

单词 at meeting

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at (also next, etc.) meeting
a. The act or an instance of assembling or coming together for social, business, or other purposes; the action of encountering a person or persons. Often following a possessive adjective or genitive, or with with, frequently with some gerundial force. Formerly in †on meeting, †in meeting, †at (also next, etc.) meeting, †till meeting.
OE Rule St. Benet (Corpus Cambr.) 46 An metincge þeah þæs geferes sy þæt gebed gescyrt.
lOE Canterbury Psalter lxiii. 3 Protexisti me a conventu malignantium : ðu bewruge me from gencyme vel metinge warigendra.
c1330 (?a1300) Sir Tristrem (1886) l. 1316 (MED) Bliþe was her meteing.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Gött.) 5846 His broþer aaron he mett, For god him-self þair mething set.
?a1425 (c1400) Mandeville's Trav. (Titus C.xvi) (1919) 110 Summe bestes han gode meetynge, þat is to seye, for to meete with hem first at morwe.
a1450 (c1410) H. Lovelich Merlin (1904) I. l. 4580 The kyng, that aȝens Merlyne went jn metyng.
1480 R. Cely Let. 2 Sept. in Cely Lett. (1975) 87 I pray you hartely to be at Bolen the iij day of Septembyr..and at howr metyng I wyll tell you mor.
1485 in E. B. Jupp Hist. Acct. Worshipful Company of Carpenters (1887) 35 Reseyvyd in the Barge at the metyng of the Kyng on the Water vijs vijd.
1559 Bp. Scot in J. Strype Ann. Reformation (1709) I. App. vii. 14 At Peter's firste metinge with our Savyour Christe.
1639 in Hamilton Papers (1880) 95 Muche more of this kynd that past betwixt one of ther number and me this day..at meating.
1749 H. Fielding Tom Jones V. xiv. ii. 123 His meeting with Sophia that Evening was merely accidental. View more context for this quotation
1771 T. Smollett Humphry Clinker I. 3 I desire you will lock up all my drawers, and keep the keys till meeting.
1844 Ld. Brougham Brit. Constit. (1862) ix. 119 The people's right of Meeting in large bodies.
1860 W. Collins Woman in White (new ed.) II. 27 After the first happiness of my meeting with Laura was over, after we had sat down together..to recover breath enough and calmness enough to talk.
1877 H. James American vi. 106 The impression Madame de Cintré had made upon him on their first meeting.
1903 Edinb. Rev. Apr. 314 These old makers..do not dwell on meetings in heaven.
1978 H. Carpenter Inklings ii. i. 86 At a first meeting he would talk as if he had known you for years.
1994 J. Coe What a Carve-up! (1995) 344 My mind's eye was focused on our meeting in the railway carriage all those years ago.
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