

单词 leave behind one

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to leave behind one
(a) transitive. To have surviving after one's death (a spouse, children, other relative, etc., a spouse with so many children, a responsibility, etc.); to have remaining after one's death (property, reputation, etc.). Also to leave behind one (see also to leave behind 1c at Phrasal verbs).
the world > life > death > [verb (transitive)] > have remaining after death
to leave behind1509
the world > relative properties > wholeness > incompleteness > part of whole > that which is left or remainder > leave [verb (transitive)]
OE West Saxon Gospels: Mark (Corpus Cambr.) xii. 22 Ealle seofon [brothers] hi hæfdon & sæd ne læfdon [L. reliquerunt].
lOE Laws: Rectitudines (Corpus Cambr.) v. §5. 448 Ðonne him forðsið gebyrige, hede se hlaford ðæs he læfe.
a1382 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Bodl. 959) (1963) Ruth i. 3 Þe husbonde of Noeme is dead & sche lafte wiþ þe sones.
c1390 MS Vernon Homilies in Archiv f. das Studium der Neueren Sprachen (1877) 57 259 (MED) Þi fadir þyng þat he lafte aftur his endyng.
a1450 (a1338) R. Mannyng Chron. (Lamb.) (1887) i. l. 5352 (MED) He meyntend euere his lond in pes, & leftyt his sones after his deces.
a1450 ( tr. Vegetius De Re Militari (Douce) f. 94 (MED) Now is fulliche tolde out..alle þat olde auctours haueþ yseie, done in dede, and left be hynde hem writen in book.
c1475 (?c1400) Apol. Lollard Doctr. (1842) 4 (MED) Better to die wiþ out barnes, þan to lef vnpitouse barnis aftir.
1559 J. Aylmer Harborowe sig. F2 Conrad Palatin, left behinde him one only doughter Agnes.
1604 E. Grimeston tr. J. de Acosta Nat. & Morall Hist. Indies vi. xii. 455 For the entertainment of the family he left.
a1650 D. Calderwood Hist. Kirk Scotl. (1842) I. 12 Alexander the third left no issue behind him, except the daughter of Norway, his neice, by his daughter Margaret.
1714 J. Walker Attempt Acct. Sufferings Clergy Church of Eng. ii. 243/1 At the time of his Death, he left a Widow with five small Children.
1753 Scots Mag. Mar. 158/1 He has left 113 children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
1782 J. H. St. J. de Crèvecoeur Lett. from Amer. Farmer iii. 86 He lived to the age of ninety, and left behind him a fine estate and a numerous family.
1806 W. Cruise Digest Laws Eng. Real Prop. VI. 493 In case he should..leave no lawful heir.
1838 C. Thirlwall Hist. Greece V. 165 He left an infant son named Amyntas.
1851 E. E. Stuart Let. 17 June in R. Stuart et al. Stuart Lett. 1819–64 (1961) I. 200 Poor William Hunt died after three days illness, Irresypelas—left a distressed family.
1881 S. R. Gardiner & J. B. Mullinger Introd. Study Eng. Hist. i. vi. 103 The medieval saints..had left no successors.
1891 Law Rep.: Weekly Notes 19 Dec. 201/1 He intended that whatever property he left should be divided.
1921 L. Strachey Queen Victoria i. 15 In 1814, her husband died, leaving her with two children and the regency of the principality.
1988 T. Woodcock & J. M. Robinson Oxf. Guide to Heraldry vii. 128 If a man dies leaving daughters and sisters, his sisters do not share with his daughters.
2013 P. Elsam Stephen Joseph (2014) Introd. p. x Joseph was a theatre all-rounder who, dying young, left behind him twin gifts: a radical legacy..; and a print record of experimentation and provocation.
extracted from leavev.1
to leave behind one (also it, them)
b. transitive. To have remaining as a trace or consequence after removal, cessation, or a process of change. Earliest in to leave behind 1b at Phrasal verbs, to leave behind one (also it, them).
the world > existence and causation > causation > [verb (transitive)] > bring about as a consequence or entail > leave
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 15877 (MED) Left þai noght bi-hind þam þan þe fals felun Iudas.
1424 in H. E. Salter Churchwardens' Accts. St. Michael's Oxf. (1933) 16 So lefft behynde al thyngs y-rekenyd and alle thyngs alowyd due to the procuratours forsayd xid.
1563 J. Foxe Actes & Monuments 893/2 Let the priest rence his hands, lest any parcels of the body or bloud be left behind in his fingers or in the chalice.
1572 Treat. Treasons against Q. Elizabeth ii. f. 148 A Religion so plainely Turkish and Heathen, that no where hath it passed or fixed footing, without leauing behinde it the very printes and foote steppes of Machomettes Armado.
1590 R. Harvey Plaine Percevall 5 Nay I wot neere, but it hath left behind it a wale in my throate.
1645 F. Hamilton Inform. to Comm. of Both Kingdoms To Rdr. sig. a2 Such Beasts as these, do usually run under great Trees in a storm, for shelter and protection, where they leave nothing but dung and filth behinde them for their standing, when the Tempest is once over.
1756 C. Lucas Ess. Waters iii. 296 Most chalybeate waters leave no common vitriol upon evaporation.
1794 Full Rep. Trial W. Drennan 74 His evidence shall be blotted from their minds, and leave no trace but horror and indignation.
1814 W. Wordsworth Excursion vii. 310 It had left, Deposited upon the silent shore Of memory, images and precious thoughts. View more context for this quotation
1823 F. Clissold Narr. Ascent Mont Blanc 24 This area is so detached from the rock, as to leave a crevasse running along its base.
1885 Law Rep.: Probate Div. 10 87 A small blister, which subsided in a day or two leaving only a redness of the skin.
1920 Times 7 Apr. 13/6 Handiwork of man has been and gone, and left no trace.
1980 F. Smyth Cause of Death vi. 114 In Ireland the ‘pitchcapping’ of criminals and political rebels—coating the scalp with molten pitch to leave a permanent, terrible scar—was carried on spasmodically until the 1850s.
2014 J. Dean Heart strangely Warmed iv. 116 The Reformation left behind it an almost complete agreement about the subject of divine election.
extracted from leavev.1
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