1541 sig. Cv The fayrer woman, the more gyllot.
c1550 C. Bansley sig. A.iv For a stewde strumpet can not so soone, gette vp a lyghte lewde fashyon But euerye wanton Jelot wyll lyke it well, and catche it vp anon.
1579 T. North tr. Plutarch 974 In honest mens houses..he would haue..these tumbling gillots lodged.
1653 W. Ramesey To Rdr. 19 Every Jack and Gillet may be known to be Tradesmen, Serving-men, &c. and not equal in habit with their Superiours.
1755 S. Johnson at Jilt Perhaps from..gillet, or gillot, the diminutive of gill, the ludicrous name for a woman. 'Tis also called jillet in Scotland.
1786 R. Burns 183 A Jillet brak his heart at last, Ill may she be!
1828 W. Scott Fair Maid of Perth viii, in 2nd Ser. III. 190 Hark you, were it not well to receive that coy jillet with something of a mumming?
a1843 J. Stewart (1857) 102 The wiles o' knaves, and gillets' lures, Blackguards and cheats.
1876 E. K. Coulson II. iii. iv. 28 Sundry jillets were loitering for a farewell with grooms or servitors.
1901 R. De B. Trotter 190 A min' yin o' them, a great muckle jellet o' a byrewoman.
1997 J. D. McClure in 15 93 There kyth't a threesome O denty kimmers, jimp an leesome. A hird-loun slept ablow an aik nearhann. The randy jillets, tapper-tae, Cam creepin up tae faar he lay.