

单词 as also

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as also
a. as also: (introducing an additional circumstance) also in the same way, and likewise, and..as well.
c1384 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(2)) (1850) Luke xviii. 11 I am not as othere men, raueynouris, vniust, auouters, as also this pupplican.
c1475 (?c1400) Apol. Lollard Doctr. (1842) 7 Feiþful curats owen to sorowe as wel of þe spoling of þer sogetis, as also of þe synne of þe spoliars.
1545 Primer Kynges Maiestie (STC 16034) Injunct. sig. ***.i To..al other of the Clergie: as also all estates and degrees of the laye fee.
1588 T. Hariot Briefe Rep. Virginia sig. D4v Beech and Ashe, good for caske, hoopes: and if neede require, plow worke, as also for many things els.
1648 Earl of Monmouth tr. G. Gualdo Priorato Hist. Late Warres xiv. 401 Boccapianola..was there slaine, as also Don Iohn di Lelmo, Captaine of the Horse.
1685 E. Browne Brief Acct. Trav. Europe (ed. 2) 189 Their Speech here, as also at Spaw, is called Roman, and is a kind of old French.
1719 Boston News-let. 24 Aug. 4/2 Lately imported from London, a fresh Parcel of choice Looking-Glasses of divers Sorts and Sizes; as also fine Glass Lamps and Lanthorns.
1793 J. Smeaton Narr. Edystone Lighthouse (ed. 2) §252 To carry her a rope to the landing-place, as also one to the..rocks on each side.
1841 Fraser's Mag. 23 16 The bell goes for church, as also for dinner.
1893 T. R. R. Stebbing Hist. Crustacea ii. 15 Shore-crabs and hermit-crabs are often obtrusively conspicuous, as also are the operculate cirripedes.
1971 N. Brown Antarctic Housewife ix. 92 Vessels of the Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey visited South Georgia and the British Antarctic bases further south, as also did a unit of the Royal Navy in the course of its patrol.
2004 Independent 28 July 36/5 Similarities between languages of such ‘motherese’ words, as also of onomatopoeic words, proves no ‘proto-world’ ancestry.
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