

单词 at the worst

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at the worst
b. at the worst.
(a) Even on the most unfavourable view, estimate, or surmise; if the worst possible outcome occurs; = at worst at Phrases 2a(b).
the world > action or operation > adversity > in adversity [phrase] > at the or one's worst
at worsta1398
at the worsta1413
at one's worst1578
a1413 (c1385) G. Chaucer Troilus & Criseyde (Pierpont Morgan) (1882) v. l. 96 Somwhat shal I seye For at þe worste it may yet shorte oure weye.
a1586 Sir P. Sidney Arcadia (1590) iii. xxvi. sig. Yy6 At the worst it is but a bug-beare.
1649 S. Rutherford Free Disputation To Rdr. sig. A3v He is but at the worst, a godly, pious, holy Hereticke, who feareth his conscience more than his Creator.
1729 P. Walkden Diary 25 Nov. (1866) (modernized text) 73 At the worst, I would subscribe to take half a quarter.
1771 ‘Junius’ Stat Nominis Umbra (1772) II. liv. 238 At the worst, what do they amount to.
1824 R. Southey Let. 29 Aug. in C. C. Southey Life & Corr. R. Southey (1849) I. 137 He had seasons of good-nature, and at the worst was rather to be dreaded than disliked.
1841 C. Dickens Old Curiosity Shop i. ix. 139 I thought..that if a man played long enough he was sure to win at last, or at the worst not to come off a loser.
1871 C. Thirlwall Lett. (1881) II. 267 Urban II pronounced that the killing of an excommunicated person was not a murder, but at the worst an offence to be expiated by a penance.
1939 Brit. Med. Jrnl. 19 Aug. 425/1 At the worst, it is the lesser of two evils.
1978 Jrnl. Post Keynesian Econ. 1 37 At the worst it could induce recession, with an excellent chance of establishing a new post-World War II jobless record.
2016 Scotsman (Nexis) 1 Apr. If you had not carried a knife, the exchange of insults between you and Bailey would have led at the worst to a fist fight.
(b) In the most evil or undesirable state that can be; at the greatest disadvantage; fallen to the lowest degree of badness, illness, or misfortune. Now rare.
1533 T. More 2nd Pt. Confut. Tyndals Answere iv. p. clxxvi That they shall be no worse parde, not when they be at the very wurste, then faythfull harlottes.
a1586 Sir P. Sidney Astrophel & Stella (1591) 39 Yet sighes, deare sighes, indeede true friends you are, That do not leaue your best friend at the wurst.
1608 W. Shakespeare King Lear xv. 23 Who ist can say I am at the worst . View more context for this quotation
a1616 W. Shakespeare Henry V (1623) v. ii. 229 Thou hast me, if thou hast me, at the worst . View more context for this quotation
a1616 W. Shakespeare Macbeth (1623) iv. ii. 24 Things at the worst will cease or else climbe vpward, To what they were before. View more context for this quotation
1671 J. Milton Paradise Regain'd iii. 209 I would be at the worst; worst is my Port. View more context for this quotation
1752 Philos. Trans. 1749–50 (Royal Soc.) 46 533 They begin at the End of Summer, and continue thro' Autumn; being at the worst, when the Atmosphere is most loaded with the Effluvia of stagnating Water.
1771 Hist. Sir W. Harrington (1797) III. 122 Mrs. Stanhope was at the worst.
1823 J. Galt Ringan Gilhaize I. xxxi. 159 While he was at the worst she minded not his condition.
1840 55th Rep. Visiting Justices County Lunatic Asylum at Hanwell 43 He always recognized us, even when he was at the worst.
1898 ‘M. Twain’ Notebk. in Mysterious Stranger (1969) Introd. 8 When his fortunes and his miseries are at the worst, his papa arrives in state in a glory of hellfire.
1917 Lawyers Rep. Annotated 1917C 1172/2 As stated by her husband, ‘she commenced to get worse in 1908, kept getting worse all along on up to 1913, when she was at the worst’.
1947 R. Redgrave & S. Redgrave Cent. Brit. Painters i. 20 ‘When things are at the worst they will mend’, and truly things were at the worst, so far as art goes, when sturdy William Hogarth..began to think for himself.
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