

单词 it were to wit

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it were to wit
a. it is to wit (also it is to witting): it is to be observed, noted, or ascertained; so it were to wit, it needs investigation, one ought to know. Obsolete.
the mind > attention and judgement > enquiry > investigation, inspection > it needs investigation [phrase]
it were to witc1320
the mind > attention and judgement > attention > notice, observation > listen attentively [phrase] > it is to be noted
it is to wittingc1320
the mind > mental capacity > belief > uncertainty, doubt, hesitation > absence of doubt, confidence > assured fact, certainty > making certain, assurance > of course, certainly [phrase]
to iwissea1000
mid iwissea1000
in wisc1000
to wis(se)c1000
without(en (any) weenc1175
sans fail1297
thereof no strife1297
but werea1300
forouten werea1300
out of werea1300
without werea1300
without deceit1303
for certainc1320
it is to wittingc1320
withouten carec1320
without nayc1330
without noc1330
without (but out of) dread1340
no doubtc1380
without distancec1390
no fresea1400
out of doubta1400
without doubta1400
for, (in, at obs.), of, to (a) certaintyc1400
withouten stance14..
hazel woods shakea1413
of, on, in warrantisec1440
sure enough?1440
without question?1440
wythout diswerec1440
without any dispayrec1470
for (also of) a surety?a1475
in (also for) surenessa1475
of certainc1485
without any (also all) naya1500
out of question?1526
past question?1526
for sure1534
what else1540
beyond (also out of, past, without) (all) peradventure1542
to be a bidden by1549
out of (also without) all cry1565
with a witness1579
upon my word1591
no question1594
out of all suspicion1600
for a certain1608
without scruple1612
to be sure1615
that's pos1710
in course1722
beyond (all) question1817
(and) no mistake1818
no two ways about it (also that)1818
of course1823
bien entendu1844
you bet you1857
make no mistake1876
sans doute1890
how are you?1918
you bet your bippy1968
c1320 Cast. Love 783 Of þe middel heuȝ is to wite Þe swetnesse and þe feirschipe.
c1330 R. Mannyng Chron. Wace (Rolls) 431 Hit were to witen Whi þe bataille of Troye was smiten.
c1380 Eng. Wycliffite Serm. in Sel. Wks. I. 114 It were to wite þe moral sense of þese wordis.
c1380 J. Wyclif Wks. (1880) 328 It were to wite..wheþer priue confession made to prestis be nedeful.
1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomew de Glanville De Proprietatibus Rerum (Tollem. MS) iii. ii Firste it is to wetynge what þinge the soule is.
1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomew de Glanville De Proprietatibus Rerum (Add. MS 27944) xvii. ii It is to wytynge [1495 wyte] þat a graffe..chaungeþ þe..qualite of þe stok in to his owne..qualite.
c1449 R. Pecock Repressor (1860) 223 For the more cleering of this present answere, it is to wite that a thing is holi in three maners.
c1485 ( G. Hay Bk. Law of Armys (2005) 231 Bot quhethir his awin legis ar behaldyn to kepe his assuraunce, jn that poynt jt is to wit.
1511 Pylgrymage Richarde Guylforde (Pynson) f. xxxiiij It is to wyt that the holy Londe..in parte..was called ye kyngdome of Iude.
1628 E. Coke 1st Pt. Inst. Lawes Eng. 16 And it is to wit, that this word (inheritance) is not only intended where a man hath Lands or Tenements by discent of inheritage. [Comm.] Et est ascauoire. This kinde of speech is vsed..oftentimes by our Authour..and euer teacheth vs some rule of Law, or generall or sure leading point.
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