

单词 last past

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last past
3. last past, (Scottish also) † last by-past, (chiefly Scottish) † last was: immediately preceding; spec. (with a recurring division of time, a season, etc.) immediately before the present (= sense B. 7a); (also) up to and including the present. Now somewhat rare.
the world > time > relative time > the future or time to come > newness or novelty > recency > [adjective] > most recent > of a time, period, or season
last past1398
1398 in T. Rymer Fœdera (1709) VIII. 54 Thair Raunson til have bene restorit to thaim befor the Fest Of Myssommyr last past.
1411 Rolls of Parl.: Henry IV (Electronic ed.) Parl. Nov. 1411 §13. m. 14 The Saterday neghst after the fest of Seint Michael last passed.
?c1425 tr. Guy de Chauliac Grande Chirurgie (Paris) (1971) 117 (MED) The firste [process] is fulfilled by þe forsaide gouernaunce in þe chapitles last passed [?a1425 N.Y. Acad. Med. next passed; L. proxime preteritis].
1449 R. Wenyngton in Paston Lett. & Papers (2005) III. 69 And as God wuld, on Fryday last was we had a gode wynd.
1484 W. Caxton tr. Subtyl Historyes & Fables Esope iv. xvii. f. lxxvi What hast thow done al the somer last passed.
c1503 R. Arnold Chron. f. lxxxviij/1 At ye free passe marte of this said towne of barowe last passed.
1531–2 in J. M. Webster & A. A. M. Duncan Regality of Dunfermline Court Bk. (1953) 53 The allegationes allegit be hym the xj day of Januar last vas.
1535 ( in W. Fraser Registrum Monasterii Cambuskenneth (1872) 260 The tane half [to be paid] as for the Martymes terme last bipast.
1549 T. Solme in H. Latimer 1st Serm. before Kynges Maiest. (new ed.) Ep. Ded. sig. Aiiv Sermons..preached in Lente last past.
1583 T. Stocker tr. Tragicall Hist. Ciuile Warres Lowe Countries i. 36 The fifth of Aprill the yeere last past.
1606 in Orkney & Shetland Rec. (1907) I. 274 To stand quhill Alhallowmes last wes and na forder.
1641 Dissolution of Parl. in Scotl. 2 The ratifications of the Conclusions of the same assembly..were likewise shifted and delayed, and the closing of the Parliament, protracted from time to time, unto the [blank] day of November last bypast.
1681 A. Wendover Let. 20 Feb. in R. Law Eng. in W. Afr. (1997) I. 155 What booges were remaining in January account last past I deliver'd.
1711 R. Steele Spectator No. 48. ⁋2 The Beau has varied his Dress every Day of his Life for these thirty Years last past.
1756 T. Amory Life John Buncle I. 411 He has been for a year and a half last past in Italy.
1823 W. Scott Quentin Durward (1831) I. v. 74 His family had been destroyed upon the festival of Saint Jude last by-past.
1859 C. Dickens Tale of Two Cities i. i. 1 The Cock-lane ghost had been laid only a round dozen of years, after rapping out its messages, as the spirits of this very year last past..rapped out theirs.
1906 F. Gooding Let 10 Apr. in J. A. Lukas Big Trouble (1998) ix. 455 I am sending you several reports of No. 21—secret operative of the Pinkertons—who has been in the employ of the state for more than a year last past.
1943 A. J. Nock Mem. Superfluous Man iii. 41 Its average circulation from year to year for the first fifteen years of its existence..was all of ten per cent more than its average for the fifteen years last past.
extracted from lastadv.adj.n.4
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