

单词 lineal


Brit. /ˈlɪnɪəl/, U.S. /ˈlɪniəl/
Forms: Middle English–1600s lineall, Middle English–1500s liniall, (Middle English linealle, linyalle, 1500s lin-, lyneal(l, -iall, -yall), 1500s– lineal.
Etymology: < French lineal, < late Latin līneālis , < līnea line n.2
A. adj.
a. Of or pertaining to a line or lines; consisting of lines. †lineal alphabet: one in which the symbols consist of lines. lineal demonstration: one performed by means of lines. lineal translation: one in which the original is rendered line for line (rare). lineal number, lineal perspective: see linear adj. and n. Of writing: Arranged in regular lines.
the world > relative properties > number > mathematical number or quantity > [noun] > particular qualities > relating only to length
lineal numbera1398
linear numbers1706
society > communication > representation > a plastic or graphic representation > graphic representation > drawing lines > [adjective] > consisting of lines
the world > space > shape > condition of being long in relation to breadth > linearity > [adjective] > relating to or characterized by linear quality
society > communication > writing > written text > layout > [adjective] > in regular lines
the world > physical sensation > sight and vision > [noun] > perspective > linear perspective
lineal perspective1797
linear perspective1841
the mind > mental capacity > intelligibility > meaning > explanation, exposition > translation > [adjective] > line for line
a1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomaeus Anglicus De Proprietatibus Rerum (BL Add. 27944) (1975) II. xix. cxxvi. 1364 Þe numbre lyneal bygynneþ fro oon and is ywrite arewe and lyne anon to endeles.
c1430 Art Nombryng 14 Of nombres one is lyneal, anoþer superficialle, anoþer quadrat, anoþer cubike or hoole.
1624 H. Wotton Elements Archit. i. 50 Errors euer occurring more easily in the management of grosse Materials, then Lineall Designes.
1707 J. Ward Young Mathematician's Guide i. ii. 10 I might have here inserted a Lineal Demonstration of this Rule of Addition.
1792 W. Roberts Looker-on No. 7. 53 This way of writing may be as swift, lineal, and legible, as the operations of day-light.
1797 T. Holcroft tr. F. L. Stolberg Trav. (ed. 2) III. lxxiii. 113 They were not..ignorant of lineal perspective.
1875 E. C. Stedman Victorian Poets (ed. 13) 371 He now is said to be engaged upon a lineal and literal translation of Virgil.
b. Of measures: Relating to a single dimension of space; = linear adj. 3.
the world > relative properties > measurement > measurement of length > [adjective]
the world > space > extension in space > measurable spatial extent > longitudinal extent > [adjective] > having (more or less) length > and no breadth or thickness
1705 E. Scarburgh Eng. Euclide 92 (note) And let this measure be called the Lineal Unite.
1848 Gregory's Math. (ed. 3) 120 An inch is the smallest lineal measure to which a name is given.
1872 R. W. Raymond Statistics Mines & Mining 129 The claim is 1,000 feet lineal measurement in length.
a. Of descent, ancestry, consanguinity, inheritance, or succession (hence also of a descendant, ancestor, heir, etc.): That is in the direct line; opposed to collateral.
society > society and the community > kinship or relationship > lineage or descent > [adjective] > in direct line
1426 Pol. Poems (Rolls) II. 132 Henry the sext, is truly borne heir unto the corone of Fraunce by lynyalle successioun.
?1466 Copy of Statement in Name of Edward IV in Paston Lett. & Papers (2004) II. 552 They shewed a lineall discent how their first ancetor Wulstan came out of France.
1548 Hall's Vnion: Henry VI f. clxxviij I am the..lyneall heyre.
1596 E. Spenser Second Pt. Faerie Queene iv. xi. sig. K8 And after them the royall issue came, Which of them sprung by lineall descent. View more context for this quotation
1690 J. Locke Two Treat. Govt. i. xi. §161 The Prime and Ancient Right of Lineal Succession to any thing.
1751 S. Johnson Rambler No. 172. ⁋8 Enriched in the common course of lineal descent.
1767 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. (new ed.) II. 203 Lineal consanguinity is that which subsists between persons, of whom one is descended in a direct line from the other.
1817 T. Moore Lalla Rookh 1 Abdalla..a lineal descendant from the Great Zingis.
1858 Ld. St. Leonards Handy Bk. Prop. Law x. 65 Under recent legislation the father and other lineal ancestors are let in in default of lineal heirs.
1870 L. H. Morgan Syst. Consanguinity 11 Every system of consanguinity must be able to ascend and descend in the lineal line through several degrees from any given person.
1870 L. H. Morgan Syst. Consanguinity 46 If Ego is placed between the father and son the lineal and first collateral lines would become intelligible.
1880 S. Haughton Six Lect. Physical Geogr. vi. 262 Whether they may not both be the lineal descendants of older and extinct king crabs.
1929 Encycl. Brit. XIX. 84/1 The collateral kin of a generation were merged with the lineal.
b. Pertaining to or transmitted by lineal descent. lineal warranty (see quot. 1767).
society > society and the community > kinship or relationship > lineage or descent > [adjective] > in direct line > relating to
1486 in Surtees Misc. (1888) 54 By cource of liniall possession.
1570 T. Norton tr. A. Nowell Catech. (1853) 173 The Jews claimed..the Church of God as peculiar and by lineal right due to their nation.
1626 S. D'Ewes Let. 4 Feb. in H. Ellis Orig. Lett. Eng. Hist. (1824) 1st Ser. III. 217 To whome the crowne of his auncestors and predecessors is now devolved by lineall right.
1719 E. Young Busiris i. 6 Busiris, who now Reigns, was first of Males In Lineal Blood, to which this Crown descends.
1767 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. (new ed.) II. 301 Lineal warranty was where the heir derived, or might by possibility have derived, his title to the land warranted, either from or through the ancestor who made the warranty.
1839 P. J. Bailey Festus 120 As if they waged some lineal feud with time.
1858 W. E. Gladstone Stud. Homer III. 520 In lineal dignity, he [Anchises] was even before Priam.
c. Of persons: Lineally descended (rare). †Also, of children, legitimate (obsolete).
society > society and the community > kinship or relationship > kinsman or relation > descendant > [adjective] > directly
society > society and the community > kinship or relationship > kinsman or relation > child > relationship to parent > [adjective] > legitimate
born in (or under or out of) wedlockc1275
(on) the right side of the blanket1842
a1616 W. Shakespeare Henry V (1623) i. ii. 82 That faire Queene Isabel..Was Lineall of the Lady Ermengare. View more context for this quotation
1647 N. Bacon Hist. Disc. Govt. 165 Although it was the lot of Henry the first to have many children, yet it was not his happinesse to have many lineal.
1670 J. Milton Hist. Brit. v. 196 In the East-Angles, Edmund lineal from the ancient stock of those Kings,..was..Crown'd at Burie.
1694 J. Dryden To Congreve in W. Congreve Double-dealer sig. a3 For only You are lineal to the Throne.
1801 Asiatic Ann. Reg. 1800 Chron. 35/1 The reestablishment of the ancient and lineal family on the throne.
1820 J. Keats Lamia i, in Lamia & Other Poems 22 A real woman, lineal indeed From Pyrrha's pebbles or old Adam's seed.
B. n.
1. Genealogy, pedigree. Obsolete.
society > society and the community > kinship or relationship > lineage or descent > genealogy as study > [noun] > genealogical record
1426 Pol. Poems (Rolls) II. 137 Don in ordre by corious lynealle.
2. One who is related in the direct line. rare.
society > society and the community > kinship or relationship > kinsman or relation > descendant > [noun] > direct descendant
heir of the body1391
1757 S. Foote Author ii. 40 There's seven Yards more of Lineals, besides three of Collaterals.
1881 E. W. Hamilton Diary 3 Apr. (1972) I. 124 The Probate Duty is to be raised 1/ 2% all round, and the 1% (lineals) in the Legacy Duty scale is to be abolished; accordingly lineals will all benefit to the extent of 1/ 2%.
1909 Hansard Commons 29 Apr. 515/1 In the cases of spouses and lineals..I propose to exempt from the new..duties all legacies.
This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1903; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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