

单词 lemming-rat

> as lemmas

a. A small arctic rodent, Myodes lemmus, of the family Muridæ, resembling a field-mouse, about 6 in. long, with a short tail, remarkable for its prolific character and its annual migrations to the sea. Also lemming-mouse, lemming-rat.
the world > animals > mammals > group Unguiculata or clawed mammal > order Rodentia or rodent > superfamily Myomorpha (mouse, rat, vole, or hamster) > [noun] > family Microtidae > genus Lemmus (lemming)
Norway rat1753
Norwegian rat1792
Norwegian lemming1828
1555 Olaus Magnus Historia de Gentibus Septentrionalibus xviii. xx. 617 Quod..in Noruegia..euenit, scilicet vt bestiolæ quadrupedes, Lemmar, vel Lemmus dictæ, magnitudine soricis, pelle varia, per tempestates & repentinos imbres è cœlo decidant.]
1607 E. Topsell Hist. Foure-footed Beastes 727 There are certaine little Foure-footed-beastes called Lemmar, or Lemmus, which in tempestuous and rainy weather, do seeme to fall downe from the cloudes.
1713 W. Derham Physico-theol. ii. vi. 56 A kind of Mice, (they call Leming..) in Norway, which eat up every green thing. They come in such prodigious Numbers, that they fancy them to fall from the Clouds.
1774 O. Goldsmith Hist. Earth IV. 84 The Leming..is often seen to pour down in myriads from the northern mountains.
1803 W. Bingley Animal Biogr. I. 422 The Lemming Rat. The Lemmings are inhabitants of the mountains of Norway and Lapland... They feed entirely on vegetables.
1856 T. De Quincey Confessions Eng. Opium-eater (rev. ed.) in Select. Grave & Gay V. 69 Under such a compulsion does..the leeming, traverse its mysterious path.
1862 H. Marryat One Year in Sweden II. 225 In Elfdal, says the chronicler, on the 2nd of August 1635 there rained from the sky a fall of lemmings.
1884 Gurney & Myers in 19th Cent. May 807 The migratory instinct that carries the lemming into the deep sea.
extracted from lemmingn.
as lemmas




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