

单词 at the worst hand

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at the worst hand
(e) at a bad hand (also at the worst hand, etc.): in a bad (or the worst) position, in the worst case. Obsolete.
the world > action or operation > difficulty > [phrase] > in a difficult position > in straits
straitly steadc1400
at the worst hand1490
in suds1575
at a bad hand1640
in a wood1659
in bad bread1743
up a stump1829
in a tight (also awkward, bad, etc.) spot1851
up shit creek1868
in the cart1889
in the soup1889
out on a limb1897
in a spot1929
up the creek1941
the world > existence and causation > existence > state or condition > circumstance or circumstances > circumstance [phrase] > in a bad situation
at the worst hand1490
at a bad hand1640
1490 W. Caxton tr. Foure Sonnes of Aymon (1885) xiv. 352 He saw well that his folke was at the worste hande.
1589 R. Greene Menaphon sig. H4 By Multiplication I can make two of one, in an houres warning, or bee as good as a cypher to fill vp a place at the worst hand.
1621 R. Montagu Diatribæ Hist. Tithes iii. 421 Paulus..at worst hand hath related it in good and true Latine.
1640 T. Fuller Joseph's Coat 136 Is the world at thus bad hand..that one must bee farre from trusting their neerest friends?
1685 C. Cotton tr. M. de Montaigne Ess. III. ix. 352 At the worst hand, this difform liberty of presenting themselves two several ways..be allow'd to those who only speak of things [etc.].
extracted from handn.
at (the) worst hand
a. at (the) worst hand.
(a) In a position of defeat. Obsolete.
society > armed hostility > defeat > [adverb]
at worst hand1490
the world > relative properties > quantity > smallness of quantity, amount, or degree > small of quantity, amount, or degree [phrase] > at least > on the lowest estimate
at worst hand1490
society > trade and finance > monetary value > price > high price or rate > [adverb] > at highest price
at worst hand1490
1490 W. Caxton tr. Foure Sonnes of Aymon (1885) xiv. 352 He saw well that his folke was at the worste hande [Fr. du pire], soo made he to sowne the retrete.
(b) On the lowest estimate; at the worst valuation or interpretation; at least. Obsolete.
a1586 Sir P. Sidney Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia i. in Compl. Wks. (1926) IV. 48 For, in deede, assoone as hee sawe ye Beare coming towardes them,..hee ran headlonge into this Bussh, with full resolution, yt at the worst hand hee woulde not see his owne deathe.
1589 R. Greene Menaphon sig. H4 I am not so farre out of my Arithmetick, but that by Multiplication I can make two of one, in an houres warning, or bee as good as a cypher to fill vp a place at the worst hand.
1621 R. Montagu Diatribæ Hist. Tithes 421 More ignorant barbarisme here, than in Paulus, who at worst hand hath related it in good and true Latine.
1699 tr. Terence Brothers iv. in Terence's Comedies Made Eng. 210 All that are a little down in the world are very suspicious; take every thing at the worst hand, and fancy themselves slighted, cause of their Misfortunes.
1744 W. Notcutt Dying Pastor's Legacy to his People 62 These take every thing at the worst hand.
(c) Most dearly or unprofitably (cf. hand n. 25b). Obsolete.
a1604 M. Hanmer Chron. Ireland 191 in J. Ware Two Hist. Ireland (1633) They were driven at the worst hand to sell unto the mercilesse Merchants, their Cowes, Hackneyes [etc.].
1767 N. Forster Enq. Causes Present High Price of Provisions ii. 142 They cannot buy their wheat..of the farmer, but are obliged to buy their flour at the worst hand, meaning of the miller.
1802 Monthly Mag. May 342/2 They [sc. pigeons] will more than pay their way in these dear times of corn, and that purchased at worst hand, and the dung given away.
1839 Manch. Times 5 Oct. Everything is bought at the worst hand.
extracted from worstadj.n.
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