

单词 insofar


Brit. /ˌɪnsə(ʊ)ˈfɑː/, U.S. /ˌɪnsoʊˈfɑr/
Forms: late Middle English in so fer, late Middle English in so ferre, 1500s–1600s in so farre, 1500s– in so far, 1600s– insofar, 1700s– in-so-far; also Scottish pre-1700 insafar, pre-1700 in sa fer, pre-1700 insafer, pre-1700 insuafar, pre-1700 in swa far, pre-1700 jnsafar.
Origin: Formed within English, by compounding. Etymons: in prep., so adv. and conj., far adv.
Etymology: < in prep. + so adv. and conj. + far adv. (compare sense 6 at that entry). Compare earlier insomuch adv. and in so mickle at mickle pron. 1c.Compare also in so far-forth in similar use (compare far-forth adv.):c1449 R. Pecock Repressor (1860) 366 He biganne in so ferforth that touris weren there seen bi many ȝeeris aftir.a1500 (a1470) in C. Monro Lett. Margaret of Anjou (1863) 127 In so ferth forth that ye have do many of them to be wrongfully endited.1543 ( Chron. J. Hardyng (1812) 242 Great tallage of England then was raysed, In so ferforth that tilthe of land was leyd.1836 H. Taylor Statesman xxxi. 232 A man's manners have much real and intrinsic significancy, in so far forth as they are the result of his individual nature and taste.1907 W. James Pragmatism v. 172 Find a one-to-one relation for your sense-impressions anywhere among the concepts, and in so far forth you rationalize the impressions. O.E.D. Suppl. (1976) says of the spelling in so far: ‘still conventionally written thus ( Hart's Rules for Compositors, ed. 37, 1967, p. 75) but also frequently as a single word or with hyphens’; however, solid spelling is now nearly twice as frequent.
1. insofar that.
a. To such an extent that; so that.
the mind > attention and judgement > testing > attestation, witness, evidence > qualification > [adverb] > in so much as
insofar thata1464
insomuch asc1500
a1464 J. Capgrave Abbreuiacion of Cron. (Cambr. Gg.4.12) (1983) 222 So faute þei..and Herri Percy, aftir þe propirte of his name, [was] percid or presed, in so fer þat he was ded.
?1473 W. Caxton tr. R. Le Fèvre Recuyell Hist. Troye (1894) II. lf. 286v The troians had moche to suffre in so ferre that they muste nedes flee in to theyr Cyte.
1596 J. Dalrymple tr. J. Leslie Hist. Scotl. (1888) I. 269 Britannie was..in sevin Regimentis, deuydet be the Saxonis, Jnsafar, that a certane and sure ordour of kingis coulde not weil be collected.
1635 D. Person Varieties iii. 99 Neverthelesse this presumptuous King..was overcome at the Battell of Thermopilae; in so far that, that same glorious King of Medes and Persians, was forced to steale over the Hellespont.
1700 J. Welwood Mem. Material Trans. 111 He aim'd to be King. The Matter was for some time under Consideration..in-so-far, that a Crown was actually made.
1877 Brit. & Foreign Medico-chirurg. Rev. 59 311 The patient is rousable in so far that he will move his limbs when pinched and even answer a question put in a loud voice.
1906 G. R. Sims Living London (rev. ed.) III. 45/2 Whit Monday—which is only particularly a London ‘day’ in so far that it is one on which a great many Londoners take the opportunity of getting out of London.
2002 B. Michaux & S. Van Camp in G. Spindler & F. Börner E-commerce Law in Europe & USA i. 42 The application of Belgian law should only be excluded insofar that application would restrict information society service.
b. Inasmuch as, seeing that; in that.
1554 J. Knox Godly Let. sig. Cjv The prophetes meaning thereby that Idolators can haue no leage nor couenaunt with God in so farre that their hartes be alyenated from hym.
1620 F. W. Paterson Protestants Theol. xii. 128 For first the Church of God is One: partely in the head, in so farre, that all Byshops acknowledge the Pope for head.
1737 J. Ozell tr. F. Rabelais Wks. II. xv. 137 There is no metal like it to resist Blows, insofar that if..Culverin-shot should come to grase upon it, you would incontinently see distil from thence the blessed Fruit of the great Pox.
1885 Cape Law Jrnl. 2 99 A as agent of B rendered B an account signed by himself as correct shewing a balance due to B; the latter disputed the account insofar that he said that more was due to him.
1942 E. V. Cowdry Probl. Ageing (ed. 2) xxiv. 627 Their lives are, however, different insofar that they exhibit increasing specialization.
2015 C. Woodall Atonement i. 18 Adam's knowledge was restricted insofar that it did not yet include cognition of good and evil.
2. insofar as.In early use Scottish.
a. In such measure or degree as, to the extent that.
1473 in T. Thomson Acts Lords Auditors (1839) 25/2 To Restore again þe samyn [cattle] in sa fer as is vnrestorit.
1483 in G. Neilson & H. Paton Acts Lords of Council Civil Causes (1918) II. Introd. p. cxv Insafer as it salbe fundin awand to him.
1500 in J. D. Marwick Extracts Rec. Burgh Edinb. (1869) I. 80 Autorist be ws insafer as we haue autorite and powere.
1556 J. Knox Copie of Let. sig. G.viv For in so farre as it offreth or promitteth remission of synnes: it imputeth imperfection, vppon Christe and hys sacrifice.
1661 Marquis of Argyll Def. against Grand Indytement High Treason 48 Every member of Parliament shall..express themselves upon..every thing which is propounded in so far as they think in their conscience may conduce to the glory of God.
1683 J. Dalrymple Decisions Lords of Council & Session I. 556 The Lords Repelled the Defense upon the Act of Pacification, which they found was only unrescinded, in so far as it is contained in the late Act of Indemnity.
1707 J. Spotiswood Introd. Knowl. Stile Writs Scotl. 119 Of the Instrument of Seasine following thereupon, in so far only as can be extended to the Sums hereby Discharged.
1896 Act 59 & 60 Vict. c. 39 §1 (3) In so far as they are temporary in their duration.
1931 H. S. Williams Bk. of Marvels 37 Insofar as they are known to the layman they are usually called ‘rusts’, and are scarcely recognized as living organisms.
1959 B. Wootton Social Sci. & Social Pathol. viii. 267 Differentiation between the one and the other will be called for only insofar as it affects the kind of treatment that is likely to be helpful.
2010 P. Daniels Class Actor xxx. 204 In so far as I had any heroes in acting, it was people like Richard Burton or Robert Mitchum—Oliver Reed, even.
b. Inasmuch as, seeing that, in that.
1554 J. Knox Godly Let. sig. D.ii Idolatours can haue no leage nor couenaunt with God: in so far as their hartes be alienated from hym.
1672 Justiciary Rec. (S.H.S.) 117 The complainer was no Magistrate in swa far as he had not taken the Declaration.
1744 A. Hamilton Itinerarium 24 June in C. Bridenbaugh Gentleman's Progress (1992) 58 They [sc. Moravians] call their religion the true religion, or the religion of the Lamb, which I believe is true in so far as some of them may be wolves in sheep's clothing.
a1860 T. Parker in J. Weiss Life & Corr. (1864) I. 169 In so far as God is spirit, it belongs to His nature to reveal and objectivate Himself.
1921 A. H. Hannay & R. G. Collingwood tr. G. de Ruggiero Mod. Philos. iii. ii. 274 Bradley..fails to see that the true absolute is..appearance itself, in so far as it is the absolute process of appearing, the phenomenalization of the absolute.
1977 Proc. Royal Soc. Med. 70 134/1 Most people have relative pitch, in so far as they are able to say, when given a certain reference tone, that a second sound is higher or lower in pitch.
2017 Western Mail (Nexis) 18 May (News section) 26 I am perhaps different from most politicians insofar as I do not oppose the tolls on the current two Severn crossings.
c. As far as. Chiefly introducing clauses containing be concerned or be possible.
1780 Mirror No. 96 In so far as my improvement was concerned, they spared no expence.
a1832 J. Bentham Constit. Code xxv, in Wks. (1842) XVIII. 623/1 The Headman takes upon himself that same trust: in so doing, he gives, in so far as on him depends, execution and effect to the correspondent provisions in the Stranger's Subcode.
a1856 W. Hamilton Lect. Metaphysics (1859) I. i. 9 This question has never, in so far as I am aware, been regularly discussed.
1885 Cent. Mag. May 46/2 The song of the Quaker bard is almost virginal, in so far as what we term the master-passion is concerned.
1919 Mod. Hosp. Feb. 130/1 The program is to be worked out and is being worked out, in so far as is possible, as a he-man and a she-woman program.
1939 Atlanta Daily World 1 Oct. 4/4 How quickly those words ‘Jewish’ and ‘Jew’ could be translated into ‘Negro’, insofar as some of the hate groups now doing business here are concerned.
1965 Accounting Rev. 40 65/1 The method of inquiry..must be impersonal and, insofar as possible, independent of the particular value judgments..of the investigator.
2002 K. Matinuddin Nuclearization S. Asia x. 209 Both India and Pakistan are at par with each other insofar as their status of being nuclear weapon states is concerned.
3. Without following relative particle: to that extent or degree.
a1658 J. Durham Dying Man's Test. (1659) ii. xii. 135 Yea,..this corruption doth certainly, in so far pollute the Ordinance to him, and make him guilty.
1667 Guthrie's Christian's Great Interest (ed. 4) 53 This imports a sort of impropriation: for the heart pleading that device, in so far swayeth towards it.
1719 W. Dunlop in Coll. Confessions of Faith I. Pref. p. lxxxiii In so far, therefore, as any Language is unknown, or any Words of a known Language are of an indeterminate Signification, they must be in so far absolutely useless.
1827 C. Bird Observ. Let. addressed by Sir R. Donkin to Earl Bathurst (Advertisement) Mr. Brink is therefore inaccurate in his letter, and his document, in so far, is nothing worth.
1849 G. Grote Hist. Greece VI. ii. xlvii. 61 Insofar the latter had good reason to complain.
1939 Amer. Naturalist 73 111 Grooming often is necessarily a vicarious service, and whether willingly..or reluctantly performed by the groomer it constitutes social service and in so far may be considered altruistic.
1964 J. R. R. Tolkien On Fairy Stories in Tree & Leaf 60 It denies..universal final defeat and in so far is evangelium.
2013 M. J. Curley & S. Rendall tr. P. Jeserich Musica Naturalis Notes 366 A..coincidence..whose dissolution left behind forms of staging of the old ideal that were not covered any more by the real and insofar may be seen as ‘empty’ or ‘theatrical’.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, September 2021; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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