

单词 lesser sapphic

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lesser Sapphic
In the classical Greek verse form in which much of Sappho's poetry was written, the stanza consists of three lines of 11 syllables followed by one of five. The first three lines are logaoedic hendecasyllables (with the pattern ¯ ˘ ¯  ¯ ˘ ˘ ¯ ˘ ¯ ; sometimes called the lesser Sapphic), and the final line is a pentasyllable (¯ ˘ ˘ ¯ ; sometimes referred to as an Adonic: see Adonic n.). In some analyses the third and fourth lines are regarded as forming a single line. The verse form was also used by Sappho's contemporary Alcaeus (see Alcaic n. and adj.), who may have invented it; it was adapted for use in Latin by Catullus, Horace, and others, and for use in English by various poets from the 16th century onwards.extracted from Sapphicadj.n.
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