

单词 letter of reversion

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letter of reversion
2. Scots Law. A right of redemption operative in the case of a legal adjudication or a wadset (wadset n. 1); spec. the right of a debtor to redeem land previously conveyed as security for a loan, by paying an agreed sum (also right of reversion). Sometimes more fully legal reversion. Also: a deed or statement of the conditions governing this right (also letter of reversion). Also figurative. Now historical.
society > law > legal right > right of possession or ownership > [noun] > right of redemption
1446 in C. Innes Registrum Episcopatus Brechinensis (1856) I. 105 I oblyis me..to get fra the forsaid Dauid..ane lettir of reuersioun of al the landis of the Tempilhil.
1483 in G. Neilson & H. Paton Acts Lords of Council Civil Causes (1918) II. Introd. p. cxvii The some contenit in the reversioun of the mone that now rynnis.
1536 in J. Robertson Illustr. Topogr. & Antiq. Aberdeen & Banff (1857) III. 222 To this my rauersioun..I haue apensyt my propir seill..afoire thir witnes.
1563–4 Reg. Privy Council Scotl. I. 262 To ressave the sowmes of money and lettres of tak contenit in the lettres of reversioun maid thairupoun.
c1600 A. Montgomerie Poems (2000) I. 117 Suppose my silly saull with sin be seasde Ȝit the Reversiones rests that it redemes.
1621 Acts Parl. Scotl. (1816) IV. 610/1 And that notwithstanding of the preceiding lawes and practike of this kingdome by the whiche the legall reversioun of comprysit landis expyrit within sevin ȝeiris efter the leiding of the comprysing.
c1626 H. Bisset Rolment Courtis (1920) I. 241 Anent registration of reversionis seasingis and uthiris wreittis first called the secreteris registere.
1637 S. Rutherford Lett. (1848) clx. 290 If I could, I would sell myself without reversion to Christ.
1681 J. Dalrymple Inst. Law Scotl. i. x. 148 In Sale there may be Earnest interposed, or Reversion granted.
1681 J. Dalrymple Inst. Law Scotl. i. xx. 400 Reversions are either Legal, arising from Law and Statute, and not from consent of parties, as are the Legal Reversions of Appryzings and Adjudications; or they are Conventional.
1708 J. Chamberlayne Magnæ Britanniæ Notitia (1710) ii. iii. v. 443 The Scottish Wadsets and Reversions answer to the English Mortgages and Defeasances.
a1768 J. Erskine Inst. Law Scotl. (1773) I. ii. viii. §2 Reversions are either legal, which arise from the law itself,..or conventional, which are constituted by the agreement of the parties.
1838 W. Bell Dict. Law Scotl. 828 The power of redemption is not lost by the currency of the forty years, provided the right of reversion has been recorded in the register of sasines.
1896 W. K. Morton Man. Law Scotl. 147 If lands were not redeemed by a fixed date the right of reversion should expire.
1905 A. Morison Blackhalls of that Ilk & Barra 28 This note..is a letter of reversion by James Skein in Bandodill in favour of William Blackhall.
1986 J. Wormald in W. Davies & P. Fouracre Settlement of Disputes in Early Medieval Europe (2002) x. 200 A week after the contract was made..as assign to Ogilvy of that ilk, he had the letter of reversion of the lands of Sandlaw read out.
2004 A. Campbell Hist. Clan Campbell (2006) 174 In 1726, the increasingly-desperate Cawdor sold his rights of reversion to this wadset for a further £6,000, enabling Shawfield to gain outright possession of the whole of Islay for a mere £12,000.
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