

单词 at first hand

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at first hand (also †at the first hand)
1. at first hand (also †at the first hand).
a. Direct from the maker, producer, or original vendor. Now rare.
1439–40 Rolls of Parl.: Henry VI (Electronic ed.) Parl. Nov. 1439 §59. m. 2 Your lieges..selle the merchandises..in the said contres, and at the first hand bye ayeinward merchandises of the same contres.
a1535 T. More Dialoge of Comfort (1553) ii. xiv. sig. H.vv I bring home a Gose, quod he, not out of ye poulters shoppe..but out of the houswifes house at the first hand.
1570 T. Tusser Hundreth Good Pointes Husbandry (new ed.) f. 7v At first hand he buyeth that paieth all downe..At thirde hand he buyeth that all borow must.
1658 G. Starkey Natures Explic. 210 They give ten times the price for it [sc. a medicine] that the Apothecary gives for it at first hand.
1725 D. Defoe Compl. Eng. Tradesman I. i. 9 [He] thereby knows what everything costs at first hand.
1733 H. Fielding Miser (London ed.) i. vii. 11 All bought at the first hand too.
1811 Sporting Mag. 37 76 Gave ninety guineas for that, which he might have purchased at first hand for five-and-forty.
1939 Ld. Beveridge et al. Prices & Wages in Eng. 249 The bulk of some primary building materials were purchased at first hand from the makers.
b. From the first source or origin, without intermediate agency or the intervention of a medium; in one's own person, directly.
the world > relative properties > relationship > imitation > originality or non-imitation > [adverb]
from the first hand1659
at first hand (also at the first hand)1725
1568 V. Skinner tr. R. González de Montes Discouery Inquisition of Spayne sig. E.iiijv They know the witnesse had it at the first hand.
1587 Sir P. Sidney & A. Golding tr. P. de Mornay Trewnesse Christian Relig. vi. 88 The Sonne hath the very fulnesse of vnderstanding, because hee hath it immediatly and at the first hand.
1696 Acts & Resolves Mass. Bay I. 238 Housekeepers may provide themselves in the morning of every day at the first hand.
1725 I. Watts Logick i. v. 113 Learn all Things as much as you can at first Hand.
1841 T. Carlyle On Heroes ii. 73 Such a man is what we call an original man; he comes to us at first hand.
1865 M. Arnold Ess. Crit. vii. 237 Matters we cannot well know at first hand.
1914 E. von Arnim Pastor's Wife xiii. 143 It was life at first hand, not drained dry of its elemental excellences by being squeezed first through the medium of servants.
2004 Times Lit. Suppl. 1 Oct. 30/1 Her descriptions of the Gordon Riots of 1780, which she witnessed at first hand, are among the best available.
c. At first, to begin with.
1591 R. Greene Second Pt. Conny-catching sig. Cv The conny-catcher..at the first hand comes with a smiling face to embrace that man, whome presently he meanes to spoyle and coosen.
1600 P. Holland tr. Livy Rom. Hist. xxv. 577 At first hand they wist not what to doe.
1646 T. Hooker Heautonaparnumenos 60 At first hand they will fall flat before you, though after a while you must looke to put more strength to't.
1733 H. Boad Artium Principia (new ed.) ii. 36 As to the Reasons..It is not expected that a young Beginner should at first hand understand them.
1865 J. H. Stirling Secret of Hegel II. ii. 374 This conception seems at first hand to be motive, when an Arc is treated as a Tangent.
1918 E. W. Gifford Clans & Moieties in S. Calif. 187 At first hand it seemed as though Maria was speaking of true moiety chiefs.
2003 M. Ulfendahl et al. in A. W. Gummer Biophysics of Cochlea 289 It appears at first hand to be a relatively simple up-and-down motion at the reticular lamina.
extracted from first handn.adj.adv.
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