

单词 at morning

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at (also †in, †on, before, till, etc.) morning
b. In prepositional phrases with the singular (without article), as at (also †in, †on, before, till, etc.) morning, from morning till evening, from morning to night, etc. Also with adjective, forming adverbial phrases, as all (also each, every, next, etc.) morning. Cf. a-morning adv.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) 7181 On nighter-tale, or in morning.
c1400 (?a1387) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Huntington HM 137) (1873) C. xiv. 147 (MED) Maules drowen hem to maules on morwenynge by hem-self, And femeles to femeles.
c1475 (a1449) J. Lydgate Testament (Harl. 218) 286 in Minor Poems (1911) i. 340 Thamerous foules with motytes and carolles, Salue this sesoun euery morwenyng.
a1500 R. Henryson tr. Æsop Fables: Fox, Wolf, & Husbandman l. 2233 in Poems (1981) 85 His vse wes ay in morning to ryse air.
1530 J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 434/1 He applyeth his crafte from mornyng to nyght.
1595 R. Barnfield Ode in Cynthia sig. C8v She..each morning (by Cocks crew) Showers downe her siluer dew.
1611 Bible (King James) Lev. vi. 12 And the Priest shall burne wood on it euery morning, and lay the burnt offering..vpon it. View more context for this quotation
1660 S. Pepys Diary 20 Aug. (1970) I. 225 My Lord Chancellor being gone to the House of Lords, I went thither and..there stayed all the morning.
1679 Processes Kirkcudbright Sheriff Court No. 282 Otherwayes no master that hath ane servant at night is sure to have them at morning.
1732 B. Franklin in Pennsylvania Gaz. 14 Aug. 3/1 Next Morning..His Honour our Governor set out for Chester.
1749 J. Cleland Mem. Woman of Pleasure II. 25 Before morning, nothing on earth could be dearer to me than this rifler of my virgin-sweets.
1788 A. Hughes Henry & Isabella III. 17 Not having seen her all morning, she [etc.].
a1817 J. Austen Northanger Abbey (1818) II. x. 195 For nine successive mornings, Catherine wondered over the repetition of a disappointment, which each morning became more severe. View more context for this quotation
1842 J. R. Planché White Cat ii, in Extravaganzas (1879) II. 164 We won't go home till morning, Till day-light doth appear.
1849 M. Arnold New Sirens i I, who in your train at morning Stroll'd and sang with joyful mind, Heard, at evening, sounds of warning.
1887 H. Caine Deemster I. xii. 244 All morning she had dreamt of her husband.
1903 J. London Call of Wild v. 137 Late next morning Buck led the long team up the street.
1932 R. Haig-Brown Pool & Rapid 197 He had been out fishing all the morning in his best canoe.
1968 D. Moraes My Son's Father i. 3 At morning the sea was a very pale, indolent colour.
1987 N. Sibal Yatra 194 From morning till night, shopkeepers..sold cloth.
extracted from morningn.adv.int.
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