

单词 ins and outs

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ins and outs
1. In plural. ins and outs: windings or turnings in and out; devious or tortuous turns to and fro in a road, a course of action, etc.; (in extended use) ramifications, complexities, the complete details of something. Also occasionally in singular. See also outs and ins at out n. 3.
the world > space > shape > curvature > series of curves > [noun] > winding curve(s)
ins and outs1655
the world > relative properties > order > disorder > confusion or disorder > entanglement or entangled state > complication or complexity > [noun] > a complicated state of affairs > complicated courses of action
ins and outsa1670
the world > relative properties > kind or sort > individual character or quality > the quality of being specific > [noun] > quality of being specific or detailed > a detail or particular > details or particulars > complicated
outs and ins1658
ins and outs1844
1655 S. Fisher Christianismus Redivivus 11 What you stile stating the question in the first head the very same you call making a Position in your answer..: Sirs, what a sight of ins, and outs, are here?
a1670 J. Hacket Scrinia Reserata (1693) i. 152 Follow their Whimsies and their In and Outs at the Consulto, when the Prince was among them.
1763 B. Franklin Let. 28 June (1966) X. 304 I hear of Ins and Outs and Ups and Downs, and know neither why nor wherefore.
1780 G. A. Stevens Songs in Cabinet of Fancy 9 At childish fairs the round-abouts, The ups and downs, the ins and outs, The trumpet's sound, and trump'ry gay things, Are emblems o'th' passion's play-things.
1809 B. H. Malkin tr. A. R. Le Sage Adventures Gil Blas III. vii. vi. 86 Laura..required from me a faithful and true narrative of all my pros and cons, my ins and outs, since that..separation of ours.
1837 Mirror of Lit. 22 Apr. 253/2 No, if you want to know the ins and the outs of the Yankees—I've wintered them and summered them.
1844 T. Hood Laying down Law in Whimsicalities I. 287 A celebrated Judge, too prone to tarry, To hesitate on devious inns and outs.
1862 G. A. Sala Seven Sons Mammon III. v. 83 The labour of following the ins and outs of the close-clustered carriages.
1878 R. H. Hutton Scott ii. 27 Keen appreciation of the ins and outs of legal method.
1889 ‘R. Boldrewood’ Robbery under Arms xxii He knew the ins and outs of the road better than any of us.
1907 N. Love Life & Adventures vii. 46 I was fast learning the many ins and outs of the business.
1911 Boot & Shoe Recorder 5 Apr. 96/2 The majority of retail merchants..try to be the whole show and consequently every in and out of their business depends upon them.
1966 D. J. Enright Conspirators & Poets ii. 106 His acquaintance with men who matter and his intimacy with the ins and outs of the corridors which they walk.
2012 D. G. Lokay Around World on Dollar a Day vii. 93 Those who knew every in and out of the town.
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(the) ins and (the) outs
a. In plural. In politics: the party which is in office (see in adv. 11c), usually in (the) ins and (the) outs.
society > authority > office > holder of office > [noun] > those in office
1741 T. C. Pagett Misc. Prose & Verse 351 The Outs are always Knaves and Fools; The Ins are Wise and Good enough.
1764 Ld. Chesterfield Let. 20 July (1932) (modernized text) VI. 2603 I believe that there will be something patched up between the ins and the outs.
1774 H. Swinburne in Courts Europe Last Cent. (1841) I. 16 What an epoch for ministers, both ins and outs!
1823 Ld. Byron Don Juan: Canto XIII xxiv. 67 Juan stood well both with Ins and Outs.
1884 C. H. Spurgeon in Pall Mall Gaz. 19 June 11/1 Everything the Ins do the Outs denounce, and then the moment this denunciation has done its work, the Outs take the place of the Ins, and are abused in their turn, not because they are wrong, but because they are in.
1930 W. K. Hancock Australia x. 210 Before the advent of Labour politics tended to be a battle of the Ins and Outs.
1977 P. R. Moody Opposition & Dissent in Contemp. China i. 1 In liberal societies there is usually..a fairly clear distinction between the ins and the outs, between government and opposition.
2012 Amer. Sociol. Rev. 77 20/1 Party politics began with a distinction purely internal to the political field—the Ins and the Outs—and later expanded to incorporate exogenous interest groups.
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ins and outs
3. In plural. People who go in. In later use in ins and outs: people who are constantly entering and leaving the workhouse. Cf. in-and-out class at in and out adv. 4. Now historical.
the mind > possession > poverty > [noun] > poor person > poor person in receipt of relief > in an institution > occasionally
casual poor1593
ins and outs1884
in-and-out class1897
in and out family1904
1811 J. Carr Descriptive Trav. Spain & Balearic Isles Introd. 6 Here is a gate with two openings, one for passengers going into, and the other for those who are coming out of, it. A guard attends to keep the ins and the outs distinct, and in their proper line of march.
1884 Daily News 10 Dec. in J. R. Ware Passing Eng. Victorian Era (1909) 157/1 There are considerable numbers of paupers..who find the workhouse a convenient retreat on emergency... They are known familiarly as ‘the ins-and outs’.
1886 Rep. Minister Agric. Dominion of Canada 1885 App. p. xlvi These figures, in three years, thus show that taking the difference between the ins and the outs at all the points at which the Grand Trunk Railway touches the United States, there has been a gain or net immigration of 5,224.
1896 Poor Law Schools Comm.: Rep. Comm. Maintenance & Educ. Children I. xi. 71 in Parl. Papers (C. 8027) XLIII. 1 The fluctuating class of children whose parents frequently discharge themselves from the workhouse, and in a few days seek re-admission. These cases are known among Poor Law officials as ‘ins and outs’.
1905 Rep. Brit. Assoc. Advancem. Sci. 467 The ‘ins and outs’ of Great Britain have characteristics which may be described as nomadic.
2012 D. H. Taylor Balancing Budget is Progressive Priority i. 5 We need a long-range plan for a balanced budget, in which all of the ins match all of the outs. The ins of course are taxes, while the outs are expenditures.
2014 S. Fowler Workhouse v. 103 The rest were the offspring of vagrants, tramps and the ‘ins and outs’ who were always coming and going from the house.
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