

单词 inborrow and outborrow

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inborrow and outborrow
2. inborrow and outborrow (in 13th cent. inborewe and utborewe), ‘surety in and out’, applied in 13th cent. to the Earl of Dunbar, who became surety to the kings of England and Scotland respectively for persons permitted to pass out of the one realm into the other.
the mind > language > speech > agreement > security > [phrase] > surety in and out
inborrow and outborrow1210
1210–12 Red Bk. Exch. lf. 147 (Rolls) 562 Comes Patricius [de Dunbar, tenet] baroniam de Beneleghe, ut sit inborewe et utborewe inter Reges Angliæ et Scotiæ.
1278–9 Assize Roll (Northumb.), 7 Edw. I in Cal. Documents Scotl. (1884) II. 42 [The jury present that..Earl Patrick holds his serjeanty in Northumberland by being] in-borwe et ut-borewe ad merk et mere [between the kingdoms].
1610 P. Holland tr. W. Camden Brit. i. 815 In King Henrie the Third his time the Baronie of Patricke Earle of Dunbar: who also as we read..was Inborow and Outborow betweene England and Scotland, that is to say, if I mistake it not, he was to allow and observe in this part, the ingresse and egresse of those that travailed too and fro betweene both Realmes.
extracted from inborghinborrown.
inborrow and outborrow
inborrow and outborrow n. a person who stands as security for the good conduct of people going out from one kingdom to another; spec. the Earl of Dunbar in the 13th cent., who stood as security for people travelling between England and Scotland. Cf. inborgh n. 2.extracted from outborrown.
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