

单词 king of cockneys

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King of Cockneys
King of Cockneys n. now historical and rare (apparently) a Master of the Revels formerly chosen by the students at Lincoln's Inn to preside over festivities on Childermas Day (28 December).The name of this mock king is perhaps referred to in the rhyme (said to be about Henry III) recorded in quot. 1577; some later writers have however interpreted Cockney here (esp. in the variant form Cockneie) as showing Cockaigne n.
society > leisure > social event > festive occasion > persons and characters > [noun] > presiding > at law students' festivities
King of Cockneys1519
1519 in W. P. Baildon Black Bks. (Rec. Soc. Lincoln's Inn) (1897) I. 190 Item, that the Kyng of Cokneys ouer Childermas Day sytt and haue due service..and that he and his Marshall, Buttler, and Constable Marshall, haue ther laufull and honeste comaundementes..and that the seid Kyng of Cokneys, ne none of his officers, medyll neyther in the buttry nor in the Stuard of Cristmas is office.
1577 W. Harrison Hist. Descr. Islande Brit. ii. viii. f. 83/2 in R. Holinshed Chron. I As for those tales that go of Beston castell..the brag of..[Hugh Bigot] that sayde in contempt (of king Henry the thirde..) ‘If I were in my Castell of Bungey Vpon the water of Waueney, I woulde not set a button by the king of Cockney [1587 Cockneie]’, I repute them but as toyes.
1944 Jrnl. Eng. Folk Dance & Song Soc. 4 168 Each Inn [of Court] had its own tradition—Inner Temple a hunt of cat and fox with hounds about a ritual fire..Lincoln's Inn its King of Cockneys and Jack Straw—and Gray's Inn its King of Purpulia and Graya.
extracted from cockneyn.adj.
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