

单词 in regard of

> as lemmas

in regard of
a. in regard of: in comparison with. Also in regard to, at (the) regard of, (as) to or unto the regard of or to. Obsolete (archaic in later use).
the mind > attention and judgement > discovery > comparison > in comparison with [phrase]
in (the) (also to the) reward of1340
(as) to or unto the regard of or toa1400
at (the) regard ofa1400
in regard ofa1400
in regard toa1400
in respect ofc1400
in respect to1526
(as) — as anything1548
a1400 in C. Horstmann Yorkshire Writers (1896) II. 38 (MED) Alle þo paynes..of þis world..solace & ioy men might hom telle to regarde of þo lest payne þore.
c1405 (c1390) G. Chaucer Parson's Tale (Hengwrt) (2003) §106 Al the sorwe þt a man myghte make fro the bigynnyng of the world nys but a litel thyng at regard of [v.rr. at regard at, at þe regarde of] the sorwe of helle.
a1425 (a1400) Prick of Conscience (Galba & Harl.) (1863) 8998 (MED) Alle þir blysses..War als noght, als to regard to þe blys of heven.
a1438 Bk. Margery Kempe (1940) i. 130 (MED) It is ryth nowt þat I suffir in regarde to þat he suffyrd.
1481 W. Caxton tr. Myrrour of Worlde ii. i. 61 Syth that the erthe is so lytil,..lytil may we preyse the goodes therof vnto the regard of heuen.
1483 ( tr. G. Deguileville Pilgrimage of Soul (Caxton) (1859) ii. xlvi. 53 Al this erdely fyre is but thyng depeynted in regard of that other.
1523 Ld. Berners tr. J. Froissart Chron. (1812) I. 322 The companyons were but a fewe in regarde to the Frenchmen.
a1533 Ld. Berners tr. Arthur of Brytayn (?1560) xxix. sig. Fiv The valure of al other knyghtes wer as nothing to the regard of his noblesse.
1596 E. Spenser Second Pt. Faerie Queene vi. xi. sig. Iiv At last when all the rest them offred were,..They all refused in regard of her. View more context for this quotation
1630 tr. G. Botero Relations Famous Kingdomes World (rev. ed.) 247 He spendeth but little in the warres, in regard of that, that..the King of Spaine disburseth.
a1656 R. Gordon Geneal. Hist. Earldom of Sutherland (1813) 167 Vnderstanding Auchindoun his small forces in regaird of theirs.
1755 G. Washington Let. in Writings (1889) I. 195 Sensible how confined their punishments are, in regard to what they ought to be.
1868 W. Morris Earthly Paradise i. 311 In regard of mine, a little thing His kingdom was.
1896 W. Morris Well at World's End (2004) ii. x. 374 We so many that thou and thine will be in regard of us as the pips to the apple.
extracted from regardn.
in regard of
c. in regard of: on account of, by reason of. Obsolete.
the world > existence and causation > causation > cause or reason > [phrase] > because of
in virtue ofa1250
by (also for) reason ofa1350
by the virtue ofa1375
by the cause ofc1405
by occasion ofc1425
for cause ofc1425
by way of1447
for suit of1451
in respect of1528
in consideration of1540
in regard of1600
in intuition to1626
by or in vigour of1636
in view of1710
1600 J. Pory tr. J. Leo Africanus Geogr. Hist. Afr. 261 The passage unto this mountaine is very difficult, in regard of certaine cruell Arabians.
1625 in S. A. Gillon Sel. Justiciary Cases (1953) I. 24 Also in regaird of the grit charges..thay..hes sustenit in cuming sa far.
1662 E. Stillingfleet Origines Sacræ ii. vi. §1 A matter of very difficult tryall, in regard of the goodness..of God so frequently interposing between the prediction and the event.
1699 J. Evelyn Acetaria 68 Tansy..hot and cleansing; but in regard of its domineering relish..much fitter for the Pan being qualified with the Juices of..Spinach, Green Corn, Violet, Primrose-Leaves etc.
1888 W. B. Yeats Fairy & Folk Tales 188 The sun himself, that's not visible in regard of the clouds.
extracted from regardn.
as lemmas




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