

单词 ledger-ambassador

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ledger-ambassador (also ambassador ledger)
1. ledger-ambassador (also ambassador ledger): resident or ordinary ambassador. So ledger Jesuit. Obsolete.
society > authority > rule or government > politics > international politics or relations > diplomacy > [noun] > ambassador or envoy > resident ambassador
ledger-ambassador (also ambassador ledger)1550
resident ambassador?1551
ambassador extraordinary1603
society > faith > church government > monasticism > religious order > Society of Jesus > [noun] > member of > resident in specific place
ledger Jesuit1550
1550 King Edward VI Jrnl. in Lit. Rem. (Roxb.) 258 That Sir John Mason shuld be embassadour ligier.
1577 R. Holinshed Hist. Scotl. 470/2 in Chron. I Monsieur Doysell, Liger Ambassador for the Frenche Kyng.
1606 True Relation Proc. at Arraignm. Late Traitors 32 Baldwin the Ligier Jesuite in Flaunders.
1615 G. Sandys Relation of Journey 85 The Kings of England and of France haue here their Ledger Embassadours.
1630 J. Wadsworth Eng. Spanish Pilgrime (new ed.) i. 2 His Majesty sent him with his first Ambassador Legier..into Spaine.
a1670 J. Hacket Scrinia Reserata (1693) i. 120 The leiger Embassador of the Catholick King.
a1754 T. Carte Gen. Hist. Eng. (1755) IV. 111 A duplicate of the order [was] sent to Sir Walter Aston, the lieger embassador.
a1754 S. Johnson Dict. Eng. Lang. Leger, any thing that lies in a place; as, a leger ambassador.
figurative and in extended use.1614 in T. Overbury et al. Wife now Widdow Newes of my Morning Worke sig. H2v Sleep is deaths Leger Embassador [1615 (12th impr.) Leiger-Ambassadour].1636 A. Cade Serm. Necess. for these Times 10 Gods Lieger Ambassadour residing in our hearts.1649 Bp. J. Taylor Great Exemplar Pref. §45 Christ having left his Ministers as Lieger Embassadours to signifie and publish the Lawes of Jesus.
extracted from ledgern.adj.
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