

单词 lesser reed-sparrow

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lesser reed-sparrow
Any of several European songbirds that frequent reed beds: (a) (more fully †greater reed-sparrow) the reed bunting, Emberiza schoeniclus (now rare); (b) (more fully lesser reed-sparrow) the sedge warbler, Acrocephalus schoenobaenus, or reed warbler, A. scirpaceus (now historical).
the world > animals > birds > order Passeriformes (singing) > seed eaters > [noun] > family Emberizidae > subfamily Emberizinae (bunting) > genus Emberiza > emberiza schoeniclus (reed-bunting)
night warbler1739
reed bunting1776
ring bird1837
ring fowl1840
the world > animals > birds > order Passeriformes (singing) > family Muscicapidae (thrushes, etc.) > subfamily Sylviidae (warbler) > [noun] > genus Acrocephalus > species schoenobaenus (sedge warbler)
night singer1816
sedge reedling1837
fisherman's nightingale1884
sally picker1885
a1500 in T. Wright & R. P. Wülcker Anglo-Saxon & Old Eng. Vocab. (1884) I. 702/24 Palustris, a rede-sparowe.
1544 W. Turner Avium Præcipuarum sig. F2v De Ivncone... Anglicè a rede sparrouu.
1658 J. Rowland tr. T. Moffett Theater of Insects in Topsell's Hist. Four-footed Beasts (rev. ed.) 1088 Larks, Gnat-snappers, Reed-sparrows, and many other birds,..do feed on the Worms of trees and herbs.
1676 F. Willughby & J. Ray Ornithologiæ ii. 99 The lesser Reed-sparrow.
1676 F. Willughby & J. Ray Ornithologiæ ii. 99 The greater Reed-sparrow.
1712 J. Morton Nat. Hist. Northants. 428 The Reed Sparrow..is found upon Willows and Bushes by our Brook-sides, as also upon Bunches of Nettles; and is therefore called the Nettlemonger by some.
1752 J. Hill Gen. Nat. Hist. III. 501 The Reed-sparrow. The Fringilla, with a black head, brown at the sides and with a white ring.
1770 G. White Let. 21 May in Nat. Hist. Selborne (1789) 130 When you talked of keeping a reed-sparrow, and giving it seeds, I could not help wondering; because the reed-sparrow which I mentioned to you (passer arundinaceus minor Raii) is a soft-billed bird; and most probably migrates hence before winter; whereas the bird you kept (passer torquatus Raii) abides all the year, and is a thick-billed bird.
1831 J. Rennie Montagu's Ornithol. Dict. (ed. 2) 416 There can be no doubt..that the nest, as well as the song of the sedge bird, have been taken..for those of the Reed Sparrow.
1884 Public Opin. 5 Sept. 299/1 Here a reed-sparrow, deep-nested and brown, and there a snipe darting away.
1909 Times 10 Apr. 10/2 The cock reed-bunting's brown plumage and conspicuous black and white markings about the head and neck give it a close enough resemblance to the cock house-sparrow to justify its common name of reed-sparrow.
1928 A. E. Pease Dict. Dial. N. Riding Yorks. 103/1 Reed-sparrer, the Reed-Bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus), common in marshes.
1957 Encycl. Brit. XXI. 170/1 The reed-sparrow or reed-bunting is, as the second name implies, a bunting.
1999 Oikos 87 476/1 He [sc. Gilbert White] correctly identified sedge warblers (the ‘lesser reed-sparrow of Ray’) and noctule bats (the ‘great large bat’).
extracted from reed-sparrown.
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