

单词 at a need

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at a need
a. at a need and variants: in an emergency or crisis. poetic in later use. Obsolete.
lOE Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Laud) anno 1101 Se cyng syddan scipa ut on sæ sende his broðer to dære & to lættinge, ac hi sume æft æt þære neode abruðon.
c1175 Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) l. 2502 Eȝȝþerr wass wiþþ oþerr mec. & god att alle nede.
c1300 Havelok (Laud) (1868) 1692 (MED) William wendut was þat oþer Þat hire ledde..Þat was with at alle nedes.
?a1400 (a1338) R. Mannyng Chron. (Petyt) ii. 35 He was boþe gode & wys..& right vnderstandyng, to help at alle nedis.
1489 (a1380) J. Barbour Bruce (Adv.) ii. 231 He had thar, at that ned, Full feill that war douchty off deid.
1490 W. Caxton tr. Foure Sonnes of Aymon (1885) ix. 222 Bayarde, whiche shall maye bere vs all four at a nede.
c1500 (?a1475) Assembly of Gods (1896) 755 Hit behoueth to helpe at thys nede.
1581 N. Woodes Conflict of Conscience iv. i I will do the best herein that I can, Yet go thou with me, to helpe at a neede.
1650 R. Heath Clarastella 51 A word wel plac't may serve one at a need.
a1821 J. Keats King Stephen i. iii, in Poet. Wks. (1906) 432 Is an honest yeoman's spear Of no use at a need? Take that.
1871 A. C. Swinburne Songs Before Sunrise 31 Have we not fingers to write, Lips to swear at a need?
extracted from needn.1
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