

单词 india stock

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India stock
b. attributive. Of or relating to the East India Company or the government of British India, as India bonds, India director, India stock, etc. Now historical.
society > trade and finance > stocks and shares > stocks, shares, or bonds > [noun] > stock > types of
joint stock1615
water stock1675
Bank stock1694
India stock1702
government stock1734
gas stock1820
railway stock1836
common stock1852
blue chip1874
red chip1968
small cap1984
1702 E. Ward Hob turn’d Courtier 12 That India Stock, the Old and New, Wou'd rise again within a Day.
1707 Animadversions Bank of Eng. 1 The abundant Plenty of Sealed Bills, and India Bonds.
1761 London Mag. June 331/2 Some of the finest muslins and perfumes of the East, which by the India directors have been presented to his Majesty.
1773 O. Goldsmith She stoops to Conquer ii. 31 Left me by my uncle, the India Director.
1849 W. M. Thackeray Pendennis II. vi. 57 Three stars in India Stock to her name, begad!
1851 J. W. Kaye Hist. War Afghanistan II. vi. iii. 284 His occupancy..of the chief seat at the India Board, rendered him familiar with the workings of the Indian Government.
1872 Times 19 Nov. 7/5 There never was a time when India Directors and their servants, when Ministers and Parliament, did not think we had too much.
1933 Times 22 June 21/6 Our holdings of 6 per Cent. India bonds had a market value at the close of the year in excess of the cost appearing in our accounts.
1980 P. O'Brian Surgeon's Mate v. 142 Obviously money was their one concern their talk being all of consols, omnium an India stock.
2000 Hist. Today (Nexis) 1 July 47 The India bonds that provided the Company with its short-term working capital were..highly prized.
extracted from Indian.
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