

单词 l


Brit. /ɛl/, U.S. /ɛl/
Etymology: the twelfth letter of the modern and the eleventh of the ancient Roman alphabet, represents historically the Greek lambda and ultimately the Semitic lamed. The earliest known Semitic forms of the character are ? and ?; both these occur in early Greek inscriptions; the latter was adopted from the Greek into the Latin alphabet, and is the ancestor of the modern Roman forms, but in Greece itself was superseded by the inverted form ?, which eventually became Λ. The sound normally expressed by the letter is the ‘point-side’ consonant, i.e. a sound produced by the emission of breath at the sides, or one side, of the oral passage when it is partially closed by contact of the ‘point’ of the tongue with the gums or palate.In phonetic treatises l is used as a general name for consonants produced by lateral emission of breath, whether the stoppage is produced (as above) by the ‘point’, or by some other part of the tongue; thus we speak of a ‘guttural l’ and a ‘palatal l’ as occurring in various foreign languages. The ‘point-side’ consonant admits of considerable diversity in mode of articulation and consequently in acoustic quality. The English l differs from that of French and German in being uttered with the ‘front’ of the tongue more concave; hence its sound is ‘duller’ or ‘thicker’. Its precise place of articulation varies according to the nature of the adjacent sounds. In English it is normally voiced; an unvoiced l occurring only as a ‘glide’ connecting the voiced l with a preceding or following unvoiced consonant. Like r and the nasals, l may be used as a sonant or vowel (in the phonetic notation of this Dictionary indicated by /(ə)l/); but this occurs only in unstressed syllables, as in little /ˈlɪt(ə)l/, buckled /ˈbʌk(ə)ld/. The modern English l represents not only the Old English l, but the Old English hl (early Middle English lh) and wl. In certain combinations an original l has regularly become silent, after having modified the sound of the preceding vowel. In most of these cases the l is still written, and serves to indicate the pronunciation of the preceding vowel. The following combinations of letters (when occurring in the same syllable, or in derivatives of words in which they were tautosyllabic) may be regarded as compound phonetic symbols of almost unvarying value: alf /ɑːf/, alve /ɑːv/, alm /ɑːm/, alk, aulk /ɔːk/, aulm /ɔːm/, olk /əʊk/. In many dialects, especially in Scots, the instances in which an original l regularly disappears are much more numerous than in standard English; compare Scots awfu', fou, ca', etc.; in Scots the regular representative of ol(l is ow, as in fowk, pow.
I. The letter; something shaped like the letter.
1. Illustrations of the literary use of the letter.
c1000 Ælfric Gram. (Z.) iii. 6 Semivocales syndon seofan: f, l, m, n, r, s, x.
1530 J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 32 The soundyng of this consonant L.
1530 J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 46 So often as l cometh before h havyng his aspiracion..it is the errour of the printers whiche knowe nat their owne tonge.
1598 A. M. tr. J. Guillemeau Frenche Chirurg. 24/1 Wordes in the which manye R.R.R. and L.L.L. come.
1598 W. Shakespeare Love's Labour's Lost iv. ii. 62 If Sore be sore, then el to Sore, makes fiftie sores o sorell: Of one sore I an hundred make by adding but one more l.
15.. Gude & Godl. B. Calendar (S.T.S.) Where ye shal finde a Capital L there begine for the finding of Lent.
1728 E. Chambers Cycl. (at cited word) The French Louis d'Ors have a Cross on 'em, consisting of eight L's interwoven and disposed in form of a Cross.
1892 Daily News 5 Sept. 5/2 There are pedantic persons who would bid us pronounce the ‘l’ in ‘salmon’.
1897 Spectator 2 Jan. 13/1 For the sake of Learning, with a capital ‘L’.
2. An object shaped like the letter L. (Also written ell.)
a. An extension of a building at right angles to the main block, giving the whole the shape of the letter L. See also ell n.2
1843 ‘R. Carlton’ New Purchase I. xi. 80 On the first floor were two rooms, and connected with a Lilliputian half-story kitchen forming an L—as near as possible.
1873 T. B. Aldrich Marjorie Daw 167 Mr. Jaffrey's bedroom was in an L of the building.
1874 2nd Rep. Vermont State Board Agric. 1873–4 510 To save expense, it is apt to be the case that no cellar is put under the L part of the house.
1879 Webster's Dict. Suppl. s.v. L (of a house).
1883 Harper's Mag. Feb. 358/2 An L of the house where she was born is still standing.
b. A pipe-joint connecting two pipes at right angles; an elbow-joint (E. H. Knight Pract. Dict. Mech. Suppl. 1884).
II. Symbolical uses.
3. Used like the other letters of the alphabet to denote serial order; applied e.g. to the twelfth (or more usually the eleventh, either I or J being often omitted) group or section in classification, the eleventh sheet of a book or quire of a MS., etc.
1850 J. Forshall & F. Madden Wyclif's Bible Pref. xxxi, [Manuscripts] E, L, and P frequently agree together in differing from the other copies.
1899 N. Brit. Daily Mail 16 Feb. 5 Companies L, D, and H of the Californian Volunteers.
1899 A. West Recoll. I. iv. 104 He had carefully put it [an umbrella] away under the letter L.
4. In Crystallography, h, k, l are used to denote the quantities which determine the position of a plane.
1868 J. D. Dana Syst. Mineral. (ed. 5) Introd. 28.
1895 N. Story-Maskelyne Crystallogr. ii. 19.
5. The Roman numeral symbol for Fifty.As in the case of the other Roman numeral symbols, this was originally not the letter, but was identified with it owing to coincidence of form. In the ancient Roman notation L (with a stroke above) represented 50,000.
1484 W. Caxton tr. Subtyl Historyes & Fables Esope iv xl or l crownes.
6. Other symbolic uses in science.
a. In Physics L is used to designate the series of X-ray emission lines of longer wavelength than the K-series obtained by exciting the atoms of any particular element (cf. K n. 3e); these arise from electron transitions to the atomic orbit of second-lowest energy, with principal quantum number 2, which is thus termed the L-shell, and electrons in this shell L-electrons. L-capture n. the capture by an atomic nucleus of one of the L-electrons.
1911 C. G. Barkla in London, Edinb. & Dublin Philos. Mag. 6th Ser. 22 406 It is seen that the radiations fall into two distinct series, here denoted by the letters K and L. [Note] Previously denoted by letters B and A... The letters K and L are, however, preferable, as it is highly probable that series of radiations both more absorbable and more penetrating exist.
1923 E. N. da C. Andrade Struct. Atom vi. 100 Moseley identified in the K series the two lines which he called α and β... In the L series he identified five lines.
1930 L. Pauling & S. Goudsmit Struct. Line Spectra x. 172 There are three absorption edges corresponding to the removal of an electron from the L shell.
1930 London, Edinb. & Dublin Philos. Mag. 7th Ser. 9 205 The K electron distribution in carbon will be determined mainly by the central nucleus, and the influence of the L electrons will be comparatively small.
1934 H. E. White Introd. Atomic Spectra xvi. 326 When a K electron is missing,..the binding energy of the L electron is approximately that for the corresponding electron in the element with the next higher atomic number.
1956 Nucl. Sci. Abstr. 10 1123/2 (heading) Effect of the correlations existing between the electron positions on the ratio ρ of the probability of L capture to that of K capture.
1968 Physical Rev. 165 945/1 The exchange correction..in the case of Be7 increases the L-capture probability by a factor of almost 4.
1970 E. P. Bertin Princ. & Pract. X-ray Spectrometr. Anal. vi. 182 Elements having atomic number 57 (lanthanum) or higher..are usually determined by measurement of their L lines with gas-flow proportional counters.
1972 R. Bolton Org. Mechanisms i. 14 The K-shell is now filled... A third electron must..be placed in the higher-energy L-shell.
b. In Physics l and L denote the quantum numbers of the orbital angular momentum of one electron or a group of electrons, respectively (superseding the k (= l + 1) of the old quantum theory).The use of l as a quantum number, and the values assigned to it, varied until shortly after the publication (in 1926) of Schrödinger's theory of the atom. LS-coupling, an approximation used in the quantum theory of the atom when the spin-orbit interaction of individual electrons is small compared with the remaining electrostatic interaction between one electron and another, so that the orbital angular momenta of the electrons may be coupled to give a resultant L, their spins coupled to give a resultant S, and these resultants coupled in turn to give the total angular momentum J of the electrons. Also called Russell-Saunders coupling. Cf. jj-coupling at J n. 6c.
1925 H. N. Russell & F. A. Saunders in Astrophysical Jrnl. 61 61 Their remaining properties may be explained on the assumption that the two displaced electrons have fixed orbital momenta, L1, L2, of the amount indicated by Landé, but that the inclination of their planes is quantized, so that the resultant angular momentum K may have any geometrically permissible value in the series 1/2, 3/2, [etc.].
1926 Proc. Royal Soc. A. 111 84 The spectroscopic nature of each term..is specified by a quantum number l which relates to the whole set of electrons not in complete groups. It..is taken to be 1/ 2, 3/ 2, 5/ 2…for S, P, D terms, so that l = k1 [≡ k1/ 2] when there is only one electron in an incomplete group. It may perhaps be thought of as the resultant angular momentum of the incomplete group.
1926 Proc. Royal Soc. A. 112 81 Spectral terms are to be designated in the usual way as follows:—S, P, D, F, G,…corresponding to the values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,…for a spectral term quantum number denoted by ‘l’.]
1928 H. S. Allen Quantum iv. 66 The quantum number ja is now denoted by l, which is called the ‘group quantum number’... Its value in this case [sc. of a single electron] is l = k − 1.
1928 H. S. Allen Quantum iv. 66 The inner quantum number j is compounded vectorially from s and l.
1934 H. E. White Introd. Atomic Spectra xii. 190 These cases are known as LS-, or Russell-Saunders, coupling, on the one hand, and jj-coupling, on the other.
1934 H. H. L. A. Brose tr. A. J. W. Sommerfeld Atomic Struct. & Spectral Lines (ed. 3) ii. 115 In wave mechanics the azimuthal quantum number, our nϕ or Bohr's k.., becomes replaced by the quantity l = nϕ − 1, l = 0, 1, 2…
1970 G. K. Woodgate Elem. Atomic Struct. vii. 140 Along the sequence np(n + 1)s from light to heavy elements, for example C(2p3s), Si(3p4s), Ge(4p5s), Sn(5p6s), there is a progression from LS to j-j coupling. Ge(4p5s) is an example of intermediate coupling for which neither L, S nor j1, j2 are even approximately good quantum numbers.
c. Bacteriology. [L said to be < the Lister Institute, where Klieneberger worked.] The designation (now usually as L-form) of an atypical form of certain bacteria which arises from and usually reverts to the normal form but is sometimes stable, and which lacks a cell wall, exhibits a very variable shape, and somewhat resembles a mycoplasma.
1935 E. Klieneberger in Jrnl. Pathol. & Bacteriol. 40 93 These swollen elements [among the bacillary chains of Streptobacillus moniliformis], with an associated fine mycelial system resembling that of pleuropneumonia and agalactia, constitute an independent colonial system containing all strains of S. moniliformis so far examined. A delicate streptococcus has also been recovered..from the nasopharynx of healthy guinea-pigs harbouring a similar pleuropneumonia-like symbiont. These two pleuropneumonia-like organisms in association respectively with S. moniliformis and a streptococcus..will be referred to..simply as L1 and L2 pending the coining of appropriate generic names.
1950 C. E. Clifton Introd. Bacteria vi. 132 Streptobacillus moniliformis..resembles the actinomyces in many respects but gives rise after several days' incubation to highly pleomorphic forms characteristic of the pleuropneumonia group... Present evidence indicates that there is but one organism involved and that the actinomyces-like form and the L1 form represent different stages of growth of one organism characterized by a complex reproductive cycle.
1968 Zinsser Microbiol. (ed. 14) lii. 794/2 Some L phase mutants revert back to normal size organisms as soon as the penicillin is removed from the medium. Others are stable in the L phase on solid media but revert back when subcultured in broth.
1973 J. Levy et al. Introd. Microbiol. ii. 39 Because they did not have a wall, they were not affected by penicillin or other antibiotics that interfere with cell wall synthesis. The mutation to an L-form is therefore troublesome if the bacterium is a pathogen.
d. L-band: a frequency band of electromagnetic waves used for radar, extending from 390 to 1550 megahertz.
1947 J. S. Hall Radar Aids to Navigation vii. 233 A cross-band airborne interrogator-responser recently developed consists of an L-band (about 25 cm) transmitter operating on a number of preselected frequency channels and a 10-cm receiver.
1967 Electronics 6 Mar. 52/1 Tradex, an adaptation of the radar developed for the ballistic missile early warning system, operates at uhf and L band.


attributive and in other combinations, as L-shaped adj.; L desk n. a reading-desk of which the ground plan is of the form of the letter L. L-head adj., L-headed adj. applied to (a reciprocating internal combustion engine having) L-shaped combustion chambers, in which the valves are situated in a side arm.
1874 J. T. Micklethwaite Mod. Parish Churches ix. 57 That glorious compromise called an L desk.
1882 Macmillan's Mag. 46 332/2 It is..an L-shaped room.
1897 T. C. Allbutt et al. Syst. Med. IV. 347 An L-shaped pad.
1916 L. Mantell Man. Motor Mech. iii. 17 One of the most frequent errors made by designers is in attempting to obtain high compression in an L-headed engine with a short stroke.
1920 Sci. Amer. 3 Jan. 6/3 The intake manifold of several power plants, both on overhead-valve and L-head types of engine, is cast entirely within the detachable cylinder head.
1922 Encycl. Brit. XXX. 37/2 The..Vee Renault of 1912,..the..Vee RAF of 1913–14, and the..Vee RAF 4a, all of which had cast-iron L-headed cylinders.
1946 R. F. Kuns in Kuns & Plumridge Automobile Engines iv. 60 L-head engines are quiet in operation and are long lived.
1946 R. F. Kuns in Kuns & Plumridge Automobile Engines iv. 60 The L-head or, as the English call it, the side-valve engine.
1963 A. Bird & F. Hutton-Stott Veteran Motor Car Pocketbk. 98 Their cylinders were L-headed and cast in pairs.


I1. (Initialisms given here with the full stop are frequently found without it.) See also LL n., lox n.2, LSD n.2, LXX n.
L. n. = various proper names as Lionel, Lucy, etc.
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l n. = in ship's logbook, lightning; in references, line, as bk. 4, l. 8; in solmization, la.
L n. (also l) [Latin libra] = pound of money (†formerly also in weight, now lb.), now often represented by the conventional sign £; e.g. 100l. or £100; see also L. S. D. n.1
1684 Acts Tonnage & Poundage 86 Alabaster the Load..02l. 00s. 00d.
1684 R. Waller tr. Ess. Nat. Exper. Acad. del Cimento 103 A mass of 500l. of Ice.
1701 Dr. Wallis in C. R. L. Fletcher Collectanea (1885) I. 329 An allowance of 20£ a year.
a1715 Bp. G. Burnet Hist. Own Time (1724) I. 591 An 100000 l. was given.
1865 Derby Mercury 26 Apr. A..dividend of 1s. in the £.
1885 Law Jrnl. 17 Jan. 38/2 A salary of 4l. a week.
L. n. = †Lord, Lordship (plural LL.); †lawful (money); in Botany, Linnæus; Latin; in Stage directions, left; in abbreviations of degrees, Licentiate, as L.D.S. = Licentiate of Dental Surgery; (Chemistry) Lithium; learner; Liberal (in politics); low (on the selector mechanism in a car with automatic transmission).
1527 in J. Stuart Extracts Council Reg. Aberdeen (1844) I. 117 My lord, we your seruandis..hes ressauit your l. guid mynd..touching your l. brig of Dee.
1554 in W. H. Turner Select. Rec. Oxf. (1880) 218 It was..ordered by the L.L.
1577 in W. H. Turner Select. Rec. Oxf. (1880) 389 Appointed by order from their LLs.
1601 R. Johnson in tr. G. Botero Trauellers Breuiat sig. A2v If your L. vouchsafe to receiue it.
1637 P. Heylyn Briefe Answer Burton 61 Your dealing with my LL. the Bishops.
1774 in Public Rec. Colony of Connecticut (1887) XIV. 299 To pay said sum of £54 14 0, L. money.
1858 P. L. Simmonds Dict. Trade Products L.A.C. an abbreviation used by the dispensing surgeon or chemist, implying that he is a ‘licentiate of the Apothecaries Company’.
1869 Whitaker's Almanack 83/1 Andover—Hon. D. F. Fortescue, L.
1870 J. D. Hooker Student's Flora Brit. Islands 127 Cratægus, L. Hawthorn, Whitethorn.
1908 Daily Chron. 16 Dec. 1/2 Mr. Mackarness (L, Newbury) asked whether [etc.].
1936 Motor Man. (ed. 29) xiii. 193 ‘L’ plates must be carried at the front and rear of the car.
1936 Punch 26 Feb. 248/1 Ermyntrude, inspired by blind jealousy (and aided by some rather L driving by Rachel), emerged from the garage.
1951 W. K. Toboldt et al. Automatic Transmissions i. 15 The selector may be set in any one of five positions, namely, parking (P), neutral (N), low (L), drive (D), and reverse (R).
1959 Guardian 27 Aug. 6/3 There are still an unknown number of drivers..who may have used L-plates for years without even applying for a test.
1963 P. Roberts Know the Law Handbk. vi. 154 (caption) An L driver involved in an accident.
1970 G. S. Wilkinson Road Traffic Offences (ed. 6) v. 472 On and from 1st January, 1961, he may drive only as a learner-driver, i.e., with L plates.
1974 Times 11 Oct. 4/1 Accrington... Total vote 42,259 (83·8%)—Lab 20,050 (47·4%), C 15,018 (35·5%), L 7,191 (17·0%).
L.A. n. see (Lady) Literate in Arts at literate adj. and n. Phrases.
1883 C. Struthers Admiss. Women Scot. Univ. 16 In 1877, the Senate of that University [St. Andrews] offered on certain conditions, to attach the title of L.A. to their Higher Certificate... In 1882, we find..the title..changed to L.L.A.
L.A. n. local authority.
1932 J. L. P. W. Hewison Local Expenditure: Address E. Sussex Ratepayers' Assoc. 4 Let every L.A. be rationed as to the percentage of its income which it may spend on loan charges.
1967 Punch 1 Mar. 292/2 The LAs spend between them on nursery schools 0·281 per cent of their total educational expenditure.
LA n. (also L.A.) Los Angeles.
1949 H. G. Alsberg et al. American Guide 1199 Los Angeles... Airports: Union Air Terminal, & L.A. Mun. Airport.
1953 Amer. Speech 28 54 If you're confused—its still L.A... (Native votes on pronunciation of ‘Los Angeles’.)
1969 Daily Tel. 12 Nov. 20/3 The centre of California is LA, a concrete and glass mélange embracing 102 incorporated cities and spread over 4,851 square miles.
1972 B. Rodgers Queens' Vernacular 109 I can't walk around LA without gettin' the horns—there's so many pretties.
1973 Black World Apr. 96 On a junket to L.A. and New York.
L.A.F.T.A. n. Latin-American Free Trade Association.
1960 Times Rev. Industry July 73/1 In February this year Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay signed the Montevideo Treaty, setting up the Latin American Free Trade Association... The L.A.F.T.A. aims at removing customs duties to fellow members in 12 years.
1966 Economist 19 Nov. 826/1 As a member of LAFTA, Venezuela hopes not only to increase exports but also to reap economies of scale, especially in the heavier industries.
1972 Buenos Aires Herald 2 Feb. 3/3 A large share of the disequilibrium stemmed from trade with LAFTA (Latin American Free Trade Association) nations.
lbw n. Cricket leg before wicket.
society > leisure > sport > types of sport or game > ball game > cricket > dismissal of batsman > [adjective] > manner of dismissal
leg before wicket1795
caught and bowled1875
1843 Bell's Life in London 23 July E. Bayley, Esq., l b w, b. Dean 6.
1891 W. G. Grace Cricket i, in Outdoor Games 17 You should all know how difficult it is to get any one l.b.w. when [etc.].
1957 R. S. Rait Kerr Cricket Umpiring & Scoring 77 Every umpire should become as efficient as is humanly possible in the matter of L.B.W. decisions.
1994 I. Botham My Autobiogr. iii. 57 As the shadows lengthened, any appeals for caught behind or lbw became a mere formality.
l.c. n. Printing lower case.
society > communication > printing > correction > [noun] > of proofs > marks used in
1833 Penny Mag. Monthly Suppl. Oct. 468 l.c.,..to have words or letters printed in ‘lower case’, or small letters.
1892 A. Powell Southward's Pract. Printing (ed. 4) xvii. 129 l.c., set the word in lower case letters.
1911 A. E. Housman Let. 28 Aug. (1971) 119 The type-written text contains the letters: J (cap.) j (l.c.).
1973 Collin's Authors & Printers Dict. (ed. 11) 244/2 l.c.,..(typ.) lower case, that is not caps.
L.C. n. (also L.C.A., L.C.I., L.C.M., L.C.T.) landing craft (assault, infantry, mechanized, tank, etc.).
1943 Time 22 Nov. 24/3 The broad wake of a PT, plus the outline of the LCI, must have looked like bigger game.
1943 Time 4 Oct. 63/2 As early as 1936 the Navy experimented with tank lighters, and from these tests emerged the LCM (Landing Craft, Mechanized), a 50-footer which carries a crew of four and a medium tank.
1943 Newsweek 27 Sept. 23/2 The row of LCT's on the beach belching vehicles looks like a long line of stranded, gasping whales.
1944 Hutchinson's Pict. Hist. War 12 Apr.–26 Sept. 344/1 One company of Pioneers, some of whom had spent two hours in the sea, after their L.C.I. had been torpedoed.
1955 ‘N. Shute’ Requiem for Wren iii. 79 This was the L.C.T. Mark 4, the standard tank landing craft, British built and the most common of the lot.
1961 B. Fergusson Watery Maze i. 42 The mahogany boat..became the standard Landing Craft Assault, or LCA.
1967 Jane's Surface Skimmer Syst. 1967–8 97/2 Current amphibious vehicle programmes being conducted for the Bureau of Ships are: Landing Craft Assault (LCA), [etc.].
L.C.C. n. London County Council.
1898 Daily News 6 Dec. 5/6 To the new L.C.C. buildings there had come many better-to-do workmen.
1900 W. Smart Taxation Land Values 41 The L.C.C. resolutions.
1907 Daily Chron. 3 Sept. 4/7 This is one of the little matters that the L.C.C...might well look into.
1970 Ruck & Rhodes Govt. Greater London iii. 45 The Labour Party Opposition were convinced that a scheme of reform was unnecessary and particularly a scheme which involved the abolition of the L.C.C.
LCD n. = liquid crystal display n. at liquid adj. and n. Compounds 1; frequently attributive (esp. with redundant display).
the world > physical sensation > sight and vision > optical instruments > instruments for projecting image > [noun] > visual display units > display > liquid crystal display
liquid crystal display1968
1973 Electronics 16 Aug. 33/1 What is claimed to be the first watch using a field-effect LCD, the Teletime, has been introduced by Gruen Industries.
1979 Personal Computer World Nov. 86/4 It's distinguished from an ordinary scientific calculator by its unusually large LCD display.
1980 B. W. Aldiss Life in West v. 103 He set the LCD watch down on the step.
1984 Listener 5 Apr. 38/3 LCD technology is a ‘strategic’ one because, at present, any computing device that needs to be light and portable must have an LCD screen.
1985 Which Computer? Apr. 28 (advt.) The Apricot Portable incorporates a unique LCD display.
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L.C.M. n. Arithmetic least common multiple.
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LD n. (also L-D or L-D process) in steel-making, the Linz-Düsenverfahren (process) or Linz-Donawitz-Verfahren (process).
LD n. lethal dose: used with following numeral, as LD50, LD50, indicating the percentage of a large group of similar animals that is killed by such a dose.
1927 J. W. Trevan in Proc. Royal Soc. B. 101 483 Toxicity should be stated primarily in terms of the ‘median lethal dose’, that is the dose which kills 50 per cent. of a large group of animals. As a convenient abbreviation I would suggest the symbol LD50... For doses which kill other proportions of large groups of animals it is convenient to use the analogous symbols LD75, LD25, for doses which kill 75 per cent., and 25 per cent., and similarly for doses killing other proportions.
1950 Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med. 73 497/2 Only 4oor of X-irradiation was used. This dose corresponds to LD85–30 for swine.
1954 H. A. Trenkler in One Year LD-Oxygen Refining Process 11/1 Our method of steel refining with pure oxygen by blowing downwards into a bath of metal..is called ‘LD-process’ (Linzer Düsenverfahren).
1958 Thomson & Straube in W. D. Claus Radiation Biol. & Med. iv. 101 Two-thirds of an LD50 dose will probably kill less than 1 percent of the animals exposed.
1965 New Statesman 7 May 709/3 The building of modern plants, LD converters, bigger blast-furnaces, wider sinter plants, automated soaking pits and rolling mills.
1968 Observer 16 June 9/1 Sarin is 30 times more toxic than phosgene, and the amount necessary to achieve what the experts know as ‘LD50’..is 40 drops on the skin.
1973 Times 30 May (Austria Suppl.) p. iii/7 The Japanese have the highest production of LD steel, and by 1972 51 percent of world steel production was based on the LD process.
L.D.C. n. less developed country.
1967 Times 25 Sept. p. xiv There is no doubt that the speedy economic advancement of the less developed countries (L.D.C.s) would benefit the whole world economy.
1973 Advocate-News (Barbados) 19 Feb. 9/1 The assembled CARIFTA leadership prepared a package for progress, and the LDCs emerged apparently satisfied that their future was assured.
L.D.V. n. Local Defence Volunteers.
1940 H. Nicolson Diary 20 July (1967) 104 Opinion slides off into..rage that the L.D.V. are not better equipped.
1967 G. F. Fiennes I tried to run Railway iii. 21 I fired this shot without first putting on my L.D.V. armlet.
L.E. n. (also LE) Medicine lupus erythematosus; usually attributive.
1948 Proc. Mayo Clinic 23 26 The..cell..has been called an ‘L.E.’ cell in our laboratory because of its frequent appearance in bone marrow cases of acute disseminated lupus erythematosus.
1961 R. D. Baker Essent. Pathol. x. 263 Systemic (disseminated) lupus erythematosus... In the blood are L.E. cells (lupus erythematosus cells), consisting of damaged polymorphonuclear cells or lymphocytes which are surrounded by viable polymorphonuclear leukocytes.
1970 R. Passmore & J. S. Robson Compan. Med. Stud. II. xxv. 26/1 The serum of patients suffering from lupus erythematosus..contains an abnormal globulin (LE factor) which can exert a uniquely harmful action on nuclei.
L.E.A. n. Local Education Authority.
a1912 W. T. Rogers Dict. Abbrev. (1913) 113/1 L.E.A., (educ.). Local Educational Authority.
1945 Educ. Syst. Eng. & W. (H.M.S.O.) 57 Burnham scales, scales of salaries payable to all teachers in publicly maintained schools and institutions. So called because they are fixed by the Burnham committees, consisting of representatives of L.E.A.s and teachers.
1966 P. H. J. H. Gosden Devel. Educ. Admin. Eng. & Wales x. 213 The Inner London Education Area, has a special committee of the G.L.C. to exercise the powers of an L.E.A.
L.E.M. n. lunar excursion module; see also Lem n.
1963 M. Caidin Man-in-space Dict. 26 Two astronauts will transfer to the LEM and descend to the moon.
1969 Listener 6 Feb. 162/2 The weakest link is likely to be the LEM or Lunar Excursion Module, which will be the craft used in the actual touch-down of two astronauts.
1969 Guardian 22 July 6/1 Armstrong: Going to step off the LEM now... That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.
L.F. n. low frequency.
1922 Wireless World 18 Nov. 233 (heading) The switching of L.F. valves.
1923 Wireless World 6 Jan. 463/1 Methods of intervalve coupling, namely, ‘high frequency transformer’,..and ‘low frequency transformer’..‘H.F. transformer’ and ‘L.F. transformer’.
1941 Electronic Engin. 14 404 The L.F. input to the amplifier must be kept at the same voltage for all frequencies.
1971 Wireless World Apr. 184/2 It follows that the difference frequency produced when h.f. noise is sampled at a high rate will be l.f. noise.
LH n. Biochemistry luteinizing hormone.
1936 Anatomical Rec. 65 267 The LH produced..enlargement of the testicles.
1957 Encycl. Brit. VIII. 434/1 Two gonadotrophins are secreted by the anterior pituitary, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing, or interstitial cell-stimulating, hormone (LH).
1970 New Scientist 29 Jan. 200/2 An important cause of infertility in women is the failure to ovulate because of a lack of FSH or LH (or both).
L.M. n. (Prosody) long metre; lunar module.
1969 Times 21 Apr. 8/6 Close-up views of the moon..will be taken from the command service module (C.S.M.) and not from the L.M.
1970 R. Turnill Lang. of Space 73 Because it is not used for re-entry, and the moon has no atmosphere, the LM does not need to be heat-shielded.
LMF n. lack of moral fibre.
1952 M. Tripp Faith is Windsock i. 19 They whose nerves snapped with the prolonged tension of operational flying, who refused to go on with it, were grounded, with the terrible initials LMF (Lack of Moral Fibre) against their names.
1971 New Society 22 July 150 When the second world war began..the term LMF (‘lack of moral fibre’) was coined as a pejorative for those pilots who would today be diagnosed and treated as having psychiatric illness.
L.M.S. n. London, Midland, and Scottish (Railway).
society > travel > rail travel > railway system or organization > [noun] > under one management > specific
British Railways1947
British Rail1964
1923 Times 28 Dec. 15/7 (heading) L.M.S. railway's dock charges.
1934 Discovery Nov. 314/2 Many expresses on the L.M.S. and G.W.R. now load up to 500 tons or over..and loads exceeding 600 tons are not unknown on the L.N.E.R.
1967 J. Joyce Story Passenger Transport in Brit. vii. 173 The LMS..locomotive was also a streamliner,..of the same wheel arrangement as its LNER counterpart.
1972 ‘G. North’ Sgt. Cluff rings True iv. 30 ‘You travel much?’ ‘Not since they did away with the LMS.
L.N.E.R. n. (earlier L.N.E.) London and North-Eastern Railway.
society > travel > rail travel > railway system or organization > [noun] > under one management > specific
British Railways1947
British Rail1964
1923 Times 6 Dec. 9/4 Alternative routes are wholly within the L.N.E. system.
1934L.N.E.R. [see L.M.S. n.]. 1967LNER [see L.M.S. n.].
LNG n. liquefied natural gas.
1967 N.Y. Times 13 Jan. 22 Technology is currently being developed for the use of liquefied natural gas, LNG, as a motor fuel.
1970 Sci. Jrnl. Mar. 39/1 LNG is already widely used wherever natural gas is transported or piped on a large scale.
1972 Sunday Times 17 Dec. 55/2 There is still uncertainty about what would happen if an LNG carrier were holed in a collision.
LOI n. lunar orbit insertion.
1969 Radio Times 10 July 31/4 LOI, Lunar orbit insertion.
1970 N. Armstrong et al. First on Moon ix. 204 On the first LOI the crew had burned two seconds less than the flight plan called for.
LOS n. loss of signal.
1969 Times 22 July (Moon Rep.) p. i/1 Neil Armstrong on the porch of the Eagle at 109 hours 19 minutes and 30 seconds to L.O.S., all systems go.
1970 N. Armstrong et al. First on Moon x. 222 Got about two minutes to LOS here, Mike.
L.P. n. long-playing (record).
1948 Musical Amer. July 19/3 The new disc, called LP (long playing) Microgroove, requires a new pickup.
1958 Times 20 Jan. 10/4 Stereo records will give almost as much playing time as present LPs.
1958 Spectator 15 Aug. 220/2 That barbarous invention, the LP song recital.
1967 Listener 3 Aug. 129 Some of the LPs that Sinatra began bringing out in the mid-Fifties..are virtually anthologies of pop songs from the previous 20 years.
LPG n. liquefied petroleum gas.
1961 New Scientist 23 Mar. 730/2 The gas used, butane or propane, becomes available as a by-product of oil refining, and is commonly known as LPG (liquefied petroleum gas).
1974 BP Shield Internat. Oct. 26/4 The natural choice for cooking and heating is butane or LPG.
L.R.C. n. Labour Representation Committee.
1905 Daily Chron. 26 Sept. 4/7 A paragraph in the ‘Westminster Gazette’ about..‘the L.R.C. rule on the subject’.
1908 Westm. Gaz. 23 Oct. 2/2 The Labour Party (by which we mean the thirty-one members who are commonly known as L.R.C. members).
LRL n. Lunar Receiving Laboratory (building where astronauts and lunar samples are quarantined for a period after returning from the moon).
1969 New Yorker 12 Apr. 88/2 The L.R.L. is the building to which the astronauts, the spaceship, and the samples will be brought when the trip is over.
1970 N. Armstrong et al. First on Moon xiii. 330 The manager of the LRL, thought the chance of anything harmful coming back with the astronauts was ‘probably one in a hundred billion’.
LRV n. lunar roving vehicle.
1971 New Scientist 3 June 574/1 Design requirements for the LRV were such that a pneumatic tyre would not be practical.
L.s. n. letter (not autograph) signed; cf. ALS n. at A n. Initialisms.
1894 Ellis & Elvey's Gen. Catal. Rare Bks. & MSS. 38 George I. King of England. L.S. ‘George R.’, dated St. James, le 1er Octobre, 1715, to Madame de Kameke, congratulating her on the birth of a son.
1971 Sotheby & Co. Catal. Bks., Autogr. Lett., Hist. Documents 20 July 104 (heading) Tennyson:..L.s. (text in his wife's hand), acknowledging a gift of Misunderstood.
L.S. n. Cinematography long shot.
1953 K. Reisz Technique Film Editing iii. 71 Shooting up subway steps. The blind man stands helpless at the top... L.S. Blind man. A small boy is helping him.
1960 C. Morris in D. Wilson Television Playwright 447 L.S. of a drive in summer along which, walking towards the Camera, are a woman..and a boy.
L.S.E. n. (occasionally L.S. of E.) London School of Economics.
1896 B. Webb Diary 16 Sept. in J. Dunbar Mrs. G. B. S. (1963) ix. 116 We, knowing she was wealthy, and hearing she was socialistic, interested her in the LS of E. She subscribed £1,000 to the Library.
1942 E. Partridge Dict. Abbrev. 58/2 L.S.E., London School of Economics.
1969 G. S. Jones in A. Cockburn & R. Blackburn Student Power 45 Then, in 1967, mass demonstrations against the raising of overseas student fees and the explosion at the LSE suddenly signalled the beginnings of change.
1973 G. Sims Hunters Point xv. 136 I..did a course of Political Science at the L.S.E.
LSI n. large-scale integration (of electronic microcircuits).
1966 Proc. AFIPS Conf. 29 65/1 We are now entering another phase of the expansion of materials technology, in which complete equipment components will be processed on slices of semiconductor... This phase has already been given several names, some of which are ‘large-scale integration’ (LSI), ‘computer on a slice’, and ‘array technology’. The term ‘large-scale integration’ is close to being the most descriptive, although at times the syntax is awkward. A somewhat more precise term is ‘large-scale integrated electronics’. We will use LSI to abbreviate both ‘large-scale integrated electronics’ and ‘large-scale integration’.
1967 Proc. IEEE 55 1988/2 Large scale integration (LSI) presents an opportunity to exploit many of the concepts of design automation.
1968 New Scientist 7 Mar. 521/2 The very high circuit density possible with LSI means that the time-delays inevitable in the cabled interconnections of present day computers will be greatly reduced.
1971 Illustr. Weekly India 18 Apr. 19/1 In 1958, integrated circuits were invented. Since then they have been joined by LSI—large scale integration.
L.S.T. n. landing ship, tank(s).
1943 F. D. Roosevelt Let. 6 Nov. in W. S. Churchill Second World War (1952) V. xiv. 222 The Combined Chiefs of Staff to-day authorised Eisenhower to retain until December 15 sixty-eight L.S.T.s now scheduled for an early departure for the United Kingdom.
1946 T. Blore Commissioned Bargees ii. 21 And by the time victory arrived there had grown..a great fleet of weird craft, some of American origin, ranging from those quaint sea monsters, the L.S.T., or Landing Ship-Tank, to the Landing Barge.
1973 Philadelphia Inquirer 7 Oct. 17/4 The Defense Department..provides..elderly LST's.
LTH n. Biochemistry luteotrop(h)ic hormone.
1961 Recent Progress Hormone Res. 17 119 The demonstration that a luteotropic hormone (LTH) causes the maintenance of corpora lutea in rats..established the concept that the pituitary glands of all mammalian females secrete a luteotropic substance.
1961 Recent Progress Hormone Res. 17 119 The term ‘LTH’ will be used in this review (for animals other than rats) with the understanding that it could be an as yet unidentifiable substance, or that it could be LH.
1965 J. Lee & F. Knowles Animal Hormones ii. 20 After ovulation blood levels of LH increase which induce the development of a corpus luteum, but it may be that this will only secrete progesterone if sufficient LTH reaches it.
L.V. n. luncheon voucher.
1955 Evening Standard 28 Oct. 15/3 (heading) Copy typist with some experience of statement work, required by City firm. Commencing salary..according to age & ability plus L.V's.
1966 New Statesman 4 Mar. 317/1 (advt.) 32½-hour week (no Sats) LV's and superannuation scheme.
1974 Times 2 Oct. 27/1 (advt.) American law firm..seeks..secretary... Own office, IBM Golfball, excellent salary and L.V.s.
the three L's n. (see quot. 1867).
1867 W. H. Smyth & E. Belcher Sailor's Word-bk. at L. The three L's were formerly vaunted by seamen who despised the use of nautical astronomy; viz. lead, latitude, and look-out... Dr. or Captain Halley added the fourth L—the greatly desired longitude.
I2. Alphabetic abbreviation of elevated, = Elevated Railroad. Also attributive. U.S. (Cf. El n.)
1881 W. G. Marshall Through Amer. 24 The effect of the ‘elevated’—the ‘L’, as New Yorkers generally call it—is, to my mind, anything but beautiful.
1899 J. L. Williams Stolen Story 23 He was making for the Seventy-second Street ‘L’ Station.
1899 J. L. Williams Stolen Story 189 He took the L train for Cortlandt Street.
1904 Sun (N.Y.) 4 Sept. 7 The owners of express wagons are praying that the L strike will come off.
1929 E. L. Rice Street Scene i. 5 The noises of the city rise, fall, intermingle: the distant roar of ‘L’ trains, automobile sirens and the whistles of boats on the river.
I3. Chemistry.
l n. = lævorotatory.
1891 Jrnl. Chem. Soc. 60 1175 Arabinose can be converted into l.-glucose, whilst xylose, under the same conditions, yields l.-gulose.]
1894 Jrnl. Chem. Soc. 66 i. 487 The cultures have no action on l-mannose, l-gulose, l-arabinose,..or a-glucooctose.
1926 J. Read Text-bk. Org. Chem. xvii. 353 Most of the essential oils of plants are also optically active, owing to the presence of such constituents as d- and l-pinene, l-menthone, l-menthol, d-camphor.
1939 Jrnl. Amer. Chem. Soc. 61 3201/1 l-Propylenediamine was prepared by resolving commercial propylenediamine with tartaric acid.
1971 J. D. Roberts et al. Org. Chem. xiv. 392 The sign of rotation of an enantiomer, (+) or d, (−) or l, reveals neither the molecule's absolute configuration nor its configuration relative to some other compound.
1971 L. S. Harris in D. H. Clouet Narcotic Drugs iii. 93 With pentazocine the l-isomer is 20 times more potent than the d-isomer.
b. l was formerly used to denote configuration (now superseded by l: see Initialisms 3c). Obsolete.
1890 Jrnl. Chem. Soc. 58 i. 466 In view of the fact that the rotation of derivatives of each isomeride is not always in the same direction..it is necessary to adopt some method of indicating the optical activity of the parent glucose, and the author [sc. E. Fischer] proposes to distinguish the derivatives of dextro- and lævo-rotatory, and of inactive mannose, irrespective of their own peculiar rotation, as derivatives of d.-, l.-, and i.-mannose respectively.
1890 Jrnl. Chem. Soc. 58 i. 469 The l.-levulose (that is, the dextro~rotatory modification) could not be isolated.
1906 Jrnl. Amer. Chem. Soc. 28 114 The chemical relationships are indicated by the letters d and l prefixed to the names of compounds. Thus, ordinary glucose and its corresponding fructose (levulose) are designated, respectively, d-glucose and d-fructose, notwithstanding the levo-rotation of the latter.
1937 F. C. Whitmore Org. Chem. 481 When the cinchonine salts of racemic acid are crystallized, the l-tartrate separates first.
1947 Jrnl. Biol. Chem. 168 443 d-Alanine of previous experiments..is l-alanine according to the nomenclature used in the present paper.
c. As a small capital l: applied to (a compound having) a configuration about an asymmetric atom analogous to that of an arbitrarily chosen standard compound (now l-glyceraldehyde for organic compounds). When there is more than one asymmetric carbon atom: (a) for sugars, the l refers to the configuration about the asymmetric carbon atom most remote from the aldehyde group (in aldoses) or the ketone group (in ketoses); (b) for amino-acids, the l refers to the configuration about the carbon atom adjacent to the—COOH group.When it is desired to indicate the direction of optical rotation in addition to configuration, a + or − (for dextro- and lævo-rotation respectively) are added in parentheses, as d(−).
1947 Jrnl. Biol. Chem. 169 237 Distinction between the stereoisomers of the amino acids is made by a prefixed small capital letter d or l to denote the configurational family to which the a-carbon atom belongs.
1951 I. L. Finar Org. Chem. I. xvii. 333 d(−) Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is more efficient than l(+)-.
1964 Jrnl. Chem. Soc. 1370 The most stable isomer of the tris-(−)-trans-cyclohexane-1,2-diamineiridium ( iii) cation will have the l-configuration.
1968 R. F. Steiner Life Chem. ii. 26 Only amino acids of the l-configuration occur in natural proteins.
1970 R. W. McGilvery Biochemistry xxviii. 699 Some l-amino acids cause a rotation of plane polarized light to the left, others to the right.

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L n. Physics lambert.
the world > matter > physics > electromagnetic radiation > light > intensity of light, luminosity > [noun] > unit of light intensity
new candle1938
1915 Trans. Illuminating Engin. Soc. 10 648 (table) Photometric Units and Abbreviations... Brightness... Lambert. L = dF/dS.
1929 Recueil et Compt. Rend. Commission Internat. de l'Éclairage: Septième Session 254 Apparent total brightnesses of background from 1 mL to 400 mL.
1971 S. Dresner Units of Measurem. i. 62 1 L = 1/ π cd/cm2 = 1/ π stilb... The use of this unit, although common in the US, is deprecated: the stilb should be used in its place.

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L n. Linguistics language, esp. in L1, first language, L2 second language.
1959 J. C. Catford in R. Quirk & A. H. Smith Teaching of Eng. vi. 188 Conscious preverbalization in L1, and translation into L2, may be entirely suppressed, but errors due to interference from L1 still keep breaking through.
1964 M. A. K. Halliday et al. Ling. Sci. iv. 78 This distinction, between an L1 and an L2, a native and a non-native or learnt language, is of course not clearcut.
1987 ELT Jrnl. 41 63/1 Even L1 literacy is perceived as more of a problem than an asset.

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L n. (also l) large.
the world > space > extension in space > measurable spatial extent > largeness > [adjective]
barn door1829
economy size1950
1942 E. Partridge Dict. Abbrev. 55/1 l., large.
1987 Damart Stately Homes Coll. Autumn–Winter 8/1 Golf glove... Sizes S, M, L.
1987 Damart Stately Homes Coll. Autumn–Winter 30/3 Wraparound skirt... Size M 12–16, L 18–22.

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L n. (also l) litre(s).
1872 S. P. Sanford Common School Arithm. 372 10 decilitres = 1 litre, L.
1881 E. M. Avery Elements of Chem. 316 The cubic centimeter (cu. cm.) is .0001 of a liter (l).
1957 Amer. Jrnl. Med. 23 567/2 His daily urinary output increased to 2 L. after dialysis.
1978 BSI News Oct. 14/3 A number of countries (including the USA) have already decided to use ‘L’.
1991 Lancet 5 Jan. 56/1 Platelet count below 50 000/μl.

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LATS n. also with pronunciation /læts/ Medicine long-acting thyroid stimulator.
the world > life > biology > substance > process stimulators or inhibitors > antibody > [noun] > types of
Russell body1892
immune globulin1934
1961 Jrnl. Clin. Endocrinol. 21 799 A thyroid-stimulating agent which differs from thyrotropin..is present in the serum of thyrotoxic patients... In the past, this agent has been called, variously, ‘an abnormal thyroid-stimulating hormone’..‘the thyroid activator’..and ‘the abnormal thyroid stimulator’... It is now called ‘long-acting thyroid stimulator’, abbreviated as L.A.T.S.
1974 J. D. Maynard in R. M. Kirk et al. Surgery xii. 248/1 It is generally accepted that the disease is the result of the presence of a humoral..substance known as long-acting thyroid stimulator (LATS).
1981 R. N. Hardy Endocrine Physiol. viii. 102 LATS is one of a group of IgG immunoglobulins which affect the thyroid.

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LAV n. Medicine lymphadenopathy-associated virus (a former name for the virus now called HIV-3).
the world > life > biology > organism > micro-organism > virus > [noun] > types of
latent virus1750
influenza virus1880
mosaic virus1914
herpes virus1925
Rous sarcoma virus1925
Rous virus1925
Semliki Forest virus1944
tumour virus1950
Sindbis virus1953
RNA virus1955
foamy virus1957
respiratory syncytial virus1957
vacuolating agent or virus1960
Coxsackie virus1961
Ross River virus1966
Epstein–Barr virus1968
Dane particle1971
visna-maedi virus1972
flu virus1973
maedi-visna virus1973
Ebola virus1976
HIV virus1987
the world > life > biology > organism > micro-organism > virus > [adjective] > types of
1983 Jrnl. Amer. Med. Assoc. 26 Aug. 1010/1 Antibodies to LAV proteins have been demonstrated in all six patients.
1985 New Statesman 27 Sept. 14/1 HTLV-III, or ARV in the United States and LAV in France, is now known to have infected hundreds of thousands of people across the world, mostly within the last ten years.
1991 Lancet 9 Mar. 568/2 The LAV strain of HIV-1 grown in CEM cells.

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LBC n. London Broadcasting Company.
society > communication > broadcasting > broadcasting service > [noun] > broadcasting company
British Broadcasting Corporation1926
Portland Place1937
Independent Broadcasting Authority1954
1973 Times 10 Dec. 4/8 An emergency resolution..calls for rigorous investigation..of the conduct of LBC's board and management in running the station.
1983 Listener 27 Jan. 15/1 I was asked recently by LBC to take part in a phone-in programme.

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LDL n. Biochemistry low-density lipoprotein.
the world > life > biology > substance > proteins > [noun]
leaf protein1917
1962 Canad. Jrnl. Biochem. & Physiol. 40 1300 The low-density lipoproteins (LDL).
1978 Detroit Free Press 2 Apr. (Parade Suppl.) 7/1 LDL seems to be involved in transporting cholesterol to—and depositing it in—tissues, including blood vessel walls.
1990 Medical Observer (Sydney) 27 Apr. 2/2 (heading) Decaf coffee linked to higher LDL.

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LDP n. Liberal Democratic Party (in Japan).
society > authority > rule or government > politics > politics in India and Far East > [adjective] > specific Japanese party
society > authority > rule or government > politics > politics in India and Far East > [noun] > Japanese politics > specific party
1964 Pacific Affairs 37 277 Rank and file LDP Diet members.
1987 S. H. Nolte Liberalism in Mod. Japan viii. 322 The Liberal Democratic party (Jiyū Minshutō, or LDP, formed when the Liberals merged with the Democrats in 1955).
1991 N.Y. Rev. Bks. 25 Apr. 39/1 Ishihara Sintaro, LDP politician, novelist, hawk-about-town,..coined the famous phrase that Japan must say No-No to Big Brother USA.

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Lf n. [notionally < limit of flocculation] Medicine that quantity of a specified toxin which flocculates most rapidly when mixed with one unit of antitoxin; frequently attributive in Lf dose, Lf value.
the world > life > biology > substance > process stimulators or inhibitors > toxin > [noun] > quantity of
1924 A. T. Glenny & C. C. Okell in Jrnl. Pathol. & Bacteriol. 27 189 We think it useful to employ the symbol Lf for the amount of a toxin equivalent to 1 unit of a standard antitoxin as established by flocculation... The Lf value may therefore be added to the Lo, L+ and Lr values in defining the combining properties of individual toxins.
1949 Jrnl. Hygiene 47 107/1 The potency of toxins and toxoids, as measured by the Lf dose, may constitute some rough measure of antigenic efficiency.
1981 Lancet 1 Aug. 219/2 Single doses (100 Lf or 250 Lf) of a potent tetanus toxoid were given to such individuals with naturally acquired antitoxin.

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LGV n. Medicine lymphogranuloma venereum.
the world > health and disease > ill health > a disease > disorders of internal organs > venereal disease > [noun] > other venereal diseases
Winchester goose1598
soft chancre1858
soft sore1860
genital herpes1877
genital wart1881
granuloma inguinale1918
1949 Blakiston's New Gould Med. Dict. 564/1 L.G.V.
1964 A. J. King & C. Nicol Venereal Dis. xix. 193 (heading) Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV).
1979 D. Barlow Sexually Transmitted Dis. iii. 24 Only treatment for the recognized venereal diseases would be free, i.e. gonorrhoea, syphilis, chancroid, and LGV.
1991 Traveller Spring 11/3 In tropical countries, more exotic diseases also occur, such as chancroid and LGV.

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LIBOR n. pronunciation /ˈlaɪbɔː(r)/ (also libor) Commerce London inter-bank offered rate, the basic rate of interest used in lending between banks on the London inter-bank market.
society > trade and finance > financial dealings > types of money-dealing > [adjective] > type of exchange rate
society > trade and finance > financial dealings > moneylending > [noun] > moneylending at interest > interest > rate of interest
prime rate1815
mortgage rate1898
savings rate1904
saving rate1905
discount rate1913
base lending rate1933
prime lending rate1951
base rate1970
minimum lending rate1972
bank rate1974
1974 Times 5 Mar. (Europa Suppl.) p. ii/2 The loan will be for seven years... The rate will be fixed according to LIBOR (London inter-banking offered rate).
1986 Daily Tel. 2 Sept. 17 Both will pay eight basis points over their Libor rate.
1988 Mortgage Mag. May 9/3 We intend to make the initial lower interest rate a continuing feature of the LIBOR linked mortgage.

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LIFFE n. also with pronunciation /laɪf/ (also Liffe) London International Financial Futures Exchange.
society > trade and finance > stocks and shares > [noun] > stock exchange > specific
Britain's Burse1570
Exchange Alley1706
Throgmorton Street1891
Nikkei exchange1987
Alternative Investment Market1994
1982 Times 30 Sept. 16 LIFFE.
1983 Times 10 June 19/6 The day's business brings Liffe's total volume since its inception to more than 750,000 contracts.
1996 Financial Times 11 Jan. 32/2 On Liffe the March 10-year bund future reached 100.15 but slipped in the afternoon.

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LJ n. (pl. LJJ) Lord Justice.
society > law > administration of justice > one who administers justice > judge > [noun] > judges with other specific jurisdiction
Judge Ordinarc1670
judge of probate1692
Judge Ordinary1754
probate judge1776
trial judge1892
1866 Law Rep. Chancery Appeal Cases (Council of Law Reporting) I. 45 (heading) L.JJ.
1866 Law Rep. Chancery Appeal Cases (Council of Law Reporting) I. 45 Sir G. J. Turner, L.J.
1987 Daily Tel. 30 Mar. 19/3 Slade LJ delivered a concurring judgment.

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LL.B. n. Legum Baccalaureus, Bachelor of Laws (see B n. Initialisms 1).
society > education > educational administration > university administration > taking degree or graduation > [noun] > a degree > specific
master's degree1774
Lambeth degree1859
baccalaureate degree1864
(Lady) Literate in Arts1877
Mus. Bac.1889
B. Ed.1941
Dip. Tech.1957
1796 Cambr. Univ. Cal. 20 Trinity Hall... Members, L.L.B. Ds. Allan [etc.].
1888 T. E. Kebbel Life Geo. Crabbe iii. 49 As a degree was necessary to enable him to hold his new preferment, he obtained an LL.B. at once from the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Moore.
1987 Oxf. Univ. Pocket Diary 1987–8 156 Oriental Institute... Secretary Miss J. M. Noon, MA status, LLB.

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LL.D. n. Legum Doctor, Doctor of Laws (see D n. Initialisms 3).
society > education > educational administration > university administration > taking degree or graduation > [noun] > a degree > specific
master's degree1774
Lambeth degree1859
baccalaureate degree1864
(Lady) Literate in Arts1877
Mus. Bac.1889
B. Ed.1941
Dip. Tech.1957
1763 J. Bell Trav. from St. Petersburg I. Sig. a4v T. Llewellin, L.L.D.
1830 F. Witts Diary 10 May (1978) 89 My neighbour at Adlestrop has proceeded to the degree of LLD as he tells us.
1987 Who's Who 457/2 Denning, Baron... Hon LLD: Ottawa, 1955.

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LL.M. n. Legum Magister, Master of Laws (see M n. Initialisms 2a).
society > education > educational administration > university administration > taking degree or graduation > [noun] > a degree > specific
master's degree1774
Lambeth degree1859
baccalaureate degree1864
(Lady) Literate in Arts1877
Mus. Bac.1889
B. Ed.1941
Dip. Tech.1957
1874 Notes & Queries 21 Feb. 149/2 LL.M. Degree.—I have just taken this comparatively new degree at Cambridge.
1986 Cambr. Univ. Handbk. 1986–7 37 Except with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor, no degree other than those of B.A., LL.M., Mus.B., Vet. M.B., and B.Ed. may be conferred on a day of General Admission.

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LME n. Stock Market London Metal Exchange.
society > trade and finance > stocks and shares > [adjective] > relating to financial centre or stock exchange
Wall Streetish1926
society > trade and finance > stocks and shares > [noun] > stock exchange > specific
Britain's Burse1570
Exchange Alley1706
Throgmorton Street1891
Nikkei exchange1987
Alternative Investment Market1994
1957 Metal Bull. 2 July 23/1 The behaviour of the market recently has left the R.S.T. fixed price above L.M.E. quotations most of the time.
1986 Times 28 May 24/2 The LME's members..did what they could to defend sanctity of contract.

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LMG n. light machine-gun.
society > armed hostility > military equipment > weapon > device for discharging missiles > firearm > small-arm > [noun] > machine-gun > types of
Gatling gun1870
light machine gun1883
volley gun1884
Maxim–Nordenfeldt gun1898
bomb Maxim1900
Lewis (machine) gun1913
Spandau guna1918
1922 H. Wilson Jrnl. 1 Mar. in M. Gilbert Winston S. Churchill (1977) IV. Compan. iii. 1792 Collins was very much alarmed at the theft..of 300 rifles, much ammn & LMGs by Valera's from the RIC.
1964 T. White tr. P. Leulliette St. Michael 164 It was..hopeless to try to give covering fire with L.M.G.s or ordinary machine-guns aimed at the entries to the caves.
1990 C. Allen Savage Wars of Peace (1991) 60 Each troop also had its Bren light machine gun. ‘The youngest member of the troop will always be lumbered with the LMG,’ remembers Lillico.

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LMH n. Lady Margaret Hall (Oxford).
society > education > place of education > educational buildings > [adjective] > in particular university
1890 Daisy 8 Feb. 2/2 A meeting of the L.M.H. Guild was held on Jan. 23rd.
1986 A. Lejeune Strange & Private War ii. 25 Diana's voice..spoke of Benenden and LMH.

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LMS n. local management of schools (in the U.K.) (the Education Reform Act of 1988 largely devolved responsibility for financial and other aspects of school management from local education authorities to individual state schools).
society > education > educational administration > school administration > [noun] > local management of schools
1988 Q. Thompson et al. Local Managem. of Schools (Coopers & Lybrand Rep.) 5/1 The changes require a new culture and philosophy of the organization of education at the school level. They are more than purely financial; they need a general shift in management. We use the term ‘Local Management of Schools’ (LMS).
1990 Independent 24 May 17 Changes have included GCSE, profiling..and now local management of schools (LMS).

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LMT n. local mean time.
the world > time > reckoning of time > [noun] > systems of reckoning time of day
apparent time1694
local timea1703
Greenwich Mean Time1782
sun time1837
railway time1847
railroad time1849
Greenwich time1861
Eastern time1878
Pacific time1880
Universal Time1882
Eastern Standard Time1883
Mountain time1883
British Standard Time1908
daylight saving1908
zone time1908
British Summer Time1916
British Double Summer Time1941
war time1942
ephemeris time1950
1909 Webster's New Internat. Dict. Eng. Lang. L.M.T.
1951 Gloss. Aeronaut. Terms (B.S.I.) iii. 9 Local mean time abbr. l.m.t.
1982 Giant Bk. Electronics Projects xi. 494 All one needs to know is one's approximate longitude..and the local mean time (LMT).

Draft additions 1997

LO n. Electronics = local oscillator n. at local adj. and n. Compounds; frequently attributive.
society > communication > telecommunication > radio communications > radio equipment > [adjective] > oscillator
society > communication > telecommunication > radio communications > radio equipment > [noun] > radio set > oscillators
local oscillator1904
master oscillator1928
1946 Radar: Summary Rep. & Harp Project (U.S. National Defense Res. Comm., Div. 14) 142/1 LO, Local oscillator... The LO signal is mixed with the echo to give a ‘beat’ at intermediate frequency.
1982 Giant Bk. Electronics Projects v. 182 To stop this LO feedthrough, the converter output is filtered.

Draft additions 1997

LP n. low pressure.
the world > matter > gas > air > [adjective] > under pressure > low pressure
1899 A. F. Ravenshear Man. Locomotive Engin. iii. 67 (caption) L.P. cylinder 26″ × 24″.
1975 Petroleum Rev. 29 359/2 One tank contained 300 tons of material and the other 775 tons, and both were fitted with LP steam coils.

Draft additions 1997

lpm n. (also LPM) Computing, lines per minute.
society > communication > printing > typing > [noun] > typewritten material > lines per minute
society > computing and information technology > hardware > peripherals > [noun] > printer > measure of speed
1966 C. J. Sippl Computer Dict. & Handbk. 106/2 LPM.
1979 Personal Computerworld July 4 (advt.) New low-cost printer..112 cps-84lpm bi-directional.
1984 Australian 6 Nov. 25/1 (advt.) C. Itoh's new..printer is a high speed performer, prints out with a throughput of 100 LPM.

Draft additions 1997

LPN n. North American licensed practical nurse.
the world > health and disease > healing > healer > nurse > [noun] > licensed practical nurse
1948 Amer. Jrnl. Nursing 48 316/3 South Carolina... The title of Practical Nurse and the letters L.P.N. are protected by the law.
1958 Hospitals (Chicago) 16 Aug. 52 (table) LPN.
1976 Islander (Victoria, Brit. Columbia) 13 June 2/2 I'm sure she's a nurse's aide, or more properly, an L.P.N.—Licenced practical nurse.
1986 Cambridge (Mass.) Chron. 6 Mar. 9 a/4 (advt.) Addiction Treatment Center of New England..seeks LPN to facilitate groups, counsel individual clients and dispense Methadone.

Draft additions 1997

LPO n. London Philharmonic Orchestra.
society > leisure > the arts > music > musician > instrumentalist > company of instrumentalists > [noun] > orchestra > specific
1932 Gramophone Dec. 268/2 The L.P.O. sounds heaviest.
1958 Spectator 6 June 732/3 The string tone of the LPO.
1988 Financial Times 20 Jan. 21/8 To keep the festival spirit going orchestras, like the LPO, have been prepared to change their schedule to play works like Mahler's 9th Symphony.

Draft additions 1997

LPTB n. obsolete exc. historical London Passenger Transport board.
society > travel > transport > transport or conveyance in a vehicle > public passenger transport > [noun] > transport organizations
1933 Times 3 July 11/1 The new letters indicating the change of control, ‘L.P.T.B.’, will not begin to appear until next week.
1959 Britain: Official Handbk. (H.M.S.O.) 357 In that year [sc. 1933] these were all vested in a single public corporation, the London Passenger Transport Board. In 1948, with the establishment of the British Transport Commission, the London Transport Executive took over control.
1983 Buses Extra No. 26. 7/3 The fleet of motorbuses never in fact increased in size very much beyond that originally acquired by the LPTB in 1933.

Draft additions 1997

LSO n. London Symphony Orchestra.
society > leisure > the arts > music > musician > instrumentalist > company of instrumentalists > [noun] > orchestra > specific
society > leisure > the arts > music > musician > instrumentalist > company of instrumentalists > [adjective] > orchestra > specific
1920 Musical Times Dec. 820/2 At this first L.S.O. concert M. Cortôt played Rachmaninov's fourth Pianoforte Concerto.
1973 Times 27 July 15/4 Mr Previn drew the right pliable phrasing from the LSO.

Draft additions 1997

LTA n. Lawn Tennis Association.
society > leisure > sport > types of sport or game > ball game > racket games > lawn tennis > [noun] > association
society > leisure > sport > types of sport or game > ball game > racket games > lawn tennis > [adjective] > relating to association
1896 Lawn Tennis 17 June 4/2 Another change is the abolition of the entrance fee for all members of the A.E.L.T.C. and players nominated in writing by a club belonging to the L.T.A. or an affiliated association.
1988 Today 4 Feb. 39/4 The semi-finals of the LTA men's indoor event.

Draft additions 1997

LU n. (also lu) Australian, (of a building) lock-up.
society > inhabiting and dwelling > inhabited place > a building > types of building generally > [adjective] > other specific
1969 Sydney Morning Herald 24 May 37/2 (advt.) Kitchen, laundry and a L.U. Garage.
1986 Courier-Mail (Brisbane) 9 Aug. 55/3 (advt.) New Markets.., 120 stalls, l.u. premises.

Draft additions 1997

LWR n. light-water reactor.
the world > matter > physics > atomic nucleus > nuclear fission > nuclear reactor > [noun] > cooled by water
pressurized-water reactor1953
light water reactor1956
1974 Times 7 Oct. 13/7 Far from reflecting on the safety of LWRs..I submit that the facts demonstrate the stringent safety controls built into the United States programme.
1991 Nucl. Energy June 165/1 Light Water Reactor (LWR) fuel rod irradiations are conducted using irradiation capsules specially designed to simulate Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) and Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) operational conditions.

Draft additions 1997

LZ n. landing zone.
society > travel > air or space travel > airfield or airport > [noun] > landing zone in airborne assault
landing zone1956
1956 W. A. Heflin U.S. Air Force Dict. 310/2 LZ,..landing zone.
1969 I. Kemp Brit. G.I. in Vietnam ii. 29 The L.Z.s (landing zones) where we were to drop were clear.
1987 D. A. Dye Platoon ii. 13 Second Lieutenant Wolfe had mentioned that when Chris and Gardner had met him at an LZ hacked out of the bush.

Draft additions 1993

LCL n. less than container (formerly, car = goods truck) load; cf. FCL n. at F n. Additions.
society > travel > transport > transport or conveyance in a vehicle > transport of goods in a vehicle > [noun] > by container
1882 2nd Ann. Rep. Railroad Commissioners Alabama App. C. p. xxi LCL stands for Less than Car Load.
1969 Jane's Freight Containers 1968–9 377/1 The company provides..a distribution service at the consignees' end for cargo which cannot fill a container (less than container loads/LCL's).
1984 Materials Handling & Distrib. Data Sheet (Austral.) No. 69. Charge made by ocean carrier for packing LCL cargo.

Draft additions September 2013

LBO n. leveraged buyout, leverage buyout.
1978 Business Horizons June 76/1 The capital sources that regularly make LBO investments have become more readily identifiable and more segmented.
1990 B. Burrough & J. Helyar Barbarians at Gate Prol. 5 In an LBO, a small group of senior executives, usually working with a Wall Street partner, proposes to buy its company from public shareholders, using massive amounts of borrowed money.
2003 D. L. Scott Wall St. Words (ed. 3) 209 Because the group initiating the LBO must pay a premium for the stock over the market price, an LBO nearly always benefits the stockholders of the firm to be acquired.

Draft additions December 2013

Brit. /ˈluːməʊ/
U.S. /ˈlumoʊ/
Chemistry lowest unoccupied (or unfilled) molecular orbital; cf. HOMO n. at H n. Additions.
1964 Jrnl. Physical Chem. 68 492/1 ε+ is the energy of an electron in the LUMO (lowest unoccupied molecular orbital) of the + ion.
1981 P. Sykes Guidebk. to Mechanism in Org. Chem. (ed. 5) xii. 336 The feasibility of a particular process will be determined by whether overlap can take place between the HOMO of one component and the LUMO of the other.
2004 Rubber & Plastics News (Nexis) 22 Mar. 21 The reactivity of a free radical with another molecule should be linked to the LUMO energy of that molecule.

Draft additions September 2013

LW n. Broadcasting long wave.
1938 Wireless World 1 Sept. (advt.) 2/2 (heading) On M.W. and L.W.
1994 Which? Feb. 12/2 It seems Radio 4 will stay on both long wave (LW) and FM.
2005 H. W. Silver Two-way Radios & Scanners for Dummies xv. 220 AM broadcasts and other MW and LW signals are received best at night.

Draft additions June 2006

LGB adj. (and n.) (also with lower-case initials) lesbian, gay, and bisexual; also (occasionally) as n.; cf. GLB adj. at G n. Initialisms.
1985 Valley Women's Voice (Massachusetts) Aug. 3/4 To gather further information..please contact: L.G.B. Empowerment Coalition c/o GALA, P.O. Box 1082, Northampton, MA.
1999 Gay Times May 135/1 (advt.) London Clubs... Men only cruise bar... Palace Pinks group for lgb based in Crystal Palace.
2009 M. M. Wilcox Queer Women & Religious Individualism v. 156 People follow many different routes in developing a conscious LGB identity.

Draft additions June 2006

LGBT adj. (and n.) (also with lower-case initials) lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered; also (occasionally) as n.; cf. GLBT adj. at G n. Initialisms.
1992 GayNet Digest Volume 5 Issue 617 in bit.listserv.gaynet (Usenet newsgroup) 11 Aug. In this issue:..1993 National LGBT Studies Conference.
1997 Advocate 14 Oct. It sometimes seems that the university world is more open in theory to LGBT studies than in actuality to LGBT persons, scholarly or otherwise.
2005 Cape Etc. (Cape Town) Feb. 85/1 Triangle Project's Gay and Lesbian Helpline is a telephone counselling service for LGBTs (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered) seeking assistance or information.

Draft additions September 2006

LSB n. Telecommunications lower sideband, the sideband below the carrier frequency of a signal.
1971 IEEE Trans. Computing Technol. 19 9/1 The received signal is filtered into its USB, carrier, and LSB components.
1976 R. L. Perkowski & L. P. Stral Joy of CB vii. 70 It is..possible for two SSB transmissions to occur simultaneously on a single CB channel. One can take place on the upper sideband (USB) above the carrier frequency, and another on the lower (LSB) sideband.
1999 IEEE Microwave & Guided Wave Lett. 9 317/1 Optical up-conversion loss of 2.7 and 1.4 dB is measured for the LSB and USB.

Draft additions December 2002

LTP n. Physiology = long-term potentiation n. at long-term adj. and adv. Compounds.
1978 Brain Res. 150 413 Hippocampal long-term potentiation (LTP) represents a unique form of synaptic plasticity.
1984 European Jrnl. Pharmacol. 98 385/2 The present experiments provide evidence that both PCP and cyclazocine..block LTP.
2001 Science 2 Nov. 984/2 In LTP, hyperstimulation makes synapses..more responsive to future stimulation.

Draft additions December 2003

LTTE n. = Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam n. at liberation n. Compounds 2.
1984 India Today 31 Mar. 53/3 Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) better known as Tamil Tigers. This, the oldest, largest and militarily the most organized group, is led by 29-year-old Velupillai Prabhakaran.
2002 New Internationalist May 8/2 This act of de-legitimization and the events flowing from 11th September have induced the LTTE to bend with the wind.

Draft additions September 2014

LTM n. = long-term memory n. at long-term adj. and adv. Compounds.
1963 A. W. Melton in C. N. Cofer & B. S. Musgrave Verbal Behaviour & Learning 355 I believe we can..reduce the confusion..if we define STM as memory over intervals up to five minutes, and LTM as memory over intervals beyond five minutes.
1984 Proc. 6th Internat. Conf. Event-related Slow Potentials Brain 1981 67 What is needed is a theory that shows how STM and LTM mechanisms work together to balance between the processing of expected and unexpected events.
2012 Biol. Bull. 222 177/1 PARP-1 is a key molecule in chromatin remodeling, which is essential for gene transcription and is a prerequisite for LTM.

Draft additions June 2016

ltr int. (and adv.) (also LTR, l8r, L8R) colloquial (originally and chiefly in electronic communications) later (see later int.); also as adv.
1988 Unsubscribe? in comp.sys.atari.st (Usenet newsgroup) 31 May That's a shame.., I was really looking forward to this one. Oh well, c'est la vie! est la vie! L8r.
1991 FTP Site Available in alt.drugs (Usenet newsgroup) 30 Sept. Hello ppls... I remember seeing..something [about an FTP site] a little while ago, and would..like to see it again. Ltr. TheCure.
1992 Wazzup in k12.chat.senior (Usenet newsgroup) 23 Apr. I got a lot of homework to do today. I'll write to you l8r ok?
2012 R. D. Smith Higher Hopes ii. 43 Let people know when you're studying, you're really studying. That means answering texts with ‘Ltrman, I have to do this work’ or just not answering at all.

Draft additions June 2016

LMFAO v. (also lmfao) colloquial (oriɡ. and chiefly in electronic communications) laughing my fucking ass (or arse) off.
1993 Re: IMHO—HELP! in alt.business.multi-level (Usenet newsgroup) 4 Dec. LMFAO, Laughing My F****** A** Off.
2008 @lmATacoBowl 17 Feb. in twitter.com (O.E.D. Archive) I am LMFAO at that website.
2015 A. Flett-Giordano Marry, Kiss, Kill x. 55 ‘Grandma.., you gotta try and keep up with the cool kids.’ ‘LMFAO,’ Nola smirked.

Draft additions June 2016

LMAO v. (also lmao) colloquial (oriɡ. and chiefly in electronic communications) laughing my ass (or arse) off.
1990 AD&D game capture in rec.games.frp (Usenet newsgroup) 7 Dec. Ordania-DM hahahaha..rofl... Torquin LMAO!
2007 @ptrkmkl 5 June in twitter.com (O.E.D. Archive) lmao at will ferrell and sascha baron cohen making out on mtv awards.
2014 A. Hatvany Safe with Me 27 I cringe, imagining Tiffani's Facebook posts as she travels: ‘OMG!! Big Ben!!’ and ‘I ordered chips and got French fries. LMAO, y'all!!’

Draft additions June 2016

LO n. (also lo) colloquial (oriɡ. and chiefly in electronic communications) little one; a person's child.
2004 Re: Amount to Feed? in misc.kids.breastfeeding (Usenet newsgroups) 22 Mar. You don't say how old your lo is? My dd (20 wks) tends to nurse every 2.5 to 3hrs during the day.
2011 Independent on Sunday (Nexis) 30 Oct. (New Review) 9 What, you don't use the Tommee Tippee ‘closer to nature’ bottle? Do you not realise you could be scarring your precious LO for life?
2015 Birmingham Evening Mail (Nexis) 14 Feb. 17 I would always have someone to watch my lo's in an emergency. Some parents aren't so lucky.

Draft additions September 2017

LX n. luxury (designating or denoting a type or model of car); cf. GLX adj. and n. at G n. Initialisms.
1964 Sandusky (Ohio) Reg. 3 Aug. 17/3 (advt.) 1962 Ford LX automatic transmission.
1995 Car & Driver Buyers Guide 30 June 194/3 The LX gets body cladding (so your neighbors will believe you got your bonus), aluminum wheels, and a higher-torque V-6 as standard.
2003 N.Y. Times (National ed.) 28 Oct. a16 (advt.) A new era of tranquility is spreading across the world in family cars like the Lexus LX thanks to the road-tested, fully integrated rear-seat DVD players.

Draft additions June 2018

LGBTI adj. (and n.) lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex; also (occasionally) as n.
2001 AAP Newsfeed (Nexis) 22 Oct. The Greens intersex policy includes a commitment to removing discrimination against LGBTI—lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex—people across all jurisdictions.
2006 G. Masequesmay in E. W. Chen & G. Omatsu Teaching about Asian Pacific Amer. v. 61 Being both sexually and racially marginalized, how do Asian American LGBTIs fare in the desirability market?
2015 Time Out London 28 Apr. 87/2 For the past eight years she has photographed black gay women, as well as others who identify as LGBTI, across the country.

Draft additions June 2018

LGBTIQ adj. (and n.) (also LGBTQI) lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer (or questioning); also (occasionally) as n.
2003 Guild Practitioner Spring 112 I am referring to women, people of colour, and the ‘acronymically challenged’ LGBTQI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, and Intersexed) community.
2003 India-West (Electronic ed.) 12 Sept. 42 APIHR is kicking off its anti-homophobia campaign, which will address LGBTIQ acceptance.
2009 E. D. Hernández Postnationalism in Chicana/o Lit. & Culture vi. 155 Chicana/o queer formation..facilitated the entry of LGBTQIS into transnational culture.
2017 Advertiser (Austral.) (Nexis) 3 Sept. 28 SA's Council of the Ageing had joined forces with the Rainbow Advocacy Alliance for a 12-month project to help the state's older LGBTIQ community.

Draft additions September 2020

LDPE n. low density polyethylene, a grade of polyethylene whose polymer chains can show extensive branching, resulting in a plastic softer than HDPE, with a less crystalline structure.LDPE is widely used, especially for containers and food packaging, and for making plastic bags.
1963 T. A. Coneys & E. R. Witter in 12th Ann. Wire & Cable Symp. 9 Figures 8 and 9 outline the extent of this advantage by comparing the relative size and material requirements for a typical telephone cable when solid LDPE and cellular Pro-fax 65A0 are employed as the primary insulation.
2019 Dominion Post (Wellington, N.Z.) (Nexis) 30 Mar. 3 The bags will be processed in Malaysia and turned back into raw LDPE pellets—used to manufacture various containers, dispensing bottles, tubing, plastic bags for computer components, and laboratory equipment.

Draft additions September 2022

LGBTQ adj. (and n.) lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (or questioning); also occasionally as n.
1996 Santa Cruz County In-queery Jan. 12/3 The event..is in response to the California state legislature voting down bills which directly concern the LGBTQ community.
2008 Time Out N.Y. 23 Aug. 105/2 Proceeds from its sale will directly benefit..an advocacy organization for LGBTQ writers.
2016 Guardian (Nexis) 24 Nov. White LGBTQs who are truly against racism need to step up and take ownership of what is happening in their community.
2019 A. Bhagwati Unbecoming xi. 210 [He]..quickly became the LGBTQ movement's poster boy for repealing ‘don't ask, don't tell’.
This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1901; most recently modified version published online December 2022).




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