

单词 inlying picket

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inlying picket
a. Military. A small detachment of troops, sent out to watch for the approach of the enemy (also as outlying picket), or held in quarters in readiness for such duty and to guard against sudden attack (also as inlying picket); any detachment of troops sent out to perform a particular duty. Also: a single soldier so employed. Cf. out-picquet n.Earliest in picket guard n. at Compounds 2.In the British Army Regulations spelt piquet.
society > armed hostility > armed forces > the Army > group with special function or duty > [noun] > for guard duty > picket
picket guard1703
society > armed hostility > armed forces > the Army > group with special function or duty > [noun] > for guard duty > guard with policing duties
provost guard1864
main guard1876
society > armed hostility > warrior > soldier > soldier with special duty > [noun] > guard > other specific guard
1702 Perfection Mil. Discipline (ed. 4) 147 As to the Piquet; it is a Detachment of Men, who are always near the General, ready to Execute whatsover he Commands them.
1727 H. Bland Treat. Mil. Discipline xv. 213 When the Piquet is order'd to March, another is immediately order'd to supply their Room.
1746 A. Stone Let. 24 Apr. in Corr. Dukes of Richmond & Newcastle (1984) 211 Three piquets of French surrendered themselves prisoners, amounting to about 300 Men.
1787 Gentleman's Mag. 57 ii. 1199/2 The piquets and double patroles abandoned their officers, and joined their mutinous comrades.
1844 Queen's Regulations & Orders Army 1 If an Officer's Tour of Duty happen when he is on the Inlying Piquet,..his Tour upon the Piquet is to pass him.
1861 E. L. Beers All Quiet along Potomac in Harper's Weekly 30 Nov. 466/1 Now and then, a stray picket Is shot as he walks on his beat to and fro.
1863 E. C. Gaskell Sylvia's Lovers III. ix. 156 The outlying pickets of the French army were within easy rifle shot.
1886 Pall Mall Gaz. 7 Oct. 9/1 A serious military riot..occurred in the streets of Aldershot..last evening... The military police and pickets had to be reinforced.
1918 W. Faulkner Let. 13 July in Thinking of Home (1992) 77 Three of us..were picked from the flock and set as pickets to Crawford St. barracks. We..were guards two hours and slept four, guards two more, and so on.
1968 P. Warner Sieges of Middle Ages v. 103 Pickets watched every approach road by night and by day.
1988 Daily Tel. 30 July (Weekend Suppl.) p. iv/4 You bring a piquet over from Wellington Barracks..then you relieve the Old Guard and mount the New.
1999 A. Mallinson Close Run Thing xvi. 291 ‘I have posted an inlying picket only, sir,’ said the lieutenant.
2001 Daily Tel. (Nexis) 13 Aug. 21 One day on the frontier Walker had to retrieve some dead Sepoys from an ambushed piquet, whose commander had disobeyed strict instructions.
extracted from picketn.1
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