

单词 limb and bone

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limb and bone
d. Phrases. life and limb (see life n. Phrases 10c), †limb and lith, †limb and head, †limb and bone, limb and carcass, limb and wind, expressions intended to refer inclusively to all the bodily faculties employed in certain connections. †limb and land, body or life and property. †ilk(a) limb, ich a limb, used adverbially in sense ‘in every limb, in every part of the body, all over’. to tear or pull (one) limb from limb.
the world > life > the body > part of body > [adverb] > every part or all over
(from) head to foot (also feet)eOE
ich a limbc1275
life and limbc1275
limb and headc1275
limb and landc1275
limb and lithc1275
from face to foot1567
limb and bone1599
limb and wind1697
limb and carcass1841
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1963) l. 1407 He hehte hælden grið & frið vppe leome & vppe lif.
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1963) l. 353 Ȝe sculen habben lif & leomen [c1300 Otho lime].
a1300 Cursor Mundi 24619 Sua lam in lime and lith.
c1300 Havelok (Laud) (1868) 2555 Als he louede leme or lif.
a1330 Roland & V. 493 He bi-held him ich a lim.
1362 W. Langland Piers Plowman A. v. 81 Boþe his lyf and his leome was lost þorw my tonge.
c1430 Hymns Virg. 43 Saue þee harmelees, lyme & heed.
c1440 York Myst. xix. 2 Peyne of lyme and lande, Stente of youre steuenes stoute.
1480 W. Caxton Chron. Eng. lxxvi. 62 He had pyte of hem and yaf hem lyf and lymme.
a1500 (a1460) Towneley Plays (1994) I. v. 58 He is blyssyd, ich a lym.
1548 Hall's Vnion: Henry VI f. cxxxij That their lifes and lymmes should be saued.
1567 in J. Cranstoun Satirical Poems Reformation (1891) I. xi. 23 Lym nor lyth I may not steir.
1599 T. Nashe Lenten Stuffe 67 Hee will..teare him limbe from limbe, but hee will extract some capitall confession from him.
1608 T. Hudson tr. G. de S. Du Bartas Ivdith v. 71 in J. Sylvester Deuine Weekes & Wks. (new ed.) That Duke, whose name alone Hath made great warriours quake both lim and bone.
1697 J. Dryden tr. Virgil Georgics iii, in tr. Virgil Wks. 99 Of able Body, sound of Limb and Wind . View more context for this quotation
1719 D. Defoe Farther Adventures Robinson Crusoe 55 They pull'd down..their..Houses, and pull'd them..Limb from Limb.
1841 C. Dickens Barnaby Rudge ii. 244 The traveller..examined him in limb and carcase.
1888 Times (Weekly ed.) 9 Nov. 16/2 Young men, strong of limb and wind.
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