

单词 a largesse!

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a largesse!
b. largesse! or †a largesse!: a call for a gift of money, addressed to a person of relatively high position on some special occasion (as a coronation, the harvest, etc.). Now historical. N.E.D. (1902) noted: ‘Still in use locally at “harvest home”’.
the mind > possession > poverty > mendicancy > call for gift of money [interjection]
a largesse!a1393
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) viii. l. 962 Thei wedde and make a riche feste..Ther cride many a man largesse Unto the lordes hihe and loude.
c1400 (c1378) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Laud 581) (1869) B. xiii. l. 449 A blynd man..To crie a largesse by-for oure lorde.
c1450 (c1380) G. Chaucer House of Fame (Fairf. 16) (1878) l. 1309 Ther mette I cryinge many oon A larges larges.
?c1500 Mary Magdalene (Digby) l. 261 A largeys, ȝe lord, I crye þis day.
1573 T. Tusser Fiue Hundreth Points Good Husbandry (new ed.) f. 54v Geue glooues to thy reapers, a larges to crye.
1587 A. Fleming et al. Holinshed's Chron. (new ed.) III. Contin. 1342/2 Then the heralds cried A larges, and the trumpets and drums were sounded euerie where.
1688 R. Holme Acad. Armory i. 3/2 Heraulds have a right three several times to cry Largesse.
1691 J. Ray S. & E. Country Words in Coll. Eng. Words (ed. 2) 104 A Largess,..a Gift to Harvest-men particularly, who cry a Largess so many times as there are pence given.
1787 F. Grose Provinc. Gloss. (at cited word) The reapers in Essex and Suffolk ask all passengers for a largess, and when any money is given to them, all shout together largess, largess.
1808 W. Scott Marmion i. xi. 33 Now largesse, largesse, Lord Marmion.
a1825 R. Forby Vocab. E. Anglia (1830) Largess, a gift to reapers in harvest. When they have received it, they shout thrice, the words ‘halloo largess’.
1879 E. M. Harris Friends Only vii. 112 Largesse, largesse, my lady! Oh, beautiful hand which heals The grief of sickness and famine!
1912 F. Hamel Lady of Beauty xi. 102 The liberal gifts of money which accompanied the cries of ‘Largesse! Largesse! Largesse!’
1959 Sunday Times 1 Nov. 32/6 Our trap was pursued by village children shouting, surprisingly, ‘Largesse’.
2008 D. Starkey Henry (2009) v. 94Largesse,’ the cry went up in old French, ‘largesse of the most high, mighty and excellent prince.’
extracted from largessen.
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