

单词 at afternoon

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at afternoon
P1. at afternoon: in the afternoon; during the afternoon. Obsolete.Some early quots. may represent uses of at after prep. with noon n.
1389 in R. W. Chambers & M. Daunt Bk. London Eng. (1931) 48 (MED) And also at after-non þe same day..to chese here maistres for þe nexte ȝeer folwynge.
1429 in Norfolk Archaeol. (1904) 15 147 (MED) At afternone ij lod of ston, paying viij d. to ye myner to here owyn place.
1463 in Manners & Househ. Expenses Eng. (1841) 228 The nyte next afore tyl the sayd day at aftyr noyn.
c1540 Image Ipocrysy i, in J. Skelton Poet. Wks. (1843) II. 419/1 When masse and all is done, Shall were at afternone.
1577 R. Holinshed Hist. Scotl. 381/1 in Chron. I A terrible Eclipse of the Sunne at thre of the clocke at after noone.
1587 G. Turberville Tragicall Tales f. 76v The king..To take a nappe at after noone, Into his chamber gotte.
1613 W. Welwood Abridgem. Sea-lawes xxvi. 58 To lift the same from Saturday at after-noone till Monday.
1646 J. Row Hist. Kirk Scotl. (1842) p. xxxi And then at afternoon, speaking to our elderis of many thingis.
extracted from afternoonn.adv.int.
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