

单词 let see if

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let see if (also whether, how, what, etc.)
(i) Without personal object, as let see if (also whether, how, what, etc.). Obsolete.
c1330 (?a1300) Sir Tristrem (1886) l. 554 Who better can, lat se.
c1400 (?c1390) Sir Gawain & Green Knight (1940) l. 414 (MED) Ta now þy grymme tole to þe, & let se how þou cnokez.
c1425 (c1400) Laud Troy-bk. l. 2865 Lete se now, what ȝe say?
c1450 in F. J. Furnivall Hymns to Virgin & Christ (1867) 58 (MED) How many foolde Hast þou brouȝt richesse? now late se.
1488 (c1478) Hary Actis & Deidis Schir William Wallace (Adv.) (1968–9) i. l. 442 ‘Wncle,’ he said, ‘I will no langar bide. Thir south-land hors latt se gif I can ride’.
a1500 (?c1450) Merlin xx. 357 ‘Now let se’, quod Merlin, ‘what ye will do, for now is ther oon lesse.’
1513 G. Douglas tr. Virgil Æneid xii. xi. 49 Quhat sall I do, lat se; quhar sall I now? [L. nam quid ago].
1535 Bible (Coverdale) 2 Kings xviii. 23 I will geue ye two thousande horses, let se yf thou be able to man them.
a1599 R. Rollock Lect. Hist. Passion (1616) xvii. 153 Is this hee who will saue others? let see if hee can bee able to saue himselfe.
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