

单词 at one's advantage

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at one's advantage
a. at one's advantage: in a position where one has the advantage or superiority. Now rare.
c1405 (c1395) G. Chaucer Franklin's Tale (Hengwrt) (2003) l. 64 Looke who þt moost is pacient in loue He is at his auantage al aboue.
c1450 in F. J. Furnivall Hymns to Virgin & Christ (1867) 81 (MED) Age haþ us at his auauntage.
1477 W. Caxton tr. R. Le Fèvre Hist. Jason (1913) 103 That they sholde slee him if they founde him at their auauntage.
1487 (a1380) J. Barbour Bruce (St. John's Cambr.) vi. 66 Sua that we Sall ay at our avantage [1489 Adv. awantage] be.
c1540 J. Bellenden tr. H. Boece Hyst. & Cron. Scotl. xv. iv. f. 222/1 Alexander..answerd yat ye dayis wer nocht out run of trewis, and desyrit the kyng othir to keip his faith, or ellis to deliuer his pledgis that he mycht be at his auantage.
1588 Ld. Gairlies Let. 23 May in R. V. Agnew Corr. P. Waus (1887) II. 419 Ye wilbe at your avantage.
a1630 D. Hume Hist. Houses Douglas & Angus (1644) 42 Our two Commanders assembled to the number 20000. all horse men..and entred into England with resolution not to fight but at their advantage and pleasure.
1694 tr. E. Benoist Hist. Famous Edict of Nantes I. i. 20 The K. of Navar was..easy to be govern'd by any that knew how to take him at their advantage, and bore a greater Figure than sway at Court.
1831 Adventures Robinson Crusoe xiv. 151 Crusoe could easily have attacked them; but his design was to take them at his advantage, in order that as few as possible might be killed.
1867 Harvard Advocate 15 Jan. 135/2 You might kick a man down stairs in the presence of the ladies, and then you certainly have him at your advantage.
2009 Internat. Musician Feb. 13 All of a sudden you are up on the auction block and the client has you at their advantage.
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