

单词 like master, like man

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like master, like man
(a) In proverbial expressions in the formula like ——, like ——, with the general sense ‘as is the first mentioned, so is the second’, typically where one of the specified parties can be expected to exert influence or control over the other by virtue of the relationship between them, e.g. like master, like man, like mother, like daughter, etc., [Compare classical Latin similem habent labra lactucam ‘like lips, like lettuce’ (compare quot. 1538 and lettuce n. 2); compare also similar expressions in Middle French and French, which apparently became common towards the end of the 16th cent., e.g. telle mère, telle fille (c1275 in Old French as tel la mère tele la fille), tel maître, tel vallet (1552 or earlier), tel pédagogue, tel disciple, telle racine, telle feuille (both 1581 or earlier).]
1538 T. Elyot Dict. Simileis habent labra lactucas, a prouerbe applyed to theym, whiche beinge of lyke yll condicions, be matched togither, as a lewde seruaunt with an yll master, an vnruly people to a negligent gouernour, a shrewde wife to a frowarde husbonde &c. Lyke master lyke man.
a1563 J. Bale King Johan (1969) ii. 1922 Lyke lorde, lyke chaplayne.
1596 E. Topsell Reward of Relig. iii. 66 Truely now is like seruant, like maister; like maide like mistresse, like father like sonne, like mother like daughter, such is the seede such is the haruest.
a1640 P. Massinger City-Madam (1658) i. i. 104 Like Hen, like Chicken.
a1640 P. Massinger City-Madam (1658) ii. ii. 29 Like Bitch, like Whelps.
1690 T. Plunket Char. Good Army Introd. 4 Those infernal Arms..have been led by such Wretches, as they are themselves; like Head, like Body; like Officers, like Souldiers.
1714 J. Adams Ahab's Evil 25 Obscene Discourses every where abounding, which could not otherwise be expected, when we had so great a Person for our Pattern; for like Prince, like People.
1770 G. Colman Portrait ii. 18 Like mistress, like maid. Like master, like man. Nature will be obey'd On a general plan.
1834 F. Marryat Jacob Faithful II. vi. 140 But like mother like child, they say.
1899 J. V. Bartlet Apostolic Age i. vii. 245 That the same member should express, now hate to man, and now love to God..violated a fundamental law of nature and of Grace: like root, like fruit.
1950 Hutchinson (Kansas) News-Herald 5 Oct. 4/1 (heading) Like government; like people.
1973 Jet 27 Sept. 21/2 My trainer, Bill Pearl, won that title [sc. Mr. Universe] when he was 42, and I hope to prove the saying, ‘Like teacher, like student’.
2013 F. W. Weldon New Countess 213 Probably Minnie had fallen in love with some mad artist and run off: like mother, like daughter.
extracted from likeadj.adv.conj.prep.
like master, like man
b. [Compare Middle French a tel seigneur, tel varlet (14th cent.).] Proverbs. like master, like man and variants; fire is a good servant but a bad master and variants.For additional proverbs, see M. P. Tilley Dict. Proverbs Eng. 16th & 17th Cent. (1950).
?1503–5 H. Watson tr. Valentine & Orson (1937) 317 A disloyall traytoure named Galeran whiche had serued him longe, for suche mayster suche servaunt.
1530 J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 120v Suche maystre suche man.
1538 T. Elyot Dict. at Similes A lewd servaunt with an yll master..Lyke master lyke man.
1554 in J. Strype Eccl. Memorials (1721) III. xxiii. 190 The old proverbe is true..‘such a master, such a servant’.
1562 W. Bullein Dial. Sorenes f. 47 in Bulwarke of Defence Fire and water, are good seruauntes, but euill maisters.
1615 T. Adams Englands Sicknes sig. D2v The world, like fire, may be a good seruant, will bee an ill Master.
1655 T. Fuller Church-hist. Brit. ix. 178 He crossed the Proverb, like Master, like Man, the Patron being Cruel, the Chaplain Kinde.
1665 R. Boyle Occas. Refl. iv. viii. sig. Dd4v Fire and Water, they cannot be so good Servants, but that they are worse Masters.
1692 R. L'Estrange Fables xxxviii. 38 Fire and Water,..are Good Servants, but Bad Masters.
1808 J. Adams Wks. (1851) VI. 533 Like fire, they [sc. the aristocracy] are good servants, but all-consuming masters.
1874 T. Hardy Far from Madding Crowd I. vi. 73 Oh, man—fire, fire! A good master and a bad servant is fire, fire!—I mane a bad servant and a good master. Oh, Mark Clark—come!
1960 Woman's Illustr. 16 July 15 ‘It sounds to me,’ said Sarah, slowly and with spirit, ‘a case of like master—like man.’
1973 J. Caird Murder Remote xx. 201 Is not whisky the wonderful thing? But like fire, like fire—a good servant but a bad master.
extracted from mastern.1adj.
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