

单词 lay clerk

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lay clerk
b. Hence, since the Reformation, applied to laymen who perform such of these offices as are retained in cathedrals, churches, or chapels. In the Prayer-book of 1549 the clerks were the choir men; in later times, the clerk, or parish clerk, is the lay officer of a parish church, who has charge of the church and precincts, and assists the clergyman in various parts of his duties, e.g. by leading the people in responses, assisting at baptisms, marriages, etc. In other senses, usually with some distinctive epithet, as Bible clerk, a scholar who reads the Scripture lessons in some ancient college chapels; lay clerk, a singing man in some cathedrals and college chapels; singing clerk, etc.
society > faith > church government > laity > lay functionaries > chorister > [noun]
singing man1527
singing boy1666
white boy1691
white man1691
society > faith > church government > laity > lay functionaries > clerk > [noun] > of parish
parish clerkc1390
town clerk?1527
church clerk1535
lay clerk1786
1549 Bk. Common Prayer (STC 16267) Svpper of the Lorde f. cxxiv The Priest shall saye, or els the Clerkes shal syng.
1549 Bk. Common Prayer (STC 16267) Svpper of the Lorde f. cxxvi Where there be Clerkes, thei shall syng one, or many of the sentences aboue written.
1564 in J. Strype Ann. Reformation I. xli. 463 To every parish belongeth I. A parson, or vicar, or both, or a curate under him. II. A clerk, to read, write, sing, and say.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Taming of Shrew (1623) iv. v. 21 To th' Church take the Priest, Clarke, and some sufficient honest witnesses. View more context for this quotation
1710 T. Hearne Remarks & Coll. (1889) III. 82 To go to the Clark of Ferry-Hinksey for ye Parish Register.
1726 J. Ayliffe Parergon Juris Canonici Anglicani 409 The true Original of those we now call Parish Clerks..at first intended as Clerks-Assistant to him that had the Cure.
1727 Country-post in J. Swift et al. Misc. II. 290 The deceased Wife of the Singing Clerk of this Place.
a1800 W. Cowper Names of Little Note 14 There goes the parson, oh! illustrious spark, And there, scarce less illustrious, goes the clerk!
1850 C. Lyell 2nd Visit U.S. (ed. 2) II. 86 There was no clerk, the Bishop read the responses and gave out the psalms, seeming to us, at first to be performing the office of clerk.
1879 M. Oliphant Within Precincts II. xviii. 24 He..had been a chorister and had progressed into a lay-clerk.
1886 Oxf. Univ. Cal. 169 New College (Chapel): Organist, Schoolmaster, Lay-clerks, Choristers.
1886 Oxf. Univ. Cal. 189 Magdalen Coll.: Organist, Clerks, Choristers.
1886 Oxf. Univ. Cal. 219 Christ Ch.: Organist, Singing men, Choristers.
1890–1 Kelly's Oxford Directory 60/1 All Souls College... Provision is made by these statutes for a warden, fifty fellows, two chaplains, and four bible clerks.
extracted from clerkn.
lay clerk
lay clerk n. (a) a ‘singing man’ in a cathedral or collegiate church; (b) a parish clerk: see clerk n. 2b.
society > faith > church government > laity > lay functionaries > clerk > [noun] > of parish
parish clerkc1390
town clerk?1527
church clerk1535
lay clerk1786
1786 T. Busby Compl. Dict. Music Lay-Clerk, a vocal officiate in a cathedral, who takes part in the services and anthems, but is not of the priesthood.
1877 F. G. Lee Gloss. Liturg. & Eccl. Terms Lay clerk,..a layman who in the Church of England, by the tacit consent of the bishop or ordinary, or by the direct authority of the parish priest, assists in divine service.
1892 J. C. Blomfield Hist. Heyford 17 He was fulfilling the office of lay-clerk in that parish.
extracted from layadj.n.9
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