

单词 audiencer


Brit. /ˈɔːdɪənsə/, U.S. /ˈɔdiənsər/, /ˈɑdiənsər/

α. 1500s audyencer, 1600s audiancer, 1600s– audiencer.

β. 1500s– audiencier, 1600s audiancier.

Origin: Probably a borrowing from French. Or perhaps a borrowing from Dutch. Etymons: French audiencier; Dutch audiencier.
Etymology: Probably partly < Middle French, French audiencier chancery official whose responsibilities included auditing letters patent prior to sealing and collecting fees payable on these (1358), senior chancery official originally employed by the Duke of Burgundy, later in the Spanish Netherlands (1417; already 14th cent. in Old French or Middle French as audienchier denoting an official in the papal chancellery, and mid 14th cent. denoting a court usher) < audience audience n. + -ier -ier suffix; and partly < Dutch audiencier (1524 denoting a chancery official, 1555 denoting a court clerk or court usher; < Middle French audiencier ). In α. forms showing remodelling after audience n. and -er suffix1. Compare post-classical Latin audientiarius court usher, scribe (14th cent.), also Spanish †audienciero (c1619 or earlier), Italian †audientiere (1639 in the passage translated in quot. 1654 at audientiary n., or earlier), both denoting a senior chancery official in the Spanish Netherlands.In grand audiencer (of France) at sense 2 after French (now hist.) grand audiencier (1566 in Middle French). With the forms audiancer, audiancier compare French †audiancier (1636; obsolete after the late 17th cent.).
historical after 18th cent.
1. In the Spanish Netherlands: (the title of) a senior chancery official.In English use chiefly with reference to Louis Verreycken, an official involved in peace negotiations between England and Spain in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries.
society > authority > office > holder of office > high officials of state > [noun] > high state official in foreign country
Lord Lieutenant1548
1586 Earl of Leicester Let. 2 Oct. in Corr. (1844) 422 Since my coming [to the Low Countries] he [sc. Burgrave] served first as master of requestes, after audyencer, and first secretary of the councell of estate.
1598 H. W. tr. True Coppie Admon. Subdued Provinces sig. Cv The Lord Lewis Vereylen [read Vereyken] knight audiencier, and chiefe Secretary, and Tresurer of the Briefs.
1615 E. Grimeston tr. P. d'Avity Estates 343 Lewis Verreycken Knight, Seigneur of Hamme, Councellor of the Councell of warre, Audiencer and first Secretarie to their Highnesses, [etc.]
1752 T. Carte Gen. Hist. Eng. III. 681 The president Richardot, and the audiencer Verreicken [were commissioners] for the archduke Albert.
1863 S. R. Gardiner Hist. Eng. 1603–16 I. ii. 116 The Archduke had sent as his representatives the Count of Aremberg, the President Richardot, and the Audiencer Verreyken.
1994 R. B. Wernham Return of Armadas xx. 323 The Archduke sent the Audiencer Verreycken to England ‘to handle and clear beforehand the points of the treaty as is desired’.
2. In France: (the title of) a chancery official whose responsibilities included auditing letters patent prior to sealing and collecting fees payable on these. grand audiencer (of France): any of the four officials serving in quarterly rotation as audiencer at the royal chancery in Paris.The French term audiencier is generally preferred in more recent historical writing.
1607 E. Grimeston tr. S. Goulart Admirable & Memorable Hist. 138 All these things..remayned in the custody of Maister Balthazer de la Barle dwelling at Aix, and first Audiencer in the Chancery of Prouence.
1651 Certaine Observ. conc. Lord Chancellor 12 All other persons whatsoever are forbidden to enter at Sealing time, saving the [French] Kings Secretaries, [etc.].
1687 R. Wolley tr. N. Besongne Present State France (new ed.) i. xxxiii. 301 Two Audienciers, or Auditors, Keepers of the Rolls of the Chancery, waiting by the half year, 400 l.
1709 Tatler No. 56 Dame Claude de Massy, Relict of Monsieur Peter de Monceaux, Grand Audiencer of France, dy'd on the 7th Instant, aged 107.
1762 P. Murdoch tr. A. F. Büsching New Syst. Geogr. II. 356 Four grand audienciers, who peruse papers sent from the secretary of state's office to be sealed, and make a report to the chancellor of it.
1833 J. Gorton Gen. Biogr. Dict. (new ed.) I. at Estoile, Pektr de l' Known only by his historical writings, was of the profession of the law, and became grand audiencer of the chancellery of Paris.
a1929 T. F. Tout Chapters Admin. Hist. Mediaeval Eng. (1930) V. xvi. 148 The audiencier, whose work to some extent correspond to that of our clerk of the hanaper, was commonly a secretary and not a notary of chancery.]
2007 M. P. Breen Law, City, & King i. 41 Jacques-Auguste de Chevane..developed a reputation for expertise in ecclesiastical matters while holding the office of audiencer in Parlement's chancellery.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2013; most recently modified version published online December 2021).




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