

单词 large cranberry

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large cranberry
1. The fruit of a dwarf shrub, Vaccinium Oxycoccos, a native of Britain, Northern Europe, Siberia, and North America, growing in turfy bogs: a small, roundish, dark red, very acid berry. Also the similar but larger fruit of V. macrocarpon, a native of North America ( large cranberry or American cranberry). Both are used for tarts, preserves, etc. The name is also given to the shrubs themselves.The name appears to have been adopted by the North American colonists from some Low German source, and brought to England with the American cranberries ( V. macrocarpon), imported already in 1686, when Ray ( Hist. Pl. 685) says of them ‘hujus baccas a Nova Anglia usque missas Londini vidimus et gustavimus. Scriblitis seu ortis (Tarts nostrates vocant) eas inferciunt’. Thence it began to be applied in the 18th cent. to the British species ( V. Oxycoccos). In some parts, where the latter is unknown, the name is erroneously given to the cowberry ( V. Vitis Idæa).
the world > food and drink > food > fruit and vegetables > fruit or a fruit > berry > [noun] > cranberry
fen whort1578
fen grapes1597
the world > plants > particular plants > cultivated or valued plants > particular food plant or plant product > particular fruit-tree or -plant > [noun] > tree or plant producing edible berries > cranberry bush
tree cranberry1868
1672 J. Josselyn New-Englands Rarities 119 Cranberry, or Bear Berry..is a small trayling plant that grows in salt marshes.
1694 Narbrough's Acct. Several Late Voy. i. Introd. p. xvii A Shrub whose fruit was..full of red juice like Currans, perhaps 'tis the same with the New England Cranberry or Bear-berry with which we make tarts.
1743–4 P. Collinson in Linnœus Corresp. 18 Jan. I herewith send you a box of Cranberries or Oxycoccus..They came from Pennsylvania; ours in England are very small.
1748 M. Delany Autobiogr. & Corr. (1861) II. 491 I gathered [near Clogher] four sorts of fruits, raspberries, cranberries, strawberries, and nuts.
1777 J. Lightfoot Flora Scotica I. 203 [Vaccinium oxycoccos] Cran-berries, Moss-berries, or Moor-berries. Anglis.
1819 W. Cobbett Year's Resid. U.S.A. ii. x. 236 Cranberries, the finest fruit for tarts that ever grew, are bought for about a dollar a bushel, and they will keep..for five months.
1868 Queen Victoria Jrnl. 139 The dinner..ending with a good tart of cranberries.
extracted from cranberryn.
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