

单词 innumerable


Etymology: < Latin innumerābilis, < in- (in- prefix4) + numerābilis numerable adj.
Incapable of being numbered or reckoned; not to be counted for multitude; numberless, countless. Often with exaggerative force.
a. With singular noun; now only with host, multitude, and similar collectives.
the world > relative properties > number > plurality > great number, numerousness > [adjective] > too numerous to be counted
sans nombre1550
1340 Ayenb. 267 Þe innumerable uelaȝrede of þe holy martires.
?a1475 (?a1425) tr. R. Higden Polychron. (Harl. 2261) (1865) I. 391 Then Vnguste..was compassede abowte with a innumerable hoste of Briteynes at a felde callede Merc.
c1485 Digby Myst. (1882) ii. 1100 Itt is In-nvmerabyll to expresse,..of my loye how myche itt es.
1509 S. Hawes Pastime of Pleasure (1845) xxxvii. 193 He blew out so much fyre innumerable.
1526 Bible (Tyndale) Heb. xii. 22 But ye are come vnto the mounte Sion..and to an innumerable sight [1611 companie, 1881 innumerable hosts] of angels.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) 2 Macc. iii. 6 The treasury in Ierusalem was full of innumerable money.
1590 E. Spenser Faerie Queene ii. xii. sig. Aa3v An innumerable flight Of harmefull fowles.
1606 G. W. tr. Justinus Hist. 24 a By reason of their innumerable greedines.
1623 W. Shakespeare & J. Fletcher Henry VIII iii. ii. 327 That you haue sent inumerable substance. View more context for this quotation
1689 R. Milward Selden's Table-talk 28 Twenty pound of Diamonds, which is a sum innumerable.
1709 I. Watts Hymns & Spiritual Songs (ed. 2) ii. 264 Behold th' innumerable Host Of Angels cloath'd in Light.
1719 D. Defoe Life Robinson Crusoe 232 The innumerable Crowd of Thoughts.
1816 W. C. Bryant Thanatopsis 74 So live, that when thy summons comes to join The innumerable caravan [etc.].
in extended use.1876 L. Morris Epic of Hades ii. 49 The innumerable laughter of the sea [lit. rendering of Æschylus' ἀνήριθμον γέλασμα, the ‘many-twinkling smile of Ocean’].1889 Harper's Mag. Apr. 822/2 The grasshoppers spin into mine ear A small innumerable sound.
b. Now usually with plural noun (which it often follows).
c1450 Craft of Louers (R.) Precious stones reckened innumerable.
1482 Monk of Evesham 76 Eueryche on of hem were ponyshte in peynys innumerable.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) Psalms xxxix. [xl.] 12 Innumerable troubles are come aboute me.
1563 W. Fulke Goodle Gallerye Causes Meteors iii. f. 38v The milke way..Democritus..sayde..was nothing els but innumerable lytle starres.
1667 J. Milton Paradise Lost ix. 1089 Ye Cedars, with innumerable boughs. View more context for this quotation
1725 D. Defoe New Voy. round World i. 118 We were sure to meet with Islands innumerable.
1836 W. Irving Astoria I. 246 He fell..pierced with innumerable arrows.
1847 Ld. Tennyson Princess vii. 153 Murmuring of innumerable bees.
c. absol. †Formerly sometimes followed by of.
1535 W. Tyndale in Test. W. Tracie sig. Aviij Lykewyse..did innumerable more.
1535 Bp. J. Fisher Wks. (1876) 382 When innumerable of soules haue..receyued as much the loue of Christ Iesu.
1561 J. Daus tr. H. Bullinger Hundred Serm. vpon Apocalips xxxv. 226 I beleue that innumerable..haue at the length sene the filthines of papistrie.
1691 J. Ray Acct. Errors in Coll. Eng. Words 155 In the words God, Rod, Horn, and innumerable the like.
1830 E. B. Pusey Hist. Enq. II. 244 While innumerable profess this religion, only few observe it.
d. absol. with plural form. Obsolete. rare.
1796 Mod. Gulliver's Trav. 207 There are almost innumerables who say, wish, and hope so.
1803 R. Southey Select. from Lett. (1856) I. 426 He wrote sonnets—a class of poems in which there must be innumerables which are good for nothing.


iˈnnumerably adv.
the world > relative properties > number > enumeration, reckoning, or calculation > [adverb] > to an innumerable extent
the world > relative properties > number > plurality > great number, numerousness > [adverb] > to an innumerable extent
sans nombre1655
1574 J. Whitgift Def. Aunswere to Admon. ii. 108 S. Augustine speaketh of the vnreasonable multitude of ceremonies, vsing these wordes: innumerabiliter variantur, are varied innumerably.
1653 I. Walton Compl. Angler viii. 162 Where they will breed, they breed innumerably . View more context for this quotation
a1785 R. Glover Athenaid (1787) III. xxix. 189 The light Of sparkling brands, innumerably wav'd.
iˈnnumerableness n.
the world > relative properties > number > enumeration, reckoning, or calculation > [noun] > capability of calculation > incapability
1573 J. Daus tr. H. Bullinger Hundred Serm. vpon Apocalipse (rev. ed.) xxix. f. 80v To esteme the power of kings by the greatnes, hugenes, and innumerablenes of their armyes.
1580 C. Hollyband Treasurie French Tong Innumerableté, innumerablenesse.
This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1900; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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