

单词 like an owl in an ivy-bush

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like an owl in an ivy-bush
a. In proverbs and proverbial phrases, as like an owl in an ivy-bush, etc.
c1330 (?a1300) Sir Tristrem (1886) l. 3032 (MED) As oule and stormes strong, So criestow on heye In herd.
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) iii. 585 (MED) Bot Oule on Stock and Stock on Oule; The more that a man defoule, Men witen wel which hath the werse.
a1450 York Plays (1885) 258 (MED) He lokis..like an nowele in a stok, Full preualy his pray for to wayte.
1530 W. Tyndale Pract. Prelates sig. Eivv But the blinde oules care not what they houle, seinge it is night.
?1576 Common Condicions sig. B.iiiv The slaue lookes like an owle in a tree.
1603 W. Shakespeare Hamlet iv. v. 41 They say the owle was A Bakers daughter.
1622 G. de Malynes Consuetudo 426 There is a Custome that no Officer may arrest after Sun set; such therefore as goe abroad but at those times, are said to Fly with the Owle, by a common Prouerbe.
a1625 F. Beaumont & J. Fletcher Four Plays in One in Comedies & Trag. (1647) sig. Ddddddddv/1 Could not you be content to be an owl in such an ivie-bush.
1738 J. Swift Compl. Coll. Genteel Conversat. i. 94 ‘Pr'y thee, how did the Fool look?’ ‘Look! Egad, he look'd for all the World like an Owl in an Ivy Bush.’
1787 F. Grose Provinc. Gloss. (at cited word) To take owl, to be offended, to take amiss.
1818 S. E. Ferrier Marriage II. xi. 122 It wad mak an ool laugh to hear the wark that's made aboot young fowk's health noo-a-days.
1858 W. T. Porter Major Thorpe's Scenes Arkansaw 84 An owl couldent have cotch a rat afore I was in site of Jo's with my gall.
1895 Littell's Living Age 23 Nov. 490/2 I am as lost to observation as an owl in an ivy-bush.
1996 Sunday Times 20 Oct. vii. 11/2 Two centuries have altered nothing. The Speaker still looks like an owl in an ivy bush.
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