Devises 486 The son, living his father.
1828 Law Jrnl. 6 155/2 If the said James Eyre shall depart this life without leaving any such issue as aforesaid, living his brother the said Charles Eyre.
1838 F. Hilliard Abridgm. Amer. Law Real Prop. I. xli. 365 If she should die, living her husband, then to him the income, &c. of a moiety for life.
extracted from livingadj.n.1
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